Walmart Application Online Walmart Jobsw - [DOCX Document] (2024)

Walmart Application Online Walmart Jobsw - [DOCX Document] (1)



16 February 2012

ON-LINE JOB APPLICATIONSMany things have changed in recent years about getting a job, and now companies and businesses are using online job applications instead of a paper one. While it has streamlined the process a lot, it has also taken away from the more personal satisfaction with seeing someone face to face. While some of the procedures are the same, there are many other differences.

A really big tip when filling out a job application is not to put “any” where you are asked what position you are looking for. If you are looking for a job online, companies will post what positions are available, including corporate jobs, internships, and distribution, not just their retail store positions. If you put “any,” they don’t have the time to find a place for you and your application will be rejected right away.

Whatever you do, be honest when filling out an online application. A potential employer can find out almost anything they want about you with a simple internet search. They can find out about any criminal record you may have, and even your credit score. If you have a criminal record, you don’t have to go into great detail, if they really want to hire you they will. Being honest right away will get you a lot farther than lying.

While applications online makes it easier for people who tend to scribble when they write,

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you still have to have the correct spelling, and make sure you get the name of the company right! Even if you are filling out many applications at a time, take your time and make sure there are no mistakes, employers don’t tolerate poor spelling and grammar.

Even if you are just getting started in the work force, you can still put down work experience. If you ever had a good babysitting job, or mowed the neighbor’s yard, you can use these people as not only an employment reference but also as a personal reference. Parents make good personal contacts as well.

Even though you are not seeing someone in person you still have to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Be quick and to the point filling out information from other jobs, and again, make sure that their contact information is accurate. It is a good idea to have all of this information ready just as you would in person. Before you just start filling out information, look over each page carefully so you are not in-putting too much.

First impressions are important. Your appearance is important, even when submitting an application. Every time you make contact with an employer, dress as though you are ready to go to work. The employer may have a job that needs to be filled and want to interview you immediately. Remember to bring everything with you that you will need when filling out applications. It does not create a business-like impression when a job seeker needs to borrow the employer's pens or telephone books to complete an application. Be organized. Bring the following items with you when you think you might be completing applications: •Ball point pens (black or blue ink)•Your fact sheet (See "Fact Sheet" below)•Copies of your resume (See "Tips for Success," "The Resume")

Your completed application is a reflection of you. Make it a good one!

How to fill out an application:It is important that you read the entire application form before you start filling it out. Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly. Completing the application properly is very important, because the application is your first chance to present your skills to the employer.

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Employers review the information on job applications when deciding who to schedule for job interviews. Remember that employers often judge the appearance of an application as a clue to how much importance you put on the quality of your work.Here are some helpful tips to follow when completing applications:1. Greet the receptionist politely when requesting or submitting an application. The receptionist's first impressions are often passed along. 2. Be honest in your answers. 3. Use blue or black ink pens. (Erasable pens are also helpful.) 4. Have all the information on hand that you might need to fill out an application, such as a fact sheet with the names and telephone numbers of your references and past employers. 5. Print clearly and legibly. 6. Fill out the form neatly and accurately. 7. Apply for a specific position, rather than entering "anything," or "open" for the desired position. 8. Leave no blanks.9. Write "Does Not Apply" (or "N/A" for Not Applicable) in the space if the question does not apply to you. 10. Explain lengthy gaps in your work history, for example, "attending school." 11. Read and check the application for completeness before turning it in to the employer. 12. Be sure to sign and date the application. 13. Mail or turn the application into the correct person or place.

Personal DataEmployment applications request a wide variety of personal information ranging from your social security number for employment tax purposes to questions about your personal hobbies and interests. The following list provides examples of how to complete the most typical information requested on job applications: 1. In the name field, be sure to note in what order the employer wants your first and last names. Print neatly. If you have previously applied for a job with an employer, make sure that any name change on the application is noted.2. Use an address where you can receive mail. You may also be asked how long you've lived at your current address.

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3. Provide your telephone number with an area code. If you use a message number, make sure that everyone at that number knows what to say for you or that the message on a message machine is appropriate. For a business number, include an extension number if one is available.

4. Be sure that you meet the health requirements for the job. If a physical examination is a condition of employment, the employer must pay for it and can only request it after you are hired.

5. All applications ask for information about the schools you've attended. Usually you will need to list the city and state where the school was located and

any degrees earned. List your education, detailing any special courses. Be prepared to provide transcripts, if requested.6. If you have any professional certification, licenses, or registrations, list them. For example, you may be a licensed cosmetologist, dental hygienist, or have a special class driver's license.

7. List any hobbies or interests you may have. This will provide the employer with additional information about related skills.8. If possible, avoid entering birth dates or school graduation dates on an application.9. Some applications request information about prior misdemeanor or felony convictions. Read the application questions carefully and answer truthfully, adding "will discuss at interview." You can be fired for not telling the truth on an application.

Work Data

1. Always fill in the space for the "Position Desired." Never write "any" or "will do anything!" A vague answer makes it difficult for the employer to visualize how your special skills will meet their company needs. It is acceptable to list more than one position, but do some research first so you know job titles used at the company.2. In the salary desired field write "open" or "negotiable" rather than putting in a salary figure that might be too high or too low. The employer will look at the salaries paid previously.3. In the availability field write "immediately," if you are available to start right away. If you are currently employed, indicate that you are available to start after giving two weeks’ notice.

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Giving two weeks’ notice makes it more likely that you will get a good reference from the employer. Be knowledgeable about the hours required for the job. New employees rarely have a choice about the hours and shift available.

Job Experience1. Under work experience, the application form usually asks for your job title and dates of employment; the name, address, and phone number of the employer; and a description of your duties. Some applications also ask for your salary and your supervisor's name. Include part-time and full-time jobs. Make sure that the dates of employment don't overlap or conflict.2. If asked for the reason you left a job, use positive phrases like: "to take a job with more responsibility," "moved," "seasonal," "business closed," "job or contract ended," "temporary work," " laid off," " reorganization," "returned to school," " or "career change." Avoid negative words like "fired," "quit," "absenteeism," or "tardiness."3. Employers are often interested in what you do outside of work because it reflects your interests and abilities. Highlight any club activities, or volunteer work, or organizations you belong to, that may relate to the job you are seeking.4. List any special skills, abilities, experience and/or training that relate to the position you want. If you were in the military service, emphasize the duties you performed that relate to the job for which are applying. Have all appropriate forms available, such as certificates.

5. Always talk to your references before beginning your work search, to ask permission to use their names, addresses, and phone numbers on your application(s). Former employers, business acquaintances, teachers, and the clergy are all acceptable references. Be sure to keep your reference list updated and let them know when you find a job.Mistakes to AvoidSome of the most common mistakes that job seekers make on applications are:1. Not following directions2. Misspelled words3. Crossed out writing4. Not printed5. Wrinkled or messy application form6. Incomplete information or unanswered questions7. Not applying for a specific position8. Incomplete work history, or large unexplained gaps in work history9. Overlapping or conflicting employment dates with no explanation10. Application not turned in by the deadline11. Use of troublesome words, such as "quit" or "fired"12. Forgetting to sign the application

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Five Job Application Mistakes to Avoid…Don’t be this guy!Make a good impression

You’re awesome. You know you are. So why won’t anyone hire you?

Your awesomeness may not be coming across in your job application. All the time we see talented job seekers who give the wrong impression to employers because of what

they say – or don’t say – when they’re applying for jobs. Here are five common job application mistakes that might be stopping you from getting the job.

1. You look like a job hopper.Here’s your mistake: All the past jobs you list on your application lasted only a month or two. Employers see this and get nervous. They’re thinking, “I can’t hire this guy – as soon as I spend the money to train him he’ll leave.” Here’s how to fix it: First of all just delete any job from your online profile that lasted less than three months (unless you’re a student and that’s all you have). Use the “Tell Us about Yourself” section to explain – briefly! – Why you have a spotty work history. Say something like this: “I’ve held a few short-term jobs in the past year because I was a full-time student and my schedule changed frequently. I’m now looking for a permanent position and I’m very interested in working for your company.”2. You act like you don't want the job.Here’s your mistake: The hiring manager liked what she saw in your application – liked it so much that she called and left you a voicemail. But she never heard back from you, so guess what? She figured you didn’t want the job and hired someone else.Here’s how to fix it: When you get a message from an employer, never assume they’ll call you back. You’re trying to show them you really want the job, remember? Call back right away – and if you can’t reach the manager, at least leave a message to show that you called. Keep trying until you get through. Remember to check your phone messages – and your email – at least once a day. And pleeease!?! No Lady Gaga as your voicemail background music.3. You look like you have something to hide.

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Here’s your mistake: There’s nothing about you in your online profile. We automatically include the info from online profile in your job application, making it easy to apply to jobs. But this doesn’t help you at all if your profile is blank. Employers want to know as much about you as possible: where you’ve worked, what skills you have and where you went to school. If you don’t provide this information, you’re a mystery. And you won’t get hired.Here’s how to fix it: Sign in and print out your profile. Circle all the blank areas. Did you fill out your past work experience? Did you use the “Tell Us about Yourself” section to explain why you’d be perfect for the job? Pretend you’re a hiring manager – do you have enough information here to make a hiring decision? If not, add all the details you can think of.4. You freak out the hiring manager.Here’s your mistake: You might have all the qualifications and skills an employer is looking for – but if your email address is [emailprotected] and pics of your bat-wing tattoos are plastered on Facebook, hiring managers might be a little freaked out.Here’s how to fix it: You don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not – but if you’re serious about getting a job, think about how you might come across to hiring managers. Use a neutral email address, clean up your online image, and make sure your profile shows how great a worker you are. Also, look for jobs that fit your personality; facial piercings and front-desk jobs might not go so well together.5. You come across as being carless careless.Here’s your mistake: You’d be surprised by how many employers will toss out your job application if it includes typos. Unless you’re applying to be a sign painter, employers don’t require you to be a champion speller. But submitting a job application that says “Worked in restorant as a bartinder” tells the hiring manager that you’re just not trying very hard.Here’s how to fix it: Print out your online profile and get someone else to read it. Simple as that. They’ll catch the mistakes you might miss. The great thing about is that once you’ve proofread your profile, you don’t have to do it again – the correct info will automatically be sent to employers when you apply for a job. Good luck!

There are a variety of ways to complete a job application. Employment applications can be completed in person, online at job sites or directly at company websites. No matter which way you apply, the most important rule to remember is to foll o w the directions.

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For Example:• If the employer tells you to apply in person, don’t call.• If the job posting says to mail your resume, do not send it via email.• When job listings says to apply via a form on the company website, don’t email your

application directly to Human Resources.

There is nothing more annoying to hiring managers than job seekers who don’t follow the rules!There are hundreds of web sites where you can post your resume online. With a click of your button, you can upload an existing resume. Some sites include resume building wizards that allow you to cut and paste information from your resume. Once your resume has been uploaded, you can search for jobs that interest you and submit your application and resume.If you are interested in working for a particular company, visit their web site. Career information is usually listed in the “About Us” section of the site. Follow the instructions for searching for and applying to jobs online.When completing online applications, be sure to have the following information on- hand:

• Your contact information• Educational background• Employment history (dates and salary)• Hours available to work

Downloading a sample application and completing it before you begin your online application, will prepare you for completing the online application in an efficient manner.

Remember, employers receive hundreds of applications a day online. You can put yourself at an advantage by familiarizing yourself with the application process, which will increase your comfort level. Your goal is to increase your chances of getting an interview. The best way to do this is to be thorough, accurate and prepared!

Tips for Filling out a Staples Job Application Online

If you have access to a computer and the internet you can fill out almost all job applications online now. From the comfort of your home, the local library or an internet café you can search for a job that interests you, download the application and go to work. Staples is no exception. Here is how you go about it when applying for work on one of their stores.

First, go on line to

At the bottom of the page you will see “Jobs” listed under “Corporate Information”. Click on the links to “Jobs”. There you will find the famous “easy button” but don’t press it! Click instead on “Search Jobs” on the bottom right of the screen. This page provides links to any information you might want on jobs with Staples.

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If you are looking for an hourly job, follow the link to “Hourly Store Jobs”. If you are interested in management there is a link for those jobs as well. Right now, I’m going to take you through the basic Staples hourly employment application. The application is set up to gather all the information necessary about your work interests, experience and qualifications for jobs available at Staples stores.

You will need your:• Social Security Number• Driver’s License Number and Expiration Date• Employment History• Personal References• Professional ReferencesThe good thing about the Staples online application is that Staples store managers within a 50 mile radius can look at your application to see if you qualify for a job opening they might have. So, you only have to fill out one application for multiple job opportunities. The application is held on file, so be sure not to bother filling out a second one if it has been less than six months. It will simply fall to the bottom of the pile anyway.The first step in the process is to search the jobs available through their search venue. You can enter your zip code and a mile radius you are willing to travel, or simply enter the city and state to find job openings. Your search will produce area Staples stores that have job openings. Follow the link “jobs at this location” to find the actual job openings. You can then view the details of the job before applying.Once you have selected a position you are interested in, you can then begin to fill out the online application by clicking on “apply now”. Follow the instructions on the application. Depending on the position for which you are applying, the application will take from 10 to 50 minutes to complete. You can create a user name and password so you can exit the application and return to it later if you do not have time to finish it in one sitting.The application is typical at this point. You will need to enter your name, address, phone number and how you would like to be contacted. You will then add your Social Security Number, Driver’s License information and employment history. It is really helpful to have all of this gathered ahead of time. Once you have completed the application, just hit done and you’re finished!Filling out a job application online for Staples is easy to do and very self-explanatory. Online applications are available in English or Spanish.

Wal-Mart Application - Online Wal-Mart Jobs

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Fill out a Wal-Mart application online and work for the world's largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 208 Fortune Global 500. Founded by Sam Walton in 1962. Wal-Mart online application for part time jobs are easy to fill out and you submit it electronically to immediate job openings online in your zip code! Jobs at Wal-Mart are in abundance as they are the largest private employer in the U.S. and also the largest grocery retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business. It also owns and operates the North American company, Sam's ClubBenefits of filling out a Wal-Mart job application. Wal-Mart saves Americans thousands of dollars a year. And their associates get even more.

Every Wal-Mart associate receives:

10 percent off regularly priced general merchandise in Wal-Mart stores or on their website with the associate discount card.

10 percent off of fresh fruits and vegetables An additional 10 percent off eyewear at Wal-Mart Vision Centers Over 100 discounts on—our associate-only website—for

everything from new cars to movie tickets. Grow Your Future - They believe in their associates’ futures. Last year, they put $870

million into associates’ Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan accounts. They do this whether or not an associate chooses to contribute.

They also make it easy for associates to have an ownership in the company. The Associate Stock Purchase Program allows associates to purchase stock without most brokerage fees. Plus, they match a portion of their purchases.

Wal-Mart Success = Your SuccessEvery associate is eligible to receive performance bonuses based on the performance of their store. They also offer a long-term service award, which rewards hourly associates and assistant managers who have been with the company for 20 years or more with an extra week of pay.



FedEx Application Online and Kinkos Jobs Application

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FedEx careers and FedEx jobs are excellent options for job seekers- FedEx was founded in 1971 and its main headquarter is located in Memphis, Tennessee.FedEx is well known for its overnight delivery service, transportation, e-commerce, and business services in the United States and internationally. It's broken down into four segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Services, but most people know it for its various shipping services for the delivery of packages and freight. Fill out a FedEx job application online if you are looking for a solid company to work for. They've created a very successful brand by allowing people to send important documents literally overnight, creating the unforgettable phrase "FedEx it."Kinko's jobs- Kinkos was founded in 1970 by Paul Orfalea. His nickname was "Kinko" because of his kinky (curly) hair so he named is company that. The place he rented was so small that he had to put the copy machine outside of the shop on the sidewalk. The original copy shop was founded in the college community of Isla Vista next to the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara.Kinkos was bought out by FedEx on Feb 2004 and the combined name was FedEx Kinkos.Filling out the FedEx job application and Kinkos job application online will allow you to directly submit your information to available job postings nationwide!

Job Categories include: Administrative Support Aircraft Maintenance Courier Custom Agent Customer Experience Engineering Finance and Accounting Human Resources Information Technology Legal Marketing Property & Real Estate Ramp Operations Sales Security Station Operations Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance

FedEx is looking for talented people that share the basic qualities of honesty, enthusiasm, creativity and respect for co-workers and customers.


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Target Job Application OnlineTarget application online can be filled out here and can get your job career started at this great company. George Dayton founded this company after buying it from R.S Goodfellow. It started with the name "Goodfellows Dept. Store and in 1903, the store changed its name to the Dayton Dry Goods Company, and it changed its name again to

the Dayton Company in 1911.Target job application can be submitted online. Target opened four discount stores in Minneapolis in 1965.The name "Target" originated from Dayton's publicity director, Stewart K. Widdess, and was intended to prevent consumers from associating the new discount store chain with the department store. Target now has 1,685 stores (as of October 2008). It has units in all states except for Vermont, operating under the mastheads of Target, Target Great land, and Super Target.Target careers- Each general-merchandise store employs 150 to 250 team members and is about 128,000 square feet in size. Stores carry hardlines ("regular" products and goods), softlines (clothing), and a limited amount of groceries, non-perishable and frozen. Many stores may also have Target Optical, a portrait studio, and a garden center and most all new locations build after 2004 include Target Photo, Target Pharmacy, Starbucks Coffee, and a Pizza Hut Express standard in addition to "Food Avenue."

Fill out a Target application today!


Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC Job Application OnlineKFC application online is extremely popular. It is the world's most popular chicken restaurant chain known as Kentucky Fried Chicken and mostly famous for the founders "original recipe."

Every day, nearly eight million customers are served around the world. KFC online application is easy to

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fill out. Enter your zip code in the orange box below to find the closest job posting to you. They are hiring nationwide.

Fill out a KFC job application because KFC jobs are in abundance and has more than 11,000 restaurants in more than 80 countries and territories around the world. KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc., which is the world's largest restaurant system with over 32,500 KFC, A&W All-American Food™, Taco Bell, Long John Silver's and Pizza Hut restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories.



LOCATION(S): address

Online Del Taco Part Time Job ApplicationDel Taco job application is highly recommend as it is a chain of North American fast-food restaurants specializing in Mexican-style offerings, as well as American foods such as

burgers, fries, and shakes. Del Taco is led by President Shirlene Lopez, and is headquartered in the city of Lake Forest, California. Their primary rival is Taco Bell.Originally named Casa Del Taco (House of the Taco), the first Del Taco restaurant was founded in Yermo, California in 1964 by Ed Hackbarth. On the restaurant’s first official day of business, Del Taco made $169. In 1964, Hackbarth partnered with real estate broker David Jameson. Success of the first restaurant led to three in Barstow and a fourth restaurant in Corona (the first Del Taco with a drive-thru window). Dick Naugle, who installed the kitchen equipment in the Corona store, was impressed by the design and joined Hackbarth and Jameson in the fledgling business. In 1966, the trio founded Red-E-Food Systems, Inc. with the idea of franchising the Casa Del Taco brand. That same year, the original Del Taco sun logo was created and in 1967, Del Taco introduced their famous bean and cheese burrito with green or red sauce to their menu. Before long, the restaurants were being founded throughout Southern California.


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UPS Application Online UPS JobsFill out a UPS job application online and work for one of the world’s most famous brands. UPS, famous for its big brown delivery trucks, was started in 1907 by 19-year-old Jim Casey and 18-year-old Claude Ryan and was initially called American Messenger Company in Seattle, Washington, funded with $100.Today, it's the world's largest package delivery company. UPS careers- On any given day, UPS delivers more than 15 million packages a day to

6.1 million customers in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. As mentioned on their website, UPS is constantly hiring for a wide variety of full-time positions ranging from business development, supply chain & logistics, information technologists, to industrial engineers. However, most UPS employees begin their career with UPS as Part-time Package Handlers or Drivers. One of the great things with them is that they actively promote from within, and have a firm commitment to continuing education and training. In fact, many of their senior managers today started off as hourly part-time Package Handlers. So no matter what position you join them in, it could be the gateway to a variety of career paths throughout UPS.Their benefits package includes a 401(K) program along with safety bonuses and medical, dental, and vision coverage.We also offer more time at home with most of our drivers home two or three times a week.


Arby’s Job Application OnlineArby's job application- Arby's was founded in Ohio in 1964 by Forrest and Leroy Raffel, who believed there was a market opportunity for a fast food franchise based on a food other than hamburgers.The brothers wanted to call their restaurants "Big Tex," but that name was

being used by an Akron business. Instead, they chose the name "Arby's," based on R.B., the initials of Raffel Brothers (and the initials for "Roast Beef").In 1993 Arby's was acquired by Triarc companies. This resulted in further changes with the market fresh lineup being introduced in 2001 that included deli style sandwiches and salads. A further expansion of the line occurred with wraps introduced in 2003. This was further expanded in 2007 with the toasted sub line.

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Arby's part time job applications, they're always looking for dedicated men and women to join their team. Take a look at the current job opportunities to see if working for their fast-paced and exciting restaurant company is right for you. When you work a part time job for Arby's you will find they are a place where innovation is the order of the day, respect is a must, and teamwork is part of the fun.


Jack in the Box Job Application OnlineIn 1951, a businessman named Robert Peterson opened the first Jack in the Box restaurant in San Diego on the main east-west thoroughfare leading into city. Equipped with an intercom system and drive-thru window, the tiny restaurant served up hamburgers to passing motorists for just 18 cents, while a large jack-in-the-box clown kept watch from the roof.

Jack in the Box jobs expanded outside of California with the opening of its first restaurants in Phoenix, Ariz. Three years later, Jack in the Box expanded into Texas, where it opened restaurants in the Houston and Dallas-Ft. Worth areas.An investment group, including members of Foodmaker management, completed a leveraged buyout of the company from Ralston Purina in 1985. Foodmaker went public two years later before an investment group, again including members of Foodmaker management, converted the company to a privately owned corporation in 1988. In 1992, Foodmaker again went public, with an offering of 17.2 million shares priced at $15 per share.Jack in the Box application online can be submitted online instantly for free! Jack in the Box will always be remembered by their spokesman, a clown with a head the shape of a ping pong ball wearing a yellow pointy hat.



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Online Subway Job Application

Subway job applications. Fred De Luca borrowed $1,000 from family friend Peter Buck to start his first sandwich shop in 1965, when he was only 17 years old. He was trying to raise money to pay for college.He chose a mediocre location for his shop, but by noon on the first day of the opening, customers were pouring in.

On the radio advertisem*nt they had promoted the name as "Pete's Submarines", which sounded like Pizza Marines, so they changed the name to "Pete's Subway"; eventually it was shortened to "Subway", as it is known to this day.SUBWAY application online- Jared Fogle, born December 1, 1977, lost over 240 pounds on the subway diet, the first 100 in just three months. He mainly thanks them for his extreme weight loss, appearing in a number of their television advertisem*nts.Benefits of filling out a Subway online application.In joining SUBWAY® restaurants, you will be part of a winning team. You play and important role in helping other to live a long, healthy life by making informed nutritional decisions. What does it mean to be a member of the winning SUBWAY® restaurant team?At SUBWAY® restaurants you will find a very diverse working group. High School jobs, or College student jobs, Single Mom jobs, Senior Citizens jobs, Part-time or Full-time employees. SUBWAY® restaurants are a great place to work.There is always room for growth at SUBWAY® restaurants, turning what may start out as a part-time job into a career choice you can move from Sandwich Artist to Shift Manager, Manager, and General Manager.


Dunkin Donuts Job Application Online

Dunkin Donuts applications online should be filled out by those looking for a great atmosphere and team oriented employment. In 1950, Bill Rosenberg opened the first Dunkin' Donuts shop in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Today, Dunkin' Donuts is the world's largest coffee and baked goods chain, serving more than 3 million customers per day. Dunkin' Donuts sells 52 varieties of donuts and more than a

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dozen coffee beverages as well as an array of bagels, breakfast sandwiches and other baked goods. Just another reason to fill out a Dunkin Donuts job application online!

As mentioned on their website, If you are looking for a place where hard work and dedication result in success, where you're part of a team that promotes fun, passion, and opportunity, or where fulfillment is found in applying your creativity...this might be just the place for you. In December, 2006, the Boston Business Journal reported that Dunkin' Brands ranked # 2 in the 4th Annual Massachusetts Corporate Reputation Survey. Dunkin’ Brands had the best finish for a consumer products company in the survey’s four year history.

Fill out a Dunking Donuts application online!

When you are hired at Dunkin Donuts, you'll reap some seriously great benefits!The list of benefits they offer below are just part of their package for U.S. employees, which also includes competitive base salaries, incentive pay opportunities, retirement programs, and additional value-added benefits that allow their employees to enjoy a high quality of life and personal success.

Medical Coverage Dental Coverage Basic Life Insurance Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D) Short-term Disability (STD) Long-term Disability (LTD) Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Long-term Care Insurance Employee Assistance Program 401 (k) Plan

Fill out a Dunkin Donuts job application today!JOBSITE:

Costco Application OnlineCostco application online- James Sinegal and Jeffery Brotman opened the first Costco warehouse in 1983. Located in Seattle Washington, the pair had come from a long line of wholesale and retail. Sinegal had worked in wholesale for both FedMart and Price Club, and while Brotman was a lawyer his family had been in retail for years.The company operates on a membership bases similar to that of Sam’s Club. Customers

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pay a yearly fee to shop there but get to take advantage of wholesale pricing.Costco Application- Today Costco is the largest membership warehouse club chain in the United States with over 140,000 employees and 584 stores worldwide.Job openings at Costco: Because this is a warehouse setting there are a lot of opportunities when it comes to employment.You work in the store you can work as a cashier, which means you’ll ring customers out. You may also have to assist customers in finding certain items. You will need to be meticulous so that you are certain that your drawer balances at the end of the day.Bakery workers are also required. Since they have a full service bakery they need bakers, wrappers, cake decorators and sanitation assistants. Deli servers and food court service assistants are also needed.Because they are a membership based business membership assistant, outside marketer, and membership refund cashier are all areas in which you can distinguish yourself. In most of these jobs you’ll be working with customers to begin, renew, or cancel memberships as well as solicit new memberships.As an employee at Costco you’ll be able to take advantage of many of their benefits. Full time employees are eligible for health, dental, pharmacy, vision, 401(k), dependent care, voluntary shorter disability, long term disability, life, stock purchase, and long term care insurance. Part time employees can take advantage of health, dental, pharmacy, and vision.

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Remember, with all things in life, you MUST take action! You MUST stay persistent in order to accomplish your goals in finding work.It's all about taking advantage of all your resource, and today you have the internet on your side!Apply for jobs online and stay focused on your goals!JOBSITE:

Home Depot Application OnlineHome Depot application online- One of the most popular home improvement stores in the United States is the Home Depot. It was founded in 1978 by Bernie Marcus, Ron Brill, Pat Farrah, and Arthur Blank.They wanted to have a home improvement store larger than any other top predators. They have succeeded. Today the average size of the store is 105,000 ft. They operate in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, China, Guam,

Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. With a staggering 2248 stores, they are the largest home improvement retailer in the nine states and the fourth largest general retailer in the country. Home Depot job application- Because of the massive sizes of the Home Depot stores there are many opportunities for you as an employee. The biggest area of employment with the Home Depot is a retail side.Job openings at Home Depot: Home Depot is a home improvement store, so as a sales representative immediate asked questions about specific products. The knowledge is a plus but is also something that can be learned on the job. The opportunities available in stores include management, supervisor, and part-time work such as cashiers and personnel as well.Home Depot jobsWhen you're working for their stores will fall under one of two main areas, hourly or management. For hourly position she will be the person that interacts with the customer the most.Hourly positions include sales associate, locked associate, cashiers, and the freight team. Hourly associates need to be flexible to work days, nights, weekends, and holidays. Management in retail is just as important. The store managers and assistant managers are responsible for keeping their teams on track.Home Depot also has distribution centers. Hourly employment at one of the centers includes office associates and warehouse associate.They also have warehouse management jobs such as general manager, assistant general manager, operations manager, human resources manager, and supervisors.JOBSITE:

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Kohl’s Application Online Kohl’s JobsKohl’s careers and Kohl’s jobs are perfect for those looking for work that can turn into a long career at a well-respected brand.Kohl's has been around since 1962 and has become one of the nation’s largest department stores. They have roughly 1,000 department stores nationwide and employ over 120,000 associates (as of 2007, so these numbers should be much higher now.

They've also teamed up with such brand names like celebrity chef and author Rachel Ray for a line of cookware, fashion designer Very Wang, and ELLE magazine to create exclusive clothing and accessories lines for the younger segment of their customer base.Fill out Kohl’s application online and join the enormous growth of Kohl’s department stores.Kohl's job application benefits include

Medical Plans Dental Plan Vision Insurance Life Insurance Long Term Disability Coverage Kohl’s 401(k) Plan Adoption Assistance Tuition Reimbursem*nt Group Home & Auto Discounts Group Pre-Paid Legal Plan Perks/Working Advantage Discounts Vacation Days Kohl’s Associate Discount Vision Discount Program Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Employee Assistance Program (EAP)


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Safeway Application OnlineSafeway application online- Sam Seelig founded his company, the Same Seelig Company, in 1912. At this time he opened a single grocery store in Los

Angeles. Within 10 years that sing store had become a chain of 71 stores.Unfortunately, after World War one the chain was in debt with its grocery wholesaler W.R.H. Weldon, who took over the company while leaving Seelig in charge of the retail side of the operation. Two years later, Seelig decided to leave the company for a different venture. At this time a contest was held for a new name and Safeway won out.Safeway Application- Today the company has grown to include Safeway and 9 other subsidiaries totaling over 1,500 stores.

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Job openings at Safeway: One of the biggest jobs in the Safeway corporations is their retail store positions. This could be customer service, where you’ll be helping people find what they need, deal with complaints, or other duties as needed.Safeway careers:You can also work as a cashier, ringing customers out and making sure they have found everything. Stock clerks are also important as it’s their job to help make sure that the store shelves are fully stocked and help to maintain a clean store.Distribution is also important to Safeway. As a warehouse worker it’ll be your job to help fill the orders at the distribution centers. You’ll help to load the trucks with what the stores in your area needs. You must be meticulous about filling the orders so that no one gets shorted.Many of the Safeway locations have pharmacies. Pharmacy techs are on hand to help the pharmacist fill orders. Pharmacists are staffed to ensure that the prescriptions from the doctors are written correctly and filled accurately. They are also responsible for answering any questions that the customer may have about a prescription or over-the-counter medication.Remember, with all things in life, you MUST take action! You MUST stay persistent in order to accomplish your goals in finding work.


Albertsons Application OnlineAlbertsons application online- Opened in 1939 by Joe Albertson, Albertsons grocery became an overnight success. Our sense was one of the first stores to offer a money-back guarantee, free parking, and ice cream shop. The business was extremely successful allowing the owner to open new stores in neighboring towns.He was once quoted as saying that when he got ready to

open a new store, he would visit the town he was planning on opening it in and look for neighborhoods where children's clothes on the line. He would want to open stores in a place where there were working families present. Within 30 years Albertsons had open 100 grocery stores nationwide.Albertsons job application- Albertsons also went on to become the first grocery/drug store in history. For the store has been extremely successful due to some hard business ventures some of the stores have closed; those that remain open have plenty of variety for job seekers to look for.Job openings at Albertsons: Because Albertsons does have a fully staffed pharmacy, there are pharmaceutical positions available. Each pharmacy must have at least one pharmacist on staff at all times. So if you have your advanced degree in pharmaceutical

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sciences then you may consider applying further pharmacist positions. They also hire pharmacy student to help them get a hands-on experience and mentor under a fully certified pharmacist. Pharmacy technicians are the key to maintaining the flow and accuracy of the pharmacy.Albertsons jobsAlbertsons also has many corporate store support positions. These positions include retail management, merchandising, finance/accounting, IT, retail store design, human resources and much more. These are often found at the corporate level and are essential to making Albertsons run smoothly.

Because Albertsons is first and foremost a grocery store there are many retail positions available. Hourly positions include cashiers, stock personnel, warehouse personnel, baggers, and many other positions. You can also apply for one of their many store manager or assistant manager positions.JOBSITE:

J.C. Penney’s Job Application OnlineJC Penny’s application online- J.C. Penney has been a household name since James Cash Penney opened his first Golden Rule store back in 1902. Since then the name has changed to Jenney’s and is one of the largest companies in the United States. Today Jenney’s employs 150,000 people made up from in store, call center, and corporate associates.

J.C. Penney’s job application online is easy to fill out. Register free, create your profile and work experience, then search for all available jobs (in all industries) in your zip code, then apply instantly TO ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!In store associates include store managers and assistant managers, department managers, loss prevention managers, training supervisors, hourly sales associates and salon stylists. Call centers include managers and hourly employees to assist customers in billing, gift registry setup, merchandise questions or assist in placing orders.Jenney’s online application is worthwhile to fill out since they offer their full time employees a wide variety of benefits. These benefits include medical, dental and vision, paid time off,

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paid holidays and a 401K savings plan. Penney’s is one of the few companies that also offer medical, dental, vision and Term Life coverage to their part-time associates.JOBSITE:

Nordstrom Application OnlineNordstrom application online- The original Nordstrom store opened its doors in 1901 as Wallin and Nordstrom, by founders Carl F Wallin and John W Nordstrom. Nordstrom had been looking for a new business venture, after his recent good fortune, and settled on a shoe store.His cofounder Wallin, owned the adjacent shoe repair shop. It took twenty-two years before a second store was opened, and by this time Nordstrom’s second son, Elmer, was able to run the store. A few years later John Nordstrom retired from the business selling his shares to his two eldest sons; Wallin retired shortly after also selling his shares to the boys. The boys continued selling shoes for an additional 35 years when they added the Best Apparel of Seattle Company which is when the store changed to Nordstrom Best.Nordstrom Application- Today Nordstrom operates 116 Nordstrom stores and 95 Nordstrom Rack stores.Job openings at Nordstrom: At Nordstrom you’ll find a lot of things to do. If you are good at sales you might consider becoming one of their commissioned sales peopleNordstrom careers:You’ll work with Nordstrom’s customers to help them find the right piece. Remember it’s all about the sales, since you will work on commission but there is no reason to be pushy or rude. The best sales people sale the customer without them even realizing it.If you’re not great at sales, don’t worry you don’t have to be the hard seller. Nordstrom locations also are in need of tailors to assist with alterations, merchants to help make sure that the latest trends are available, and even support staff. If you do hair that doesn’t mean you can’t find a place here.Several Nordstrom locations have the Nordstrom Spa to help their clientele feel even more beautiful. Many of their locations also have a restaurant and they are in need of helpful wait staff, cooks, and other restaurant positions.Remember, with all things in life, you MUST take action! You MUST stay persistent in order to accomplish your goals in finding work.It's all about taking advantage of all your resource, and today you have the internet on your side!JOBSITE:

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Macy’s Job Application OnlineMacy’s application online- Macy's was founded in1885 by Rowland Hussey Macy as a dry goods store in New York. It wasn't until 2006, after merging with May Department stores, Macy's became a national brand.Macys job application online is easy to fill out. Register free, create your profile and work experience, then search for all available jobs (in all industries) in your zip code, then apply instantly TO ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!They currently have store locations in 45 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico. They are one of the "100 largest corporation workforces" in the world.When you join Macy’s, you become part of a team that’s deeply committed to serving our communities and embracing diversity as a valuable strength.Macy’s online application job benefits.Among the benefits they provide, are opportunities to support your health, your future, and your well-being. They also offer programs that make your life more convenient and express their gratitude for your contributions.As an employee of Macy's, you can access all employee benefits through their website – allowing you to monitor and manage the details from any computer with an internet connection.JOBSITE:

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TJ Maxx Job Application OnlineT.J. Maxx, a retail store founded in Massachusetts

during the mid 1970’s, specializes in offering name brand clothing, shoes, and apparel at prices discounted to what one might find in many retail stores.T.J. Maxx application online is easy to fill out. Register free, create your profile and work experience, then search for all available jobs (in all industries) in your zip code, then apply instantly TO ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!In fact, this is T.J. Maxx’s niche in the retail business, being the largest of such discount or “off-price” retailers.TJ Maxx job application- As an interesting fact, T.J. Maxx operates in Europe under the name T.K. Maxx. The Company offers, compared to most retailers of similar type, a competitive benefits package including medical, dental, vision, and 401(k), to name a few. Also, T.J. Maxx extends certain store discounts to its people, as well as credit union access.JOBSITE:


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You can find a wide range of career opportunities at the Pointe Hilton Resorts, and throughout the U.S at our hotels, call centers, corporate offices or vacation ownership properties. The Pointe Hilton Resorts are an E.O.E. and support a drug-free workplace through pre-employment drug testing. We're always looking for people who share our commitment and core vision: "To be the first choice of the world's travelers."



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First Choice Recycling: Choice Recycling, 3210 E. Roeser #9, Phoenix, AZ 85040Office: 480-707-3991 or Fax: 602-368-1093Cut & Paste resume into Comment section...

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Able Body Labor(602) 243-77773612 S Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ850402402 S. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004(602) 252-4606!job-seekersCurrently ranked as the country’s 36th largest temporary staffing provider, MDT’s operations are conducted from over 120 offices and 3,500 affiliate locations.----------------------------------------------------

Aerotek's Phoenix staffing 2625 S Plaza DR, Ste 101, Tempe, Arizona 85282Phone: (602)567-1980 Toll-Free: (800)704-4750 Fax: (602)567-1970 location serves Phoenix, and the surrounding areas. You can visit our Phoenix staffing office or contact us to find out how our local recruiters can find you a Phoenix job, or the perfect employee…------------------------------------------------------Aggreko5030 W Watkins St, Phoenix, AZ 85043 (877) 349-2742 Aggreko Rental 2832 S 46th St, Phoenix, AZ 85040 (877) 349-2742

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Best Buy Jobs - Current Job Openings at Best Buy your retail job search for Best Buy stores, management, and headquarters retail job positions here. Apply online for retail jobs at Best Buy consumer electronics stores - both hourly and salaried - with the Best Buy online job application process. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CVS Pharmacy Jobs - How to Apply for Retail Jobs at CVS Online online for retail jobs at the CVS Pharmacy chain - both hourly and salaried - with the CVS online job application process. Start your job search for CVS stores, management, and headquarters retail job positions here.

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Kmart/SEARS Jobs - How to Apply for Retail Jobs at Kmart/Sears Stores for Kmart/Sears retail jobs - both hourly and salaried - with the Kmart/Sears online application process. Start your job search for Kmart stores, management, and headquarters retail job positions here.

Walgreens Jobs - How to Apply for Retail Jobs at Walgreens On-Line online for retail jobs at the Walgreens Pharmacy chain - both hourly and salaried - with the Walgreens online job application process. Start your job search for Walgreens stores, management, and headquarters retail job positions here.

Applebee's E. Baseline Road, Phoenix, (602) 323-56805210 W Baseline Rd, Laveen, (602) 605-80102032 East Baseline Road, Mesa, (480) 545-4299------------------------------------------------------------------DOMINO'SWarehouse Team Member - Supply Chain Center – ArizonaThe Warehouse Team Member performs the loading and unloading of delivery trucks and moves and stores materials and products. 5216 W. Mohave, Phoenix, AZ 85043 Phone: 602-233-3030 Fax: 602-272-8763

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The locations listed below are now accepting applications on line. Please select one of the sites below and complete the questions that follow. The entire process will take approximately 10-50 minutes, and your completed application will be automatically sent to the selected location. If the site for which you wish to apply is not listed below, please apply in person.

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1024 E. Buckeye Road Ste#155, Phoenix, AZ 85034Conviction of a crime does not constitute an absolute bar to employment. Your age at the time of the offense will be taken into account.-------------------------------------------------------------------Swift Transportation great employees as drivers, shop mechanics, operations support, customer service, finance, sales, information technology, human resources, etc. Swift’s size, strength and stability make this a great place to be. Come join our team! NO FELONIES IN PAST 7 YEARS & 3YR CLEAN MVR------------------------------------------------------------Let Integrity@Amazon help you...Destination: AmazonIntegrity Staffing Solutions

The Integrity team is your personal navigation system that can lead you to a great job at an Amazon fulfillment center. As the world’s leading online retailer, Amazon needs thousands of dedicated people each year to work as pickers and packers, in shipping and receiving, and other challenging positions. The environment is fun and fast-paced, the positions offer great flexibility, and a can-do, team-spirited attitude is valued and rewarded. No felonies in past 7 years…But changes regularly…so check website for updates…----------------------------------------------------------RETAIL JOBS….

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.