30 of the Best Motivational & Inspirational Books (2024)

How To Be The Love You Seek

By Nicole LePera

While relationships of all kinds, from romantic and familial to platonic, can provide us with the vital bonds we seek, they can, unfortunately, also cause us the greatest hurt. The latest title from Nicole LePera explores how to break painful cycles, foster better relationships and, ultimately, become the love we seek.

Feel-Good Productivity

By Ali Abdaal

Many of us associate productivity with hard work and discipline, but what if there’s another way? In Feel-Good Productivity, Dr Ali Abdaal draws on decades of research to reveal that the secret to productivity is less about the grind and more about finding joy in everything you do.

The Power Of Now

By Eckhart Tolle

It’s easy to worry about what’s to come or to ruminate on everything that’s happened in the past, but US author Eckhart Tolle explores what happens when we live in the present moment. Using simple language and an engaging question-and-answer format, you’ll soon surrender yourself to the here-and-now.

Bright Shining

By Julia Baird

The latest title from Julia Baird, the bestselling author of Phosphorescence, explores the concept of grace, how we recognise it and how we can go about nurturing and expressing it. If you want to be kinder and better at showing forgiveness for others, take some time to flick through this moving and insightful title.

The House That Joy Built

By Holly Ringland

If you love the thought of being creative but struggle to get started, The House That Joy Built by Holly Ringland is here to help you break through your fear and, once more, find joy in creativity. With Ringland’s help, you’ll soon be tapping into your imagination and giving yourself permission to create in whichever way you please!

The Daily Stoic

By Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman

Looking to dip your toes into the world of Stoic philosophy? See why the wise words of philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus continue to inspire and inform thousands of years later. Create your own daily ritual with this title’s page-per-day format.

Showing Up

By Nedd Brockmann

Nedd Brockmann had a goal to run from Cottesloe in Western Australia to Sydney’s Bondi Beach faster than anyone before – all to raise money to help tackle homelessness. Delve into the stories that shaped Brockmann’s mindset and helped him continue to put one foot in front of the other as he completed the 3,953 kilometres from coast to coast.

Be Useful

By Arnold Schwarzenegger

Finding meaning and purpose in life can certainly be a tricky task. Let pop culture icon and former politician Arnold Schwarzenegger guide you on the path to discovering your true purpose with seven rules distilled from his extraordinary life.

Start With Why

By Simon Sinek

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so successful, time after time? Simon Sinek analyses a variety of leaders, from Steve Jobs to Martin Luther King Jr, and pinpoints what they all have in common – a penchant for asking ‘why?’. Discover how to step beyond simply knowing what to do and how to do things and start asking why.


By Dr Carol S. Dweck

While natural talent and abilities can get us so far in life, did you know that our mindset may also play a part in our success? Explore the power of a growth mindset with this fascinating read from Stanford University psychologist Dr Carol S. Dweck.

Atomic Habits

By James Clear

Want to improve your life with as little effort as possible? Yep, us too! Take some tips from James Clear, whose international bestseller Atomic Habits reveals how making tiny everyday tweaks can create massive change. One of the most searched for and best inspirational books around, this is a great read to kick off your year.

Atlas of the Heart

By Brené Brown

If creating more meaningful connections is on your to-do list, flick through the latest of bestselling author Brené Brown’s many inspirational books. The renowned vulnerability and shame researcher delves into the very human – sometimes very sticky – emotions that define and unite us, and begins to demystify the language of connection, bringing us one step closer to one another.

Dare to Lead

By Brené Brown

There’s a reason Brené Brown’s books are bestsellers. In Dare to Lead, decades of research have been distilled into another marvellous motivational book, in which she shares ideas around what it takes to be a truly great leader. From staying curious and never hoarding power, to learning how to lean into vulnerability, this read can help you achieve connection in the workplace.


By Hector Garcia & Francesca Miralles

On the Japanese island of Okinawa, you’ll find the world’s longest-living people. The secret to their longevity? They say it’s a concept known as ‘ikigai’ – a life purpose, a raison d’être. Having a reason to get up and go in the morning is the key to living a more fulfilled existence, they believe – and in this, one of the gentler inspirational books on the market, the authors help you uncover your own ‘ikigai’ for a more passionate, purposeful life.

Can't Hurt Me

By David Goggins

If you love stories of tragedy to triumph, it doesn’t get much better than this. Once depressed, overweight and seemingly with no future, David Goggins used what he now calls ‘The 40% Rule’ to escape his poverty-stricken, underprivileged upbringing, master his mind and become one of the world’s top endurance athletes. Flick through the pages of one of the best motivational books around to learn his method – and maybe even change your life.

The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

Some of the very best inspirational books don’t fall into the ‘self-help’ category at all and Coelho’s The Alchemist is one such work. On the surface, it’s the sweet tale of a young shepherd going out into the world to find treasure – but the beautifully interwoven messages about following dreams, listening to the heart’s desires, and paying attention to the universe’s often subtle signs are what have made this a modern-day inspirational classic.

Big Magic

By Elizabeth Gilbert

Who better to pen self-motivational books on creativity than those who are thriving in the space? Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the wildly successful novel Eat, Pray, Love, spills her secrets to accessing the creative magic we all have within – and, surprisingly, it’s not as hard as you may think! Dive deep to learn her tips and tricks to write your own bestseller, or simply find more joy in the everyday.

The Four Agreements

By Don Miguel Ruiz

Could four simple tenants based on ancient Toltec wisdom really change your life? Don Miguel Ruiz sure thinks so, and with his hit book hanging around on bestseller lists for more than seven years, he might just be onto something. Hands-down one of the best motivational books for anyone looking for simple enlightenment hacks.

You Are a Badass

By Jen Sincero

Need a confidence boost with a side of belly laughs? You Are a Badass is the non-self-help motivational book you need in your life! Written in a fun, light-hearted (and occasionally expletive-laden) way, this book teaches you how to put a new mindset in place so you can do away with limiting beliefs and cultivate a life you love.


By Glennon Doyle

“Who were you before the world told you who to be?” This question is at the very heart of Glennon Doyle’s memoir-turned-life-guide. Hands-down one of the best inspiring books you’ll lay your eyes on this year, it’s a must for anyone in need of liberation from the world’s expectations and lessons in listening to and trusting your soul’s calling.

Make Your Bed

By William H. McRaven

They say small things can lead to the biggest change and author William H. McRaven believes it’s true after watching it work in his own life. He shares the 10 principles that got him through not only his hardcore Navy Seal training but also various tough times throughout his life, and reveals how you, too, can use these simple ideas to turn your own life around.


By Angela Duckworth

If ‘success’ is your word of the year, get stuck straight in with one of the most inspiring inspirational books on succeeding. Psychologist Angela Duckworth discovers that reaching our goals is far less about talent or luck than it is about determination, perseverance and passion – aka grit.

Tiny Beautiful Things

By Cheryl Strayed

Prepare the tissues because this one will make you cry while you soak in all of the beautifully blunt, painfully honest, unbelievably poignant life advice offered up by the author of Wild. This collection of letters and Strayed’s heartfelt responses from her time spent as an Agony Aunt is something truly special.

A New Earth

By Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle has dominated the new-age self-improvement space for decades, changing lives with his best selling motivational books. In this follow-up to his wildly successful The Power of Now, the spiritual teacher shifts the focus from the self to the world around us, offering up ideas around making the world a better, more spiritually evolved place.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

By Charlie Mackesy

Whether you’re eight, 18 or 80, there’s something within the pages of this stunningly illustrated picture book for you – just one of the reasons The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse has become one of the best inspirational books on shelves in recent years. There is uplifting beauty in the sweet simplicity of the four titular characters’ discovery of love, hope, vulnerability, friendship, courage and kindness.

Congratulations, By the Way

By George Saunders

In the market for a short, sharp inspiration hit? Add this book to your cart – it’s a speech George Saunders gave to the graduation class of Syracuse University that quickly went viral after being posted on YouTube. Bonus if you’re low on time – it’s one of the shorter motivational books on shelves (but no less meaningful, trust us).

Good Vibes, Good Life

By Vex King

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but what about its title? Because this one sounds like a guaranteed winner! Luckily, what’s between the pages is just as promising, with author Vex King sharing his own secrets to overcoming adversity, cultivating positivity and learning to love ourselves, completely and unequivocally. One of the great inspirational books for a new generation.

The Resilience Project

By Hugh van Cuylenburg

Gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. They’ve become buzzwords in today’s culture and their importance is undeniable – something van Cuylenburg began to understand when he noticed these were the three key traits shared by a group of remarkably upbeat kids despite living in an impoverished community. Explore the transformational power of these traits in one of the most inspiring books on the human spirit.


By Dr Amir Levine and Rachel S. F. Heller

This is the year to get love right. Whether you’re searching for a special someone or want to learn how to make your relationship even better, this page-turner explores the science behind romance and how we can foster and strengthen meaningful relationships and long-lasting love.

Destination Simple

By Brooke McAlary

Do you ever just long to slow right down and simplify things? Amidst the chaos and busyness of our lives, the prospect of living with less noise and more intention can feel like a lofty goal, but author Brooke McAlary did it. Here she shares how she made space for slowness by building small steps into every day and, in turn, regained a sense of control, energy and passion for life.

Looking for even more inspirational reads to kick off the year? Discover our New Year, New Goals section and pick up some self-help books, titles to help you pick up a new hobby or some gorgeous lifestyle gifts to get you going!!

30 of the Best Motivational & Inspirational Books (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.