What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 13, 2024

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Learning objectives


User interface


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Communication and collaboration


Assessment and evaluation


Professional development

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Online learning platforms are becoming more popular and essential for remote students who want to pursue higher education. However, designing an effective and engaging online learning platform is not a simple task. It requires careful planning, pedagogical strategies, technical skills, and user feedback. In this article, you will learn some of the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students, based on the following aspects:

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  • Kaitlin Dumont The Mrs. Maisel of EdTech.

    What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (3) 2

  • Sadaf Hashmi ✍️ 💯 per cent Plagiarism-Free Content | YT- Script Writer | An Educationist

    What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (5) 1

  • What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (7) 1

What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (8) What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (9) What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (10)

1 Learning objectives

Before you start designing your online learning platform, you need to define your learning objectives clearly and align them with your course content and assessment methods. Learning objectives are statements that describe what your remote students should be able to do or know by the end of the course or module. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Learning objectives will help you to structure your online learning platform, select the appropriate tools and resources, and evaluate your students' progress and performance.

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  • Michael Oyenuga PhD Associate Professor/Manaaki Scholar/Top Higher Education Voice

    I am fortunate to have had series of online studies with different institutions and platforms. United Nations Institute of Training and Research, GIZ, Coursera, Uniathena, Edx, Mit Open Learning, National Open University of Nigeria, UBIS, JBU, The World Bank, just to mention a few.From my experiences on these platforms and schools, it is important that remote students should have platforms that encourages user generated content. By this I mean that students are able to give feedback on lectures and contents as well as be able to review other people's assignement.It's also good to have asynchronous classes whereby lecture materials can be downloaded and read at students' discretion rather than having all synchronous classes.

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  • Nathalie DREAN 🌟 Enseignement supérieur pluridisciplinaire , RH, Management, Communication, Digital, Projet Pro, Personnel Branding, Entrepreneuriat. Facilitatrice Linkedin ✅ 🎯💯 Ecoles d'ingénieurs, de Management et Universités.

    Pour concevoir des plateformes d'apprentissage en ligne efficaces pour les étudiants à distance, il est essentiel d'adopter une approche pédagogique adaptée. L'intégration des objectifs d'apprentissage permet de guider le processus de conception. Il est crucial d'utiliser des méthodes d'enseignement interactives et engageantes telles que la gamification, les vidéos explicatives et les quiz en ligne. L'utilisation d'outils technologiques tels que les forums de discussion, les classes virtuelles et les plateformes de partage de ressources peut également favoriser la participation active des étudiants et soutenir leur apprentissage autonome.


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2 User interface

The user interface of your online learning platform is the visual and interactive element that your remote students will use to access and navigate your course. It should be simple, intuitive, consistent, and responsive. You should avoid cluttering your user interface with too many features, buttons, menus, or links that might confuse or distract your students. You should also use clear and concise labels, instructions, and feedback to guide your students through your course. Additionally, you should ensure that your user interface is compatible with different devices, browsers, and screen sizes, and that it follows the accessibility and usability standards.

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  • Sadaf Hashmi ✍️ 💯 per cent Plagiarism-Free Content | YT- Script Writer | An Educationist

    I agree with the idea of having a user-friendly interface for a successful online course conduction. The more the user interface is friendly, the more a learner feels at home to use it.


    What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (35) 1

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  • Nathalie DREAN 🌟 Enseignement supérieur pluridisciplinaire , RH, Management, Communication, Digital, Projet Pro, Personnel Branding, Entrepreneuriat. Facilitatrice Linkedin ✅ 🎯💯 Ecoles d'ingénieurs, de Management et Universités.

    Pour concevoir des plateformes d'apprentissage en ligne adaptées aux étudiants à distance, il est essentiel de mettre en place une interface utilisateur intuitive et conviviale. Il est recommandé d'utiliser des outils tels que des questionnaires interactifs pour évaluer les besoins des apprenants, des méthodes de navigation simplifiées pour faciliter l'accès aux contenus et des mises en situation réelles pour rendre l'expérience d'apprentissage plus immersive. En intégrant soigneusem*nt l'interface utilisateur, les plateformes d'apprentissage en ligne peuvent offrir une expérience d'apprentissage plus efficace et agréable pour les étudiants à distance.


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3 Content delivery

The content delivery of your online learning platform is the way you present and communicate your course material to your remote students. It should be relevant, engaging, and diverse. You should use a variety of formats and media to deliver your content, such as text, images, videos, audio, animations, infographics, or podcasts. You should also use interactive elements, such as quizzes, polls, games, or simulations, to enhance your content and motivate your students. Moreover, you should organize your content into manageable chunks and sequences, and provide clear learning outcomes, summaries, and reviews for each unit or lesson.

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  • Nathalie DREAN 🌟 Enseignement supérieur pluridisciplinaire , RH, Management, Communication, Digital, Projet Pro, Personnel Branding, Entrepreneuriat. Facilitatrice Linkedin ✅ 🎯💯 Ecoles d'ingénieurs, de Management et Universités.

    Lors de la conception de plateformes d’apprentissage en ligne pour les étudiants à distance, il est essentiel d'intégrer la diffusion de contenu de manière efficace et attrayante. Il est recommandé d'utiliser des outils interactifs tels que des forums de discussion pour favoriser l'engagement des étudiants. L'incorporation de vidéocours peut également être bénéfique, offrant une expérience d'apprentissage plus dynamique. Enfin, il est essentiel de mettre en place une organisation claire et intuitive, en utilisant des méthodes de structuration et de présentation cohérentes pour faciliter la navigation sur la plateforme.


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  • Kaitlin Dumont The Mrs. Maisel of EdTech.

    In my experience, poly-synchronous is the name of the game (both live online and asynch content) but with careful thought out into what type of content is better suited for what modality!

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4 Communication and collaboration

The communication and collaboration of your online learning platform is the way you facilitate and support the interaction and cooperation among your remote students and between you and your students. It should be frequent, meaningful, and constructive. You should use various tools and methods to enable communication and collaboration, such as forums, chats, blogs, wikis, or video conferencing. You should also create and moderate online communities of practice, where your students can share their ideas, experiences, questions, or feedback. Furthermore, you should provide timely and specific feedback and guidance to your students, and encourage them to give feedback to each other.

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  • Kaitlin Dumont The Mrs. Maisel of EdTech.

    A variety of group settings ranging from large Zoom rooms to team-based application projects to even 1:1 peer mentorship! However, be mindful not to have too many communications channels - it can be overwhelming and confusing to the learner.


    What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (68) 2

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  • Jaime Smith, CEP President/CEO @ OnlineG3.com | Certified Educational PlannerHelping students find new paths to higher education.

    Humans are social creatures and we learn best in communities. One of the biggest problems in online learning is student isolation. Online classes need frequent communication and collaboration opportunities to help students feel a sense of belonging, even at a distance.

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5 Assessment and evaluation

The assessment and evaluation of your online learning platform is the way you measure and improve your students' learning outcomes and your course quality. It should be valid, reliable, and fair. You should use different types of assessment and evaluation, such as formative, summative, diagnostic, or self-assessment, to monitor your students' progress and performance. You should also use various formats and criteria to assess and evaluate your students, such as tests, assignments, portfolios, rubrics, or peer review. Additionally, you should collect and analyze data and feedback from your students and other stakeholders, and use them to revise and refine your online learning platform.

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  • Nathalie DREAN 🌟 Enseignement supérieur pluridisciplinaire , RH, Management, Communication, Digital, Projet Pro, Personnel Branding, Entrepreneuriat. Facilitatrice Linkedin ✅ 🎯💯 Ecoles d'ingénieurs, de Management et Universités.

    Lors de la conception de plateformes d'apprentissage en ligne pour les étudiants à distance, il est essentiel d'intégrer différents types d'évaluation pour une expérience d'apprentissage interactive et stimulante. Des outils tels que les forums de discussion permettent aux étudiants d'interagir et de partager leurs idées, favorisant ainsi l'apprentissage collaboratif. La méthode de l'apprentissage par projets encourage les étudiants à appliquer leurs connaissances dans des situations concrètes, renforçant ainsi leur compréhension et leur rétention. Enfin, un suivi régulier des progrès des étudiants à l'aide de quiz en ligne ou de tests permet de mesurer leur niveau de compréhension et de s'assurer de leur progression.


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6 Professional development

The professional development of your online learning platform is the way you enhance your own skills and knowledge as an online instructor and designer. It should be continuous, reflective, and collaborative. You should seek and participate in various opportunities and resources to improve your online teaching and design skills, such as courses, workshops, webinars, or podcasts. You should also reflect on your own practice and challenges, and seek feedback and support from your peers, mentors, or experts. Moreover, you should stay updated and informed about the latest trends and developments in online learning and technology, and adapt your online learning platform accordingly.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • When designing an online course, it's essential to incorporate both asynchronous and synchronous elements. For asynchronous learning, provide accessible recorded lectures, reading materials, and discussion forums that allow students to engage with the content at their own pace. Additionally, offering opportunities for synchronous activities, such as live classes, virtual office hours, and group discussions, can foster a sense of community and collaboration, and provide instant feedback. To enhance peer interaction, consider incorporating group projects, study groups, and interactive assignments. Instructors should be available for real-time Q&A sessions and facilitate engaging synchronous activities to deepen students' understanding.


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Higher Education What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (94)

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What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? (2024)


What are the best ways to design online learning platforms for remote students? ›

It should be simple, intuitive, consistent, and responsive. You should avoid cluttering your user interface with too many features, buttons, menus, or links that might confuse or distract your students. You should also use clear and concise labels, instructions, and feedback to guide your students through your course.

How to build an EdTech platform? ›

Steps on how to start an EdTech startup
  1. Explore the EdTech market: your niche might be the most problematic group of customers. ...
  2. Come with a time-relevant business strategy. ...
  3. Pay attention to marketing across all stages. ...
  4. Invaluable tech resources: find your development partner. ...
  5. Form a legal entity and register for taxes.

How to build an e-learning app? ›

6 Essential Steps for Developing Your eLearning App
  1. step1. Market analysis.
  2. step2. Define the target audience.
  3. step3. Work on UI/UX design.
  4. step4. Features of MVP.
  5. step5. Selecting the monetization method.
  6. step6. Testing support.
Apr 10, 2024

How to design an effective online course? ›

Use a blend of different teaching techniques to make content more engaging
  1. Bring storytelling into your teaching.
  2. Create a learning community.
  3. Use both synchronous and asynchronous learning.
  4. Host live lessons or Q&As.
  5. Use microlearning to break big topics into bite-sized chunks.
  6. Include gamification to motivate your students.
2 days ago

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The best way of making yourself known is to build online visibility, after thorough research, of course.
  1. Create a website marketplace. ...
  2. Use data collection methods. ...
  3. Get paid as quickly as you spend money. ...
  4. Bloom your online school. ...
  5. Integrate CRM System into the platform. ...
  6. Save your time enjoying the best communication tools.

How do you implement an e learning platform? ›

eLearning Project Implementation – 7 Steps to Success
  1. Define the Learning Objective. ...
  2. Choose the Right Training Tools. ...
  3. Produce a Budget and Action Plan. ...
  4. Prepare the Learning Content. ...
  5. Run a Pilot eLearning Project. ...
  6. Motivate and Support Employees to Access eLearning. ...
  7. Evaluate eLearning Effectiveness.
Jan 26, 2023

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As an EdTech startup your success depends on truly grasping who your target customers are – teachers, students, schools or districts. The more you understand their pain points, priorities and workflows, the better you can build solutions that solve real problems. Talk to educators and administrators, ideally in person.

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Steps to building an eLearning website
  1. Validate your idea. To properly validate your idea you have to look at the numbers. ...
  2. Define your niche. Think about the courses you will offer. ...
  3. Choose a business model. ...
  4. Implement must-have features. ...
  5. Choose the development approach. ...
  6. Engage good educators.
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What is an eLearning template? ›

An elearning template is a file that contains pre-formatted or part-designed elements that you can adapt and customize to fit your project.

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How to create an online course
  1. Choose the right subject matter.
  2. Validate your idea.
  3. Research the topic extensively.
  4. Write a course outline.
  5. Set the stage for your online course.
  6. Create the course content.
  7. Sell your online course.
  8. Market your content.

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How to create an online course in 10 steps
  1. Choose the topic of your course.
  2. Conduct customer research.
  3. Select the format of your course.
  4. Test if your course has high market demand.
  5. Pre-sell your course.
  6. Outline your course content.
  7. Set course pricing and sales goals.
  8. Choose the right course platform.

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Potential online course designers generally need both an undergraduate and a master's degree to enter the field. Because of the differences between traditional and online education, many employers also prefer that you have at least a few years of experience working in a virtual educational environment.

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How do you write a good online course?
  • Structure.
  • Group Similar Ideas into Modules. A progressive flow that depends on the order. ...
  • Select Type of Content.
  • Organize Online Course by Choosing a Format.
  • Attendance. ...
  • Providing Supportive Content to Students.
  • Consistency is Important. ...
  • Exams.
Apr 22, 2024

What should an online learning platform have? ›

  • User-Friendly Interface. Everything must flow smoothly and tailored to enhance the learner's experience. ...
  • Learner Engagement. ...
  • Social Learning Tools. ...
  • Mobile Integration and Apps. ...
  • Cloud Hosting. ...
  • Interactive Elements. ...
  • Content Security. ...
  • Accreditation.

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The development cost may range from $40,000 to $100,000 for entry-level eLearning apps with essential features. However, more advanced education platforms with additional features and extensive content libraries can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.