The Hamilton County Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana (2024)

Traaeffcr WALKING HINGEAND EAR LATCH GATE Highest o. a. Ivtvcaiaf Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

WH II a 1 AM Joan Brown to F. P. Hinahaw. Jopa evfi Fairmont. at Jam Leonard' a few day ago.

ud attended ehureh at 1'nion Grove, last Sabbath Jo4 Bobbin and better half vet letting at A Barker Sunday Quiie a nsmbrr erjoyed a food, 40 Ml I Mil to acre. Clay township, H-Ouo F. P. Hinahaw to A. Brown acre in Clay townahip, i30o.

J. W. Kern, trustee, to J. V. Ci l-lE5fc a i iiy 1 Baking "-v rr PV 5J(f umwi -hEl v.jner, i nonvf Al'V birthday.

WiU and Thon Fmire sold a nice tot of ha to Ed. Johnson lor stven fortv per hundred Onr blacksmith kept busy fitting Stom II al. i. acre in Jaekscn "'-J. J.

W. Kern, trustee, to Un. -i. M. Koarh, lot in vcio, fcxu.

J. Kerr. -ef to Mo- rowuer iugL lot in Cicero, u. ABSOLUTELY PURE 7 flRf rM ar EjM Lt" BAKERS CORNER J. L.

Moore to Wyatt M. Perry, .0 acres in Washington township, $1,650. Those reported sick are con and Eldora Fielding Huggins to John Harger. Jake Burri ae Interviewing cent Lin Mi aueniin TV Noblesville peoBle Tuetia Reagan are those recently attacked 20 acre in Wayne township $850. be Henrv Liadlei from Chicago, was kv diuhtheria A.

H. Lacy to Jerry Klotz, land in Mr. B. steut a part ol isiti Sturdevant who i THE HANDIEST, AND BIST, SELF-CLOSING FARM GATE EVER INVENTED TV a 'HtKltaa4jttw. mm iHuupcia if mm H-, I N'I- AN C.

1 last week with her husband. Rev. T. Baker, who has been holding a protracted meeting at Strawtown. Miss Lueila Haskett visited friends very poortv in health.

Cal. Powell, rrom Noblesville were visiting at Mr Powell' mother Saturday and Sunday. tiniM taufti. I wiU im U. uIVt after tivkia Ik nl imm nm4 ktt-vcitiMifvta "1-- ri- IMII in Mil COUNTY CAPERS Wayne townahip, $3,400.

Evans A Craig to A. H. Lacy, lot in Xobleaville, $400. Evans Craig to J. Haines, lot in Xoblesville.

$. M. Kimberlin to A. E. Vandercrck.

land in Fall creek township, $600. G. W. Stubbs to W. H.

Harrison. Charlev Walker ha prosed ohc a NobLesville. Miss with a r- a.a "hoas" swapper and doesn't cheat or Collected, CoiUtod and Condeneed by Vt m. Baker aim tamuy ana Gertrude Baker spent Sunday in iqui Our Corp of CorreapondenU. relatives at Westtield.

i xon Rrav want to rent hi lrm LTJi.g, uuraoie, sua uheap. No springs to get out of order. No extra rigging whatever. Opens either way, alwave clos ng itself, and once search of news yesterday your used will never be discarded. Over one hundred in use in Hamilton Coun-reorter aocoeted two of our most es-, fy already and every one a v.rong testimony of iu merit.

A good servicable ladies for something enjoya- gate put up any where in me Connty for $5.00. Farm right from $2.00 no hie and readable by patrons of The wards. Fuil set of attachm -nte for 5-5 centa to owners of farm right." I.edoer. They were both enthusi- For Gates and Farm -ghu address. and move to Noblesville.

George Mills and Umilv, or obles a AVNE Josh Humble and lady visited ville, Sundayed at K. Voggs lonH in VnKlfmt irnartin ftl (tft visited r. Georee Scott, ot snenoan. Stephen Mangold to Frank Res1'. An excellent time for protracted Grandma Humbles in Fall Creek meetings.

township laat week. ihr Mi and wile, of Ilorton, Somebody has been trying to break hi lister. Mrs. Arthur Baker Mewar. Harry and ft T.

Haskett, lot in Xoblesville, $900. S. E. Wetzel to F. L.

Kinnanian. 16 ith relatives are visiting relatives a this vicinity, into two houses the past week in tbjs of W'estfield. visited Our next Institute win oe neiu at neignoornooa, we Know one piacejere ded the acre 'D crek township, $900. SPIDEL OOVODE, Patentees, tfoblMvile, Indiana. ristic upon topics near to every good citizen.

The first to speak, a lady of many resources, who can converse intelligently upon any subject, insisted at this time in stickicg to her text which was the making and sale of irrded school building here at ten where thev wil" recieve a warm re A number fn ka John Thorn and wife to W. H. A Saturday, and occidan contest at Th mueLinsr at me new ji ception. hen anyone tries to open with the excel- church at Lapel, is still iu progress. door between 2 and 3 o'clock in the were greatly pie; wiucli some grand M'l llv ill niino'iil iji Diphtheria is raging on me county morning, ouca snot is too guoci mr jem manner hip.

ImM a wirkin. xi -1 uCllii red. such villains, vou will hear of a sec nt lor XuMesville T. Me 'if the Square. pieces weredelive H.

Craig, lot in Noblesville, $1,600. A. W. Baldwin et al to Jos. Carpt ter.

27 acres in White river towns! $1,000. Variable Stars. ingham aprons, the proceeds of thrYv Which should be used in the erection Pkimkosk. of P. lodge will be organized ond claas funeral shortly if it is not A at La oel.

stopped rho has been afflicted The election oi omcers ior rnmr joei of a new Presbyterian church. This theme at once enlined our nympathy as tve favor any nio enient that will BaDtist Sunday school resulted in the several weeks with rheumatism and i i i i i GRAY Tbe basket supper by the folks on last Saturday evening was a atarrh in the head, is now able to be Over 200 stare are now known election of Luciau Castor for Superin around and do his feeding. tendent, Howard Fisher, secretary te Marv Robinett, Treasurer; Josh Geo. Mendenhall sold his hoes to very enjoyable time. F.nough money was" raised to rut the Society out ot PUBLIC SALEi ua Snowdon and Bertha McDonald Bud Davis at $7 per hundred.

Brother Walker, your "Saturday vary in brightness. Differences in the phenomena observed have led lo the following classification, propo'ed by Prof. Pickering.ofthe Harvard Co-lege Observatory 1. Temporary new stars, of which onlv very further the interesls of our city and if this lady's earnest enthusiasm is a type of tie rank and rile of that society there is notning to prevent the dtdication of this church at no distant day. The other lady's eulhus- debt Frank Bradley's have a new boy at their home and Frank is exceedingly happy.

Lou Metsker's big deadning is a very popular resort as mel and Gray haul all their gait from I will soil by miction at my re'sidciioe two miles andja half librarians. The school has a splendid orps of teachers, Mrs. Hal Davis is on the sick list. W. P.

Bell and wife, or Stringtow, Sundayed with Bradley Fisher. In last week's issue of the Democrat we noticed that some person had written that Wayne was to be in rhn Count Contest bv Miss Night" column is liked by all throughout this section. Don't give out by the way. Mrs. Emma Sturdevant visited her sister west of W'estfield, Wednesday.

We are sorry to have to pen the account of Harvey Keesling's death. lew nave been recorded. They bl; it iasm ran In a differen' direction but out suddenly, remain visible lor a her theme was no lee- important. there to bum The Carmel Gas Co. has given no-1 8hort then disfppear, never to She had spent ihe entir? afternoon i iik in vj ii.

ni i i inn uic visiting the city schools and she was Eva Cornelius, ot No. 12. The person and ten years, was liked by all his WaS liked bV ll 1 hiS tJ WHinuiiirioiM numu inujAiifli i Dial I He was buried at Hinkle from Plant on the "rsl ebru- covered in 1S48 in Ophinchus is ill was mistaken in that, ratine neighbors rv, iiirrc is uiur ancau iui .11 rfi ii Sylvester of No. 12 was chosen for Creek cemetery Monday, followed by large concourse of friends and rela- 'ro some otner source. w.i.

lives Hisdeat Ii was caused bv lunir wother company drganized soon, si pleased with the surroundings that she said in substance: "1 found a teacher in the grade where my boy attends who is a wideawake, coiiM'ientious and pains Wayne, Miss Era Cornelius being a pupil of No. 1 perceptible, but has faded from (be fourth magnitude to the 2. Variable stars, with regular periods of considerable length. '1 1 n. from all appearances Grafton and Homer McDonald were fever.

Carrik Bex Bo There is talk of another joint insti WEDNESDAY 8, 1893, IU 'ginning at 10 clock a. Ft.iir pad of work rf cattle, steers and ctlves; hog, fwtlers, sows and pije). Corn ta crib Hay in mow Panning implements, some bousehoM and kitchen l'u rin i ure. know it is )' nr time to sell but I mtfst do so in order tute nere in uie ueai miurc, mm i rTnm townships. We are glad to see these i a lrom "bout 100 to taking young lady well equipped days, and the fluctuations in bruit- institutes come as we gain new ideas, net acquainted with the teachers of PERKINSVILLH Everyone gone sleigh-riding Rev.

Lacey preached at the M. church. John Ryan is prepared to grind i the different townships, and age the cause of education. lor the onerous duties in which she i engaged." The action of this lady-is worthy the imitation of many more patrons. The good they may-do by this course can scarcely be timated.

The reporter went his wav ness from about one to more thai, eight magnitudes. 3. Irregular variables, having no definin'e period, and usually only slight variation. Hums of teed lor stoefc. Jong may tne snow wae J.

o. Hougham shipped a tine carof A L. chosen by Prairie Sunday-school as delegates to the Harmony Sunday-school Convention which convenes at Mt. Pisgah church next Thursday. Mrs.

William Abney is quite sick at the present writing. Charlie and Frank McDonald, of county, who have been visi-ing relatives in North Wayne for some time, returned home last week. Mrs. Pat McGuire is on the Sam "fischer moved from this place last week to a farm a few miles south of Cicero. A big wreck on the Midland.

Ten cars off the tracks caused by spreading nf the rails. Grandpa. hogs to Indianapolis. Diphtheria is raging south of liere. jH'th WAYNE.

Elias Horless buried two of his chil- i dren here this week. Hpajth 18 as c0lfc eX' Variables of short period, mos feeling glad that he lived in a land to give posses-ion of premises to Mr. Cnrey. My loss will of them under eight days where so many good wmen lived A number of the farmers are out of lit' ymir Easy terms, made known on dav of sale Jerrv Klotz has made up his mind 5. Variables of the ty pe of Algol, of which only ten hae been discov It is really strange how long Remember the gas owing to the mains being frozen it re S.

B. Lee and R. H. Cooper are pre to ou ered. At regular intervals the light tluire8 some men tgrow their date and coine prepared to see property worth buying.

to staV in South Wayne a while, as he has bought the farm which recently belonged to Joseph. Ben Miller had the misfortune to have the end of his linger ground off oasniuinesH. a month airo suddenly continues diminished for only a small portion a few paring to ship two cars of stock to Indianapolis this week. Or. C.

Divan has sold his farm of 2fV acres in Stony Creek township to Anderson parties. JOHN LEAMING. our readers knew that the family of Or. Harry Tucker had been increased by the advent of a nice bov baby and hours of the star's period. A sweet child is the delight of a I one would naturally suppose that be- while grinding sausage.

The Baton Rouge correspondent took dinner in South Wayne last Sunday. There were no services at Bethel last Sunday on account of the gas home, but it is beyond the ken of! fore this time the honor of being papa would have ceased to be embarrassing but it it has L'NION CHAPEL. Mr. nod Mrs. Howard Wilky, of near Greenfield, visited at Aaron last week.

"Miss Pollie Wheeler, of Noblesville visited Miss Anna Wheeler over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoard, of Pendleton visite! friend at this place lajt week. human wisdom to know what will be the next break of the household pet pv rfougbam.

son ol Hon. J. S. Hougham. returned to Chicago this week and reiumed his work there.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, are the happy recepient8 of a new born babe a girl. They are very proud of it, it being their first born. Charles W.

Hinkle and family i 'hrehtla it CiiafsTix Attornrys, SheriiTs Sale. HY virtaeof adecT me directed fro the I lt-rknf tin-1 lam i lion I'lnuit I'ourl being frozen up. ng frozen Up. ii wrma iul- ll Wagner and family took dinner which will annoy and embarrass the not. On Saturday his wife told seems that him FAB BELOWT COST.

inacausc wherein A. T. i x. assume of Hit with Jerry- Klotz Sunday. entire household in the presence of he should purchase a baby cab and Hiawatha expect to move into her strnizers or of.

hnl I a NoWesyille LuhiIht Company platntiff WillinTn 1 1 rtmin i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 reiniir- spent Sunday with relatives at Green- new home this week. 6 an oppor Howard their former flacob Castetler has purcused a neyy town. The Literary at No. 4 last Friday- tunit to enter a dealer's place and 1 mi me lo make ihiT numot eiihtjr one (sit .70) ilollnrs and seventy cents, with interest on home. that the inopportuw moment do lnum th ftpInMon when nr An wua i night was well attended.

Clem Pitsswaters was seen id decree awl uste, will expose Ml ioln-le the highest bidder, on Fine Imported Silk Plush Hu. last i the unexpected. The following from present and then he waited until the u' to Sunday can-vine strayv and old an exchange is so good Omt illiduskofeTeninghad fallen before he Saturday, the 18th Day of February I from 10 bear repeating. umu vcireurrr uumr wini 11. frveil m- Born to Mr.

and Mrs Samuel Anderson on he tth. inst. a 10 lb. boy. Sam has chrisened him Harrison 11.

Anderson. A number ol farmers report tr have found bundles of quails frozen to death in ladder shocks and straw stacks. family sleigh, OMuly -up't Hutchens Cccujtietl the ptlfpi; at Union Snuduy and preached an excellent sermon. Quite a number of friends and rela tives took dinner with Iloosier John one day last week. Messrs Ora Hoard and Howard Williamson, of Pendleton, shed the light of their beaming countenances here Saturday night.

then going through aUeys tvy chunks and homing them on his gas line: said he was thawing his gas out. Ooc. Finley was sliding around in South Wavne last Monday. Men that have several gray hairs on their heads say the frost last Tues- A gentleman guest was- to be at dinner with the family, sad Clyde was duly cautioned as to his ehavior at dinner. "Now said his mother.

very fine Mantle Wraps, worth from 138.00 to $50.00, choice, $17... mm Plush Wraps, worth choice ,12.50. llelween the hofitw of 10 o'clock v. ill 4 o'clock F. of Said day.

at the door i if the ('(inn House in Hiuuilton County, indiaa. the rents ami inetiis lor a term not exeeeo-iiiK seven vi-ars. of the foilowina real esta-. ttewit: Out lot number eleven ill in ii. V.

streets to being seen. Letter List No. 2, For week ending Jan. 21, lm I. C.

Wise and C. L. Gentry were I. V. im, ail, i mi i was the heaviest wr the neighborhood of Alexander many years.

Mrs. Samuel Stern is verv sick with Tuesday on business. Mr- and Mrs. Mitchell, of Ohio, are "when you sit down at the taSle. bow Ityrkitt.

Haryf Myers. MKa uog fever. Married, Saturday evening by Rev. Ml visiting friends in this county. flush Jackets the beet of your head over your hands and keep iSn.

altt-rsnn. VI A I The continued cold weather cansad Kurtz, Madison snen ano aiiBsv ora at $.5.00 eh. wrth -1 arte. 1 homas lieree. Mr Flunk very still until Mr.

Brown ks Noah Klepfer to buy a beautiful new Osboni, all of Jackson townahip 5 sea i pi us $12 MB. sealpluah Uinnse. Vh Shaws seconil aililition of out lots the town (now city) of Noblesville. lii(liaua. IGmoll rents am) wilit-.

will Hot sell ftlf- lfficU'nt sum to-arisfy tlet-nt-. 1 will, at the i same time and place, cxi-umc to publK sale i the fee simple of said n-al estate, or Bp much thereof nmy be sufficient to dis-1 heat said tlecree. interest and cost--. over coat of Sam Teseber Si.iell. Mis Annie ANOXYMOt'S.

'iHk James Onvis. Mrs Annit- lAtila. Frank Kifer. James 1 Frae. Mri Annie- They will probably begin housekeeping at once on the farm of Mr.

Shell, three miles north of here Puhitan. hlessing." Clyde understood and promised. At meal time when all were seated trere was soma del.iv i II nlfl'i cr- Mia NamsiMi.Th'wnas Weuver. Tobias Williams, (teorxe White, Mrs fVlilah illiams. Tiionias Worth, Mrs eon Wil limns, The Christian Endeavor Societlef of the United States are building a hotel at Chicago to accommodate members of that extensive church organization.

If conducted on the principles of the society it willhe a Harvey, hill ABCAtA. A revival is in progress at the E. AM0N(, Je 1 Mae. I- re Fred aisnes or maaiBg some changes, hut Harris. Mrs I.vdin Every Cloak in our stock ia-marked below cost, and there is a large stock to select from in it a large lot of Children's Cloaks and Ladies Newmarkets.

SEAL 30AUS. we are selling regardless of cost. Furs and Fur Wraps at the lowest possible prices for fine good. slu ill sale will he mude without any relic: whatever from valuation or appraisem*nt, laws I'll 1 1.1 KHOA.iKS. She, iff of Hamilton 'ountv.

Jan.zTth, A. R. law isn Verlv Collins has so far recovered onurcii. Miss Bessie Myers, of Indianapolis, Clyde had followed instructions implicitly and had" his head bowed with r-slativa hern Inst as to be out iust a little. was the guest ol Mr.

and Mrs. John Fields, of Cicero, succeas. I itiiy.hauuir KreuB. Miss Flora Wilson, KHlent. Mrs Wilson.

Miss F.leunor Mnrrel. tier OH Yentet.C Persanlr calling for the above leUers wiQ please say advertised. Nv T. Royer, P. M.

dee reverence, hot the delay seemed to him a very long time, and there visited Mrs. Fields' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.

Collins, Saturday and Sunday. S. J. Hinshaw treated his school to a nice spelling match last week. week.

Sleighs of every imaginable description are to be seen in this vicinity. Guy Pettijohn visited at Tipton, Friday and Saturday of last week. Alva Davis, of Noblesville, was the A man Rhould always be polite. When you see a man rushing along with icicles hanging to his beard and heating his ears with his hands, be Not ice to Heii-s-, Creditors, Etc. In tUe-estateof .1 inslhan Jonasoa, decease.

1. In the Hamilton in nit Court. FehruarV 'ftrm. W8. came from his lips the impatient! qury, why don't jj: pray?" Walter Edwards was the champion The citizens, of Baton Rouger are Jas.

Edwards and AlfHinshaw have sure to stop him and tell S.AYRERStCo -vt -i isuerebr ave that Mui A vuest of friendis' here, over Sunday him it's Cleve- loiminiM imioi-n ol' i wm vj io in i anrt N. is ,1,,. trttpnaiiii, nnntwat. held here returned home from North Carolina. cold he will be expecting it the advance guandiof progression, and Recent Telephony.

During the last two or three years trials have been made in the French he WT don't bolieve for a minute that land Plaindealer. Arcadia schools, was selected to rep i euner oi mem wouui ur umw. to keep there they do whatever is necessary. The last advance step was bv himself or with someone, but the estate ol Jonathan oh nsnn. deceased.

has presented id tiled their account ana vouch-ersin tinal settlement of said estnle.aniltliai the same will come up forexaroiniilion ami action of said Circuit Court on the Idtli day of FelwTiary. 18, at wlni-h rime all heirs, creil-iters or lesatees of sniileslu*te n- reiiuireil to. appear in said Court ami show eitit-e, if any resent our township at the county- Otto Oe Hart went to New Chicago Army of the remarkable telephone when Alf reports that it is so cold down there that a river froze over EVE.r;iK,lA74MH. I(TCLU Saturday evenins to spend Sunday, and in order to be in the fashion took svstem.of Cap't Cbarollois, which de- lne moe was lae organization ot pendsupon the Martin bi-metallfe the Baton "K6 Co- with the contest. Mis Rose Montgomery, of Noblesville, was entertained by relatives at that rune at the rate of fifty miles an then-he.

why said accouni and Touchers hour, and Jim says that the soil is so his girl sleighriding Saturday even- wire of steel core eovered with cop- sboora not Ik- nnproved. Ami the hen this place Saturday Sunday. 1 II' 1 1 ri.iiimo'rA nf Hnrtniv Dr. E. HUNTSINGER sasl estate are also hereby required, at the was noor they have to mix with it an ing His experience was not unlike I per." This wire is stronger and rust mil i.

v. i i of friends here Sunday the guest manv others, in fact it was the old 1 less readily than that ordinarily time and place atoresaid. to appear an make of their Iw-irship. 4Sei STAFFOllH. i Vrk llain.c.

C. touowing emciens omcere: Joseph L. Mitche). Pres. Christian Zimmer, Ad.

H. Wagner, Treas. These ofBeers are. all man of strict integrity and full of good business qualities and the people of Baton Rouge are story. The sleigh upset, dumped him U8ei.

With a magnetic receiver at equal quantity Ol guano oeioie ii win make brick, we think it is about time for them to. take a trip to Crab Orchard Ooc Finley and George Orftin. Mrs. L. N.

Newcomer's friends to evening. M. C. and Clayton Martz have trad ed M. C.

taking Clayton's house 'ifi town and Clayton taking and his eirl into the snow and a either end, the wire is unwound upon wet or dry earth or even in water. possession ot tne one-nan tne su-k and without insulation, contrary to1 to congratulated, in the posses- Application? for License. NoTlCF. ishcreojssriveni to the citizen of the efty of olilesvile and Noble-- on the farm formerly owned bv the number ot nbou' titty Willi nasK-els well tilled gathered at her resi sion of so good an organization. M.

C. Miss Gertie Hall, who has been dence Sund.iv to remind her that she vei townsHMtaa Hutu ton enmity, slush walk took them to a place of comfort. m- -p Railroad Wreck. A wreck occurred on the C.

iS S. E. Sunday to a freight train whereby nine freight cars were thrown off the track and more or less injured. An It is perfectly natural for somepeo- hw baa, that at th nest reaular Man se (Spei-uij I Kxaiwiufir Pension Department. WasbimttoM, U.

Kx-Suraeen Reaimeat liultana li.fantyy) SfTr. Ua regular visits to Noblesville. The DiKtor devotes exclusive attention Uv the treatment of all Medical and Sjrgical Diseases of rho EYE, EAR. Bid CHKlNIC CATARIilf anil the Scientinc Adiustmct of I 'K( AC KS as t.rainilaraml fnrlamisl, Weak. Watery hsres.

hmties, ol Cataracts. Cross-Kyea. Djsctjangs fmca the Karx peafnes. oeWS In the tieated Without Pam or Hanger. CHRONIC CATARRH Is the l.reat I ail of llBiittiMg, ma.

tieclally in middle aged um HH, ot I onsiiiniktuiii. WKCJAL ATTENTION' to Fitting all finds of Speytacles, for which purpos? the Din-tor has he I i I l- i il( the West is reported had just passed another of life's mile numbered with the sick Mon fro. of Mie hoard of commissioners ot posts. A very enjoy aoie vmj spoilt. Esouire Bates is not a man of weak better.

A great ninny of oiir people are making arrangements to attend the county association at Noblesville, on Friday evening and Saturday. Swkkt BRIEk. nerve and yet he confesses to being when a couple extra Wa running to dispose of accu- usual theories conducts sounds to- a considerable distance. The military telephonists are organized in sets of two men, each set having equipment for a mile line. The wire is rapidly lain by infantry, cavalry or by bicyclists.

By succession sets of operators, a line fourteen miles long was established in live hours and taken up in one hour; and an order of assault, setting in niption of two army-corps, was received and put in execution iii ten minutes. called on hinrto unite them for life. Hamilton county Male Indiana, the undersrjNjed will apply to said bmrd of forlicense to sell spirituous, vinous and matt liquors tii a less quantity than a nuarl at a tnme srtth the privilaee aflu for the purpose of pertnUttnt ii to he drank upon and in the premises where sold. The premises where said liquors are to be suUrand are describisl iu- follow- to-wit It U-itiL- the only two story lrick and tame building on lot mini uer one Ol in square number 1 in F. W.

F.mmons' audit ion to tin town ol now it Nohlesville. Hamilton county State of (ml ana. or :i.n tmrl of said lot. Wt3 JOHS T. pie to be clever and do nice things but if it is not natural no amount of practice will make one's acts appear easy and pleasant.

Pius Long heads the list in th first named class. He never seems so happy as when doing something nice for a friend. The writer has been the recipient of more favors than OJie from his magnanimous gentleman. If you would like to know the last favor conferred ask to see our scratch book. H.I.

AT- and hence we report Personally appeared before Esq Bates at his residence on Thursday, Jan. lf. 1863, Mr. Horace Brendcl and Miss I.ora Wells, whom 'squire in a few choice words immediately proceeded to pronounce husband and wife and send them away rejoicing. May they live long and prosper is the wish of Winter Green.

I From another corresonHcnt. Wheat is being protected better THiK FACTOR CORNER. Thirteen cords of wood cut for the school-houses, hurry up and drill in that well. Calvin Sturdevant will take your name for the Indiana Farmer for SO cents and Tiik Lkixjkr $1 60 per copy. William and Ella Wiles lost their babv bov Saturday night It was bur malated freight and when one mile west of Lapel a broken rail derailed nine cars.

Fortunately no person was injured. James K. Reed, of Madison. who has been the guest of Eli Brooke, at Cnion, returned home Monday, pirn and Eli are much like Jonathan and David in their friendship, and little wonder. As boys they were playfellows as young men they were comrades in the army, and finally they married sisters.

Their association ARLINGTON HOTEL, NOBHRSVmCiE, TUESDAY. JAN. 31, '92 And Relaniing gvenr Four Weeks on At Drs Davenport's Offid, THURSDAY, Feb. 9th. The Gr-ewt English temedy.

ied Monday at Chester cemetery ii. Mm Hvmnnthv "of than bv the McKinley Bill; it is pro- Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Longley Barnes has been dissolved by mutual consent W. E. Longley will settle all claims and collect all monies due the old firm.

Jan. 21, 1893. W. E. Lonui.ey, A.

E. Barnes. Promptly and pam nently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness. Emissions. Spermatorrhea, liniiotencyaiulall effects of Abuse, or Kx-cesses; lieen over 33 years in thousands of eases: bi the only this neighborhood in their sad am ic- tected by fifteen or twenty Inches, of tion- snow, which will be likely to tell When Baby wi stck, we gaie her Castoi When she was a Child, the cried for astoria.

When she became Miss, she clung 10 Caaebrla When sh had Children, the gave tUeiu CaaUalSt The farmer institute at Sheridan, next narvesi Rufus Hinshaw and Claude Barker fnaether is alwavs delightful. February 1st and 2nd good program i i i i Before ud After. Be hah and Honest were selected, trom me scuooi iu lane i nd free dinner. Come a load of fat hoars part in the township oratorical con Clothing sales agents wanted for To the Prune. to We8tneld Monday at a hundred, test Medicine known.

Ask drugaist for Woon's PaosrftOPISK: it he oilers some worthless medicine in place of this, leave his dianbn- est store, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, $1: Tom Edwards, the successful paint- wil1 please, six will cure. Para- Eli Morris commenced teaching a Moon and John Parker are Noblesville and vicinity. Liberal commissions paid, and we furnish the beat an 1 most complete outfit! writing school at this place on Mon PERMATOTI LEASANT 1 EMPLOYMENT ROFITABLE ASS0BEfi- To those who are so fortunate as to ftT IM'IA AXHMAI.AV A. lthoiit doubt it is the best ski UNO I SI RS, RH-IION HOOK PI Ill.lKHKII.

Svn hauling some fine oak logs to West- Having purchased Mr. Barnes in- day ntgnt. He made a good field for $2U per inousanu hwim i. l.tlllllS. Rrav and familv ate a heartv mencement of over twenty scholars; avr nrovided bv any house.

Write terest in the above firm I shall en- A duress 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 Mr-. MICA CO Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mich.

XT, L' la. wf lli.f as ItA in a aniollliill PRC lie WC think i of deavor to merit a share your pa id 111 isoiilesvine. ry Frank K. ltoss- meai ai "i 77 1 at once ior terras. work done and it Elvin Sturdevant and lady visited there will be good er, who at one time was nought to be an incorrigible old bachelor, our readers will remember succumbed to the charms of a good woman something over a year ago and now he is is in the right direction as this im- at John Beile'8 Thursday.

Wanamaker Brows, Philadelphia, Pa. tronage by fair dealing and equitable prices. Mr. Barnes will welcome all his friends and customers as he is A sled load from Union High scared i portant branch of education is neg- Mrs. Ida Lane, of Indianapolia.

is is thp initial nflifii' nmtlioi, 1 Elmer Sturdevant nearly to aeatb lecten entirely 100 roucn. Thomas Fesmire attended Friends' i Don't think it wasted time to sub- Wednesday night. There were "still in the field" and will continue supremely happy over the advent ot WRr(Jrip in mv employ. IV a boy baby at his home and if he doeB twenty-one young folks in the sled. quarterly meeting at New London, mit yourself to any influence which Howard countv, last Saturday and Come attain paces (owxl naiK-r clear type, superbly bound, heau lliilly illustrated.

liiterestin and instructive from cover to cover. Half Rnsia. 2-50. TmU, BU, 3. The first etlltion exhausted.

The second nearly gone, A third in preparation, sl-twmgli only out about two months. Free Territory. LtlMawJ Taraa. Address fur descriptive and confidential circulars CRANSTON CURT8. liW West Kourth-Si.

'IM'IN'NATl. 0. 1 2 W. E. Longley.

not have as much said about his boy N. F. Swain, visitor in Sunday. W. P.

Rayle is a weeaiy 1 Call and see W. I tage grocery. The Davis riauorm nuiaer is sini thia neighborhood. Something will may bring upon you a nobler teenng. Fresh oysters by the dish orcan at J.

F. Becker's. tf Hoosier cough syrup, 35 get your pow-1 in the field with many improvements "drap" aoon. Boys Hoosier cough syrup for consumption, tr and A. rl.

barter nasengagea vo iook after their intereste the present der ready. Billy Phelps has been busy the past week hauling hay to hie livery barn. I as was said over the advent of baby Mrs. V. A.

Ream, of Kokomo, is 1 Ruth he would not trade even by a the guest, of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. i large majority. All doing well. Kibler.

Mrs. X. Joseph is visiting her bs daughter, Mrs. Julius Morley, at Pitcher' Castor la i Cicero. Children Cry for Pitcher's Catterfa.

Children Cry for Children Onr for Pitcher Catorla-.

The Hamilton County Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.