How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 12, 2023

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Know your audience


Use multimedia and interactivity


Foster social learning


Provide flexibility and choice


Incorporate gamification and rewards


Evaluate and improve


Here’s what else to consider

Online learning platforms have become a popular and convenient way to access education, especially during the pandemic. However, not all online courses are equally engaging and effective for learners of different ages, backgrounds, and preferences. How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? Here are some tips to consider.

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  • Dr. Hoda Ahmari Tehran Assistant Professor, PhD in Medical Education, MSc, BSc in midwifery), Chair of Medical Education Department

    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (3) 16

  • Elizabeth Fleming TESL, Juris Doctor, MBA Lawyer-Turned-ESL-Teacher

    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (5) 5

  • Néstor Durán Licenciado en educación, especialidad administración escolar, profesor en lenguaje, español, editor y autor de…

    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (7) 3

How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (8) How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (9) How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (10)

1 Know your audience

Before you design or choose an online course, you need to understand who your learners are, what they want to achieve, and how they prefer to learn. You can use surveys, interviews, or analytics to gather information about your audience's demographics, goals, motivations, challenges, and learning styles. This will help you tailor your online course to their needs and interests, and avoid irrelevant or boring content.

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    During enrollment for the online course, keep a questionnaire form to Understand the Level of Learners, which helps the instructor to define an apt content and flow of delivery. And it also provides a way to optimize the learning experience by tapping into the knowledge base of the learners.


    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (19) 12

  • Elizabeth Fleming TESL, Juris Doctor, MBA Lawyer-Turned-ESL-Teacher
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    Know your audience :Play to your students' interests. When I taught ESL in China (2014-2018), I asked students what out-of-classroom things they did to learn English. Many answered that they watched American TV shows like The Vampire Diaries. Did I ever watch the show or think it was important?No, but they did. So be prepared when designing your online materials to do a deep dive into your students' cultural icons. And it doesn't matter how far they are from your own cultural icons. I once developed a game show ESL exercise based on K-Pop bands (Korean pop bands). Do an online survey asking your students what interests them.


    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (28) 5


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2 Use multimedia and interactivity

Online learning platforms can offer a variety of multimedia and interactive elements to enhance the learning experience and appeal to different senses and preferences. You can use videos, podcasts, animations, images, infographics, or simulations to present information in an engaging and memorable way. You can also use quizzes, polls, games, or scenarios to test learners' knowledge, skills, or attitudes, and provide feedback and reinforcement. These elements can help learners stay focused, motivated, and involved in the online course.

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  • Dr. Hoda Ahmari Tehran Assistant Professor, PhD in Medical Education, MSc, BSc in midwifery), Chair of Medical Education Department
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    Great. Post-Pandemic Digital Learning Fatigue is important.▪️Covid-19 caused a surge in remote working and digital learning. Now, remote and hybrid learning environments are commonplace in both corporate training and education.▪️While online learning and digital communication come with vast benefits, they have also given rise todigital fatigue. This refers to a situation where we are too overstimulated because of fully digital experiences.▪️It’s essential to keep this in mind when designing your online courses. Luckily, it’s still possible to host fun online classes if you follow our top tips and best practice! After all, digital fatigue does not lie in the medium but in a failure to engage your learners effectively.


    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (37) 16

  • Nathalie DREAN 🌟 Enseignement supérieur pluridisciplinaire , RH, Management, Communication, Digital, Projet Pro, Personnel Branding, Entrepreneuriat. Facilitatrice Linkedin ✅ 🎯💯 Ecoles d'ingénieurs, de Management et Universités.
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    Pour rendre les plateformes d'apprentissage en ligne attrayantes pour tous les âges, il est essentiel d'intégrer le multimédia, comme des vidéos, des animations et des graphiques interactifs, qui rendent le contenu plus dynamique et visuellement engageant. L'interactivité peut être améliorée par des quiz, des jeux éducatifs et des simulations, qui favorisent une expérience d'apprentissage active. La personnalisation du contenu, permettant aux utilisateurs de choisir leurs parcours d'apprentissage selon leurs intérêts et leur niveau, peut également augmenter l'engagement. Enfin, l'intégration de forums de discussion et de salles de classe virtuelles favorise la collaboration et l'échange entre apprenants de différents âges.



    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (46) 2


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3 Foster social learning

Online learning platforms can also facilitate social learning, which is the process of learning from and with others. Social learning can increase learners' engagement, collaboration, and sense of community. You can foster social learning by creating opportunities for learners to interact with each other and with instructors, such as through forums, chats, webinars, or peer reviews. You can also encourage learners to share their experiences, opinions, or resources, and to give and receive feedback and support.

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  • Renaud Gicquel Professor, Developer of educational digital ressources - Professeur, Développeur de ressources numériques pédagogiques
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    A great way to strengthen social bonds in teaching is to ask learners to complete assignments in small groups and then present them to all their peers, especially in the form of short oral presentations and written reports.This teaches them to organize collectively and distribute roles to achieve the proposed pedagogical objective. By working together on the basis of the resources provided by the teacher as well as those they can procure on their own, they exchange their approaches and points of view, allowing them to overcome many of the difficulties they would encounter working alone.Such collaborative activities can be carried out without difficulty even remotely but I don't see how that would make the platform engaging for all ages.

  • Hemen I. KALARIA Assistant Professor of Marketing at RK University City Campus Rajkot | NPTEL Marketing Domain Scholar | NPTEL Management Discipline Star
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    Peer learning or learning from senior grad students is very important. Family members can also play pivotal role is social learning.


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4 Provide flexibility and choice

Online learning platforms can also offer flexibility and choice to learners, which can enhance their autonomy and satisfaction. You can provide flexibility and choice by allowing learners to access the online course at their own pace, time, and place, and by offering different levels, formats, or paths of learning. You can also give learners some control over their learning goals, strategies, or assessments, and let them choose the topics, activities, or resources that interest them.

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  • Néstor Durán Licenciado en educación, especialidad administración escolar, profesor en lenguaje, español, editor y autor de contenidos educativos freelance

    En el colegio en que trabajo fue visto con sospecha cuando propuse desarrollar un sistema de múltiples rutas posibles para desarrollar ciertas habilidades comunicativas en adolescentes. Partí de la idea de las inteligencias múltiples y de la libertad y autonomía que esperan desarrollar los jóvenes. El producto final propuesto era un texto (escrito o audiovisual) de carácter expositivo. Para llegar a él, algunos optaban por seguir una secuencia más corta, que era posible si alcanzaban determinado puntaje en algunos tests. Otros debían estudiar ciertas lecciones y luego redactar el guion o el borrador de su producto final. Realmente es más compleja la planificación de actividades flexibles y más personalizadas, pero hay mejor aprendizaje.



    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (71) 3

  • Renaud Gicquel Professor, Developer of educational digital ressources - Professeur, Développeur de ressources numériques pédagogiques
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    In order for your e-learning environment to be adapted to learners of different ages, it seems to me that you need to adopt a single overall structure justified by the context, i.e. by the content of the course to be taught and the level of the learners concerned as well as by the educational objectives sought.By offering learners several ways of presenting digital resources, you will provide flexibility, so that they can choose according to their personal preferences, including their age and forms of intelligence.


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5 Incorporate gamification and rewards

Online learning platforms can also incorporate gamification and rewards to make learning more fun and rewarding. Gamification is the use of game-like elements, such as points, badges, levels, or leaderboards, to motivate and challenge learners. Rewards are the positive outcomes or feedback that learners receive for completing tasks or achieving goals, such as certificates, badges, praise, or recognition. These elements can help learners feel more engaged, motivated, and accomplished in the online course.

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  • Néstor Durán Licenciado en educación, especialidad administración escolar, profesor en lenguaje, español, editor y autor de contenidos educativos freelance
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    Solía creer que los adolescentes con quienes trabajo se veían interesados en puntajes y notas, al desarrollar rutas de aprendizaje. O bien, que estarían más motivados por la presentación final de proyectos de redacción y publicación o de actuación. Sin embargo, incorporé un sistema sencillo de insignias en las principales etapas de la ruta de aprendizaje. Resultó que se alegraban, se emocionaban; y me decían que habían recibido tal o cual reconocimiento; o bien, se preocupaban por lograrlo en la siguiente etapa. Las insignias digitales, como los aplausos, son una forma de recompensa inmaterial que puede resultar motivadora en procesos de mediana o larga duración.


  • Ashvinkumar Sindhva Case Coordinator at SPS Canada Immigration
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    Including gamified components like badges, points, or leaderboards to reward learners and make learning more interesting.Create curriculum-aligned instructional games to reinforce key topics in a fun way.


6 Evaluate and improve

Finally, online learning platforms can also benefit from evaluation and improvement, which can ensure their quality and effectiveness. You can evaluate and improve your online course by collecting and analyzing data on learners' performance, satisfaction, feedback, or suggestions. You can also use tools such as surveys, tests, or analytics to measure the impact of your online course on learners' knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Based on the results, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your online course, and make changes or improvements accordingly.

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  • Ashvinkumar Sindhva Case Coordinator at SPS Canada Immigration
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    Provide timely feedback on assessments and progress to assist learners to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Dr. Hoda Ahmari Tehran Assistant Professor, PhD in Medical Education, MSc, BSc in midwifery), Chair of Medical Education Department
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    🟢Create a more engaging virtual classroomPresent your best (online) self.Use technology to your advantage.Find what inspires your students.Set goals and help students stick to them.Keep it interactive.Break down the lessons and make it digestible.Make your students feel valued.Be patient with your students.


    How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (112) How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (113) 3

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    Utilize interactive teaching methods: Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio files to enhance the learning experience and cater to different learning styles like The Smart Class or The Smart Education System. Gamify the learning process: Introduce game-like elements such as quizzes, challenges, and rewards to make the online learning platform more engaging and motivate learners to actively participate.Encourage a sense of community: Build a strong online community where learners can interact with each other through discussion forums, group activities, and collaborative projects. This creates a supportive environment and encourages active engagement with the learning material.amit24365@gmail.comamitkumarsethi


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How can you make online learning platforms engaging for all ages? (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.