The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

Annwal Pair tbe A.mrrm Union As- Srrrimvreott Heme. Persons having National Union City Convention. Meiavtieit tAmt of Prenalstmaa. claims against the Coanty of Brie, are requested to present them tor wnngl oa or b-fbr tlie nth day F-eBBSk. Tbe following delegate to the Rational Union City Convention ware rtirwmt In tbe several Ward last Fkwr-Market 1868 Wheat rm dosed weak, declined s6oT SS lo, and No 1 d91 arTfrwW 6(ett 09 forNi and Rrm Irana Tbe new propeller Florence, owned by A Jenkins, of Windsor, was oat Saturday afternoon on her first trial trio, and cave evidence of good speed Jfe.

mr 8as tttb Tt Pais ui u.t. Capt J. Xlcbot eon and PristBvilla, have sold tbe Tog nittiiviOe to A- B. Crawlord, of CWeago, oa private tersaa abe is a flrst-daea ateanez and will comlnne towing on the re aa heretofore, under the aame managsment Ib. Tbe fbriowfng Is a list of Preminma awarded at the Seventh Annual Fair and Cattle Show, held by the Aurora Union Fair Association, on the 3d and 4th evening: BDFFAL If.

TaM4ar Ewenlnw, October 9, 1866. Firtt Ward (two get.) Win. Wee ton, Nicholas 82 a2Xe for NoX Sales st for No 1, and of October, 18" 6. All accounts not presented an a before that date will not be allowed this year. By order of the Board.

A. J. EGQERT, Clark. Dated October 8, 1866. ocStf Delanv, Bartholosiew McCabe: and John Oarver, fpa.fsAurcir days of October, 18B6: CLAUI9 t--6AiiJOHft' uair mvKn una KM and 84C435C for No t.

86X37c for No 1, Mwimia a liSpU(CneSU I Timothy Donovan. Btcbard Datton of the fetoaner Prfris LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Secvnd irews-GrosvenevOeveland, John Moreen Beet Stallion, Peter ester, K. Hamburg $5 00 2d do Wm. B.

Anderson, Anrora ou pork aarwm9( baeen. Geo. W. Cotnran. Deaty l)eitioa Fashions ruqrr RscirrKD.

Mrs. Nich Best 3 year old stallion, G. Wlllett, E. Hamburg 8 00 Got A wat. The fleet of grain vessels mentioned in our last succeeded ia getting sway before a souther! 1 wind yesterday moraine, and.

onr harbor is again arise barren of shipping Mil Sad. Hlgnwmi raex ami Freights Active and cedlc Corn 13c to Rnr IMrd WW-Daniel Myers, Patrick Gordon, Wm. do gums, anmra 3 uu '-eBSaaBsasaBSsWHM v4-' JC HLAKBLKY. ols, No. 9 tenth Division street, has Just received fr Madame Demorest her Fafl Patterns.

Dress and Cloak making and mads la every Recmptstt-OOOrjoU floe; OOntcorn 49.000 bu oats. 000 be WheatJ C. AMBLE TON, tenian Pfc MCI Address br Kant VOAXI j-aakcisco, Oct a. The schooaer Smith. fourth Ward Jacob Haas, Henry Koona, Ara broee Hartcom.

Fifth Ward John Grobe, Peter Bechtenwalt, Bon-aventora Kreie. C. A. U. Oetober 9th, 7: JO P.

M. Proclamatiou by Use President. Shipments ooib nonr; liij 000 bTcoru and 33,000 bu oats. bo wheat; Anna. The nemory vi Admiral tyle.

DOMESTIC MARKETS. CLASS 3 Mabxs ajtd Colts Bailed ia search '-rrory Colored State Codtch- Beat brood mars. Austin Femes. Marllla a on Vnb a ia ob tae rj vuhl uin in. VQK V.

2d do B. G. Bullis. E. Hambunr 9 Ul i.iih WardJohn Ketter.

Wm. Schen, Jacob aon.TheSaiitlaro de Cuba's Pu Hou Keep Warm. every variety, at 00SUO 3d do 8. Jones, Wlllinfc 1 OU -Wrappers and Drawers, I BKAKK JTJDSON'S, Successors to T. S.

Robinson, 289 Main street been heard from, Mid is believe NATIONAL TUASKSGIT1SG. BatHal market. OOaUCERCIAL ADVKKTtHKK OrFIC, I BtrrvAxo, Teuaday, Oct 9, 188. i The market rules dull for Flour and Grain, partially ceax 3 year old. Joe.

W. waters. Manila 8 on Bank Failure. Jraod5aet reports as fbOct 186S. In store subject to 2c storage.

rice of grain Wheat No 1 spring $2 06; No 2 $1 1. nic. Oat quiet Freiehts about 14c Corn Jfo Receipt Wheat bu; corn 119.uouBuflai--r "TRADE AND CQMMEIl Feth. Seventh Ward Joseph Pidle, John Llenert, Barn bard Kaiser. is am Aaoians on ty God, onr Heavenly Father, has been Alml 2d do Henry Kerr, Collins 00 Sd do Jasaea Person.

Aurora. 1 00 Char- lotto's Island. dIamm to ni aa a iwinlp. another year norseKen- Beat year old. Jas Wiley.

Wales 00 on account of light supply, and partly from lower Eighth Ward Mat bias Sullivan, Patrick Crow, Pat: Chia. W. Brooks A a la- 2d do Geo, H. Addington, Aurora 2 00 Fall Sttles New Millinery Store, No. 7 West Eagle street Miss McGloin, having returned prices In New York.

The transactions today were rick Kennedy. 3d do Gee. Davis, Eima Am. Inst. eommlsBioa flrm, ausoended todav.

Sumner Swindler. nU'tU .1 Oct 9. extremely meagre in Wheat Corn and Barley. Oats Best 1 year old. Geo.

H. Addimrton. Anrora 2 00 A'trefA Ward Wm. Coegrove, Hector Macdonald, Wto' 2d do do do Am. Inst keary defalcation of greenbacks bv their liu scarce and in good demand.

Rye quiet Provisions VI MWi MUUIW HIV WUIUB IB BO tion of peace, security and profrres tJiat year, mr over, bu been crowned with many peculiar bleaslnpa Tbe ctvH war that has ao recently been unoof not been anywhere' reopened. Foreign intervention baa ceased to excite alarm or apprehension. Intrusive pestilence baa been benlfmanily mitigated, do tie tranquility ha improved, neutimetite or con and atiecttonaof lor Geo. W. Wallace.

from New York, is now prepared to furaish her friends and patrons with everything in the Millinery line. Ladies would do well bv giving her a call. AOM delivanMl i Best sacking colt, Isaac Hemstreet. Karilla 1 00 as we Tenth Ward Oscar FolBOm, J. P.

Coeteilo, O. do Austin Femes, do V- Trans Imports. TBSfoUowlng will show the Impart by Lake Grand Trunk Railway tor the ul hours ending at noc to-day: quiet Butter and Cheese in mode -ate request. Otb er articles as quoted. Gold dosed at noon in New cashier, with the failure of a prominent operator, gainst whose eonsignmenta the had ac Steele, Jr.

own island yesterday. aid. among other Best pair matched horses, N. Border, do 5 00 J. iro DiariMai t.

i 1 se38toc37 York at tl 48S- Belling here at 101 per cent above Eleventh Ward Darwin G. Bronaon, Jacob Bcben, Id do P. Bartlett, 3 00 3d do Northrop, Elma 100 "6 wnea Mexico invaded by that noble enemy upon whose New-York rates. Canal freights very dull, owing to cepted largely. They have first assigned their assets sufficient to cover their senersi bniM Diseases of the Ete.

Dr. Honberger, Best single horse, Pliny Bartlett, Collins 8 00 Second Aokersoj light stock of grain to store and large accnmula do Fred Thompson, 2 (K) Mill 40,000 Oil Cake, scks 37 Oil, bbls 2 Outs, bu 8.235 Pork, bbls 20u from New Tork, receives patients afflicted with Diseases of the Rye, requiring medical or surgical treat 3d do John Crane, Aurora 1 00 tion of canal boats hi Dort liabilities, leaving the operator's engagement Ashes esks 7 Appios. greeii, bbls Brick. 120,000 Beef, bbls 15 Bauer, jjo Bariey. bu 4,307 Broom corn, ai Bonos, pkgB ij the 30th of Patrick Lyon.

Twelfth Ward L. P. Dayton, John Ambrose, Henry ZlegeL Thirteenth Word James Morgan, Chas. Qrrlnland, Angus McPherson. i The stock of grain in store this morning Is only J39, niaoie sou 1 am now living, when I had pTjred.

against me the powerful armies of the State, nnder that immortal hero, Gen. comZ flower of my tnen were two ment, at the Tiflt House, Par.or 14, from 11 to 2 applicable to the balance. They hope soon 242 bu of all kinds, while there are In port 710 canal UR Ties. No i Rags, scks hurricane on Jur long. 153 20, bt es.1 o'clock.

Consultation free aharge. Patients Wll J. C. CHEESY, HORACE BLOOD, M. W.

ONKY, Committee. CLASS 3 Cattle. -oWt arrangements resumiog their bad- boats, with a capacity fbr carrying freight equal to 0, be referred to parties of tbe highest respectability, nees. Sundries, tts 14 000 Staves. No 6,000 Cattle, No ii -Nathan FloydTlSe reoentlv killoH Veq Isle, witv C0mP8ed of men from the Green who have been under the care of Dr.

Bonberger, at 000,000 bu of grain. It cannot but be expected tnax nnder this condition of things canal eights.must for Corn, bn on 7sr The is little doinr in i Cheese, lbs eon previous visits to this city. oc4tf Best milch cow, Horace Bronaon, Aurora $4 fO 2d do S. B. Thompson.

Willink 2 00 thrirfW 'image of their patron saint on sw with fi c.mpbythelnoUana.wl! Blty and patriotin have 1-een widely renewed Our fields havevWIded quite abundantly, our mlningln- dnstry baa Seen richly rewarded, and allowed to extend our rail. oad -Mem. far into 1 e-Hot reeewec of the country, while our commerce haa reTuJSeTT. Vu vl i In foreign aeaa. These great national blewlnK" dear and a nauonal ac- wyoH.rlSlnof te United Ittstes, do Tberehy recommend that THCKaDAY, the TWEIf-TY JWNTH day of NOVEMBEK next, be set apart and be ob-erved the iteveral 8tat and TetTitoriea of the inted by the people thereof, aa a day of tbaukngiving and pralBe to Almighty God, witb due remembrance that in Uia temple doth every man peak of Uia honor.

I recommend that on the aame solemn occasion, we do humbly and devoutly Implore Him to grant to oar National Councils and to our whole people that divine wii-dotn which alone can I. ad any nation Into the waya of all L'ood In offering these national piaicea and anpplica-tlona, we have the divine aasnrance that the Lord re-mainetb a king forever; that are merkxhal He some time rule very dull. 3d do B. Pratt, do Trans ow-Jacket is quoted at745; Chollar 108; Ophir 182; Legal tenders 71). Kggs, bbis Flour, bbls in it ChitoM.n- B-Itoberti also spoke at The grain In store, stock of which was taken this Just Opeved.

1,000 pieces rich Plaid aneep, uve. No 5U8 Tobacco, hhds IS Tobacco, bbls Tobacco, bxs ao Tan Bark, cds 80 Timothy seed, bu 8.28S 66,963 Best yearling heifer, W. B. Anderson, 9 0 the wrongs of Ireland morning by Barclay, Bruce is as follow! 2d do Horace Branson, do V- Trans and tbe steamer Dress Goods, at T7Xe per yard- and the glorious wheat 111,834 bu eorn eo.Tei bn Oats 37.823 bu bar Best 2 year old heifer, G. H.

Addington, do do Riv -tk ri Tomi i un ninoes Red Twined an wool jriannei at Hogs live. No 10 Hickory Nuts, bbls Hides, iio Lorn her. ft 1,959,104 Assembly Delegates. At the National Union Ward Caacnaee last evening, tbe following delegates to tbe Assembly District Conventions were appointed riBST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Ward (Two sets chosen (Michael Morriseey, James Manaher, James Healey; and Wm.

Fnller, Mathew Kyan, Thomas Dnnkln. Fifth Ward Edward Irwin, Henry Garons, Henry Peck. in treasure. CLASS 4 MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. ley 13,601 bu; rye 10,000 bu; total 929,212 bu.

-'J, mxener vard; greatest bargains ever oCfered ia Buffalo! O. W. PAJtDRLDGB, Wool, his Thass afloat on the canal destined for tide-water Best pair working cattle. Jas. Person.

3 uu 58 determined attemi Col. Roberts made aur51 hUrmtioa- the St Patrick's CircKt.1" eVemDg Leather, rolls 8 Wood, cds "II nri" 2d Aa Twla NorthrUD. Elma mcmoing auuments from BuAdo for fonrtaen da vs. Lard, tta 48,860 FROM NEW TORK 3d do G. Addington, Anrora Am- Main-st PlTRK WIKK3 AKD IjQUORS.

AU who Wlgh euoing uci ata, ana rrom Oswego 8 days, ending Oct 6th flour, 2,988 bbls: wheat 6.9ii3 hn vrn Best pair 2 year old steers, Dorr Bhjoo, Canal JExporta. The following are bhe exports ot floor and ml. Bank Statement. Ship Abai 191 bu; oats, 832.815 bo: barley, 406,580 bu; rve.1! rotde In lodgment, and such aa are gentle shall He daring the past S44 hoars sea. pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, are advised to call on Swift Hosted, wholesale and retail dealers, Nog.

142 and 114 East Seneca at Buffalo. denunciatory of the 1,0 vel7 The naval officers on met yesterday and passed res? thlf 8tatloa for the memory of. Admiral Pct Allmirol VarTnrwnt gOrV. VlCO learn Hg way. Tbe Lord shall trive strenwh to His ica DtO OH.

ttiot 1m National iTaj Cut Down, 4c. Ralthio, Oct 9. Considerable excitement occurred this morning at the corner of Baltimore and North-Btreete, occasioned by an attack made by a PAINE, J. ADAMS, Committee. CLA88 6--' Keating, James Kennedy, Eighth Ward James John Ellloit.

To yionr. Wheat. The receipts at the "ports of Chicago, Milwaukee. yt-. 8.980 2,660 Troy 1,006 Corn.

74,310 1,500 The Toledo, and Detroit for the week ending Oetober 6th Kochesujr 7.000 They are selling the best brands of imported Brandies at 116; pare old For Wine at and all goods in loan, nf A 4A. 77o. "now" Best fine wooled Mcs-, Fenner Aurora Am. Inst Meldua. 7.1100 no, in were: Flour, bbls wheat, 1,374,689 bn: com do Thirteenth Ward-W.

Smith, James Galloway, M. Emerson. SEco*kD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Setxnd Ward Jesse C. Dann, B.

F. Felton, as S. vi Vi ttUU ti meeflng In a few remarks eulogistin nooa 1 the de- the de- Lock port 6,000 heir line correspondingly low, and request their ba; oats, 229,170 bn; ba-ley, 183,097 bu; rye, ao ou do V. Trans do 1 Oil -262 increase In diruaonfs tn, Poei. dl number of Republicans on the Democratic and dT do do Best three fine wooled lambs, do SzZ.

innc noied back. Northmp ceased, with whom lie had served people, and the Lord shall give to Ills people the DleHrtna; peace la witness whereof, I hjivo hereunto set my hand and caused tbe seal of the United Mate to he affixed. Done at the City of Washington, the eighth day of October, in the year of onr Lord 1 1 one thousand eixht and ix' six, and of the independence of tbe I'uiled btatea the ninety first. AvNDKKW JOHNSON. By the President: W.

II eawARD, Secretary of State. OO. 1.000 75,810 friends and the public to call and examine their stock. ooitlO WeBt ,560 Elma a 01) India squadron as early as 1815. Against week ending September'; 29th Flour, 138 6 VT 342.

I vTJ Ri MLstopoi, tram SagtJ And for week ending October 8, '66: Am. Inst MoGowan. Third Ward las McConvev. John Bhlerck, Conservative headquarters. A National flag, which hung suspended In front of the building.

IMS bbls wheat, 1,157,199 bu; corn, 403,313 bu: oats. To Flour Wheat. Corn. Oats. do 00 00 ao Best do ewes, do do ad do do do do Important.

Every gentleman should ex rMon sea on thJ Barley. Rye. 84,050 78,080 A small meeting ofthe colored cita wm held last evening in the AbvsinnU Ban? bu; barley, 9387 bu; rye, 88,748 bu being an ana crew rescued br the I was cut down, and for a time there were great apprehensions of a most serious difficulty. The Troy Schnct'dy L. St Johnsv increase on the weak of 597,376.

bushels of all kinds of amine the Mew, Elegant, and very Durable assort ment of Scarfs, Neck-ties, Bows, fcc, to be found at 3, 470 506,910183,680 8,000 4.4 6.300 6,000 3 00 V. Trans 1 00 2 00 V. Trans 1 00 50 V. '--i urvugm to tbis port Church in, this city for the purpose of electing grain. polios promptly came to tbe rescue, and com- Uttca delegates to the approaching' State convention Canal freights dull.

To New-York wheat 1 COMMOU COlNtlL PltOCEEOINO. Franklin J. Curtiss- Fourth Hard peter Hlpont, John Schnur, John H. Walter Sixth Ward John Stengel, Jacob Hemenz, Jacob Pfohl. SECOND ASSEMBLT DISTRICT.

Seventh Ward Charles Beck with, John Hollander, Wm. Drescher. Ninth Ward Vim. B. Peck, Delavan F.

Clark, Jas. Rome Wiea toe rioters to return the flag, which was corn 14c; oats to lToy and Albany wheat at Albany. Twelve delegates were selected. MISCELLANEOUS REV 710 1.B00 17,290 8,000 BEARS A JCTDSON Successors to T. S.

Robinson, oefStlO 2H9 Main street Gilbbrt'8 Sblf-Skalino Fruit Jars. 6,009 930 80 Best do lamb, do ao Best fat sheep, do do 2d do do do Best long wooled lambs, do do Best grade sheep, C. Slcbols, do CLASS ft SWIXE ANB POCLTHT. Beet breeding sow, Dan Pryor, Willink Beet four pigs, do do 2d- do do do V- Best pair tnrkeys, Densmore Pratt, 2d do do do l-enor 14Kc, corn llc; oats 8c. Fujtra The market only moderately active.

Bales The SfeaBftlhip UiWrnlj Aaaresses were made by Wm. Howard Day, Chaa. B. Ray, and others, and a finance com 1,800 18,490 1,000 1,500 yesterday P. 00 bbls 1 spring at $11 50; and nont'rma Rochester 50 2 00 Trans 1 00 60 The best Jar in market Price for one Quart Jars, 110.030 2,000 mittee appointed to defray expanses.

this A M. 200 bbls Minnesota spring, to arrive, at 12 FaTBKR POIMT, Oct The steamsbin Hibernian from 1.1 Monatt. 12 25 per dozen. For sale by 7,010 e. Harbor lockport.

25; 400 bbls No 1 spring at $11 60; 100 bbls western 34,590 i De iieam8hip nan jYancisco will take "5Hjreu to lis lormer position. nlght of Conservatives made Vk on some Republicans in the eastern j6011 the city, which resulted In a fierce ngnt. jov Galety OM of tbe attacklng pkr. ty, was shot, jng three balls In his body. precarious.

Sev era! other partie. Vly injawi jylStf K. IV HOLMAN, 146 Main st itn, via londonderry on 28th ol at $12 60; for spring bakers', $14 0U; and 16 .00 for Total Tenth Ward N. W. Thayer, John Mitchell, Philip Khinehardt.

Eleventh Ward Frederick Gridley, Geo. D. W. Clin the passengers who were on the Santiago de a mgnaiiea. SSf652' 666.000 183.6W 84,050 70.580 Freedman'g tW Read William white Wheat XX western.

week tuba, and sail at 4 P. today, for St Juan, 153,085 34,440 3 oe op ng S1478243 09-22005 817107 6151 ment Whkat The market rules dull'and heavy, witb no Spoken at Sea. Officer and I ton, Alfred A. Lloyd. speculative and only light milling enquiry.

Sales or uie recked ship "-Shootlrf Mendaen'a iSST Bead Hamlin Twlfth Ward Conrad Diehle, C. L. Dayton, M. Hubbard. 7000 bu No.

2 Milwaukee spring on p. Other grades or Flour and Grain at advertise- dentf ine Hanking House of E. H. Grnber Hoirrovl sent. quiet and inactive.

Co. has failed with liabilities of about $250, Oats. Barl'y F. Spoken September 2Ind, lat 461 Nw Viwk la Ana an. "narket.

Corn Scarce and dull. Salos yesterday P. M. 7800 PAUL WHEELER, M. ELDRIDGE.

Committee. CLA88 7 Ghaw akt 8ied. Best half bush corn, B. Pratt, Willink 1 00 2d do C. Nichols, Aurora 60 Best half bush oats, Geo Dick, WlUink 1 00 2d do Nichols, 50 Best half bush rye, Geo.

Dick 1 00 2d do do BO Best half bush peas, C. Nichols, 1 2d do do 50 Best hair bush beans, Geo P. Dick 1 00 2d do Nichols 50 Best half bush timothy seed, C. Nichols 1 00 ad do B- Smith 50 Wreatf .3 and Crosses, Pesigne The Co arte. Ondnnatll- WMfislwo 4,099 uaro ue enus irom LODdon for Phi OrWaao.

Ort Ckn V. 1 1 000, and assets of $75,000. It owes depositors $95,000. There is much excitement, as the in Flowers, in every style, nade to order. bu Chicago No.

1 mixed at 82i. and this A. M. 6800 bu No. 1 Toledo mixed at 81c i wnm iwineea er toe ol mauro 11,413 lt9.818 lOiS-JS Kilwaukaa 9 him urn ami crew of the wrecked ahin SkootuuA 4,766 sisso 5.406 I0 81,911 SB.9BH 1,803 S.594 86,002 40,030 16,980 850 975 2,820 080 400 285 9,590 Oats Scarce and H500, bu new No.

1 posed to be in command of Capt i W. J. PALMHH, Thirteenth st bet North and Pennsylvania sts. Orders may be left at 8- N. Callander's, No.

92 loss falls on the poorer class. It is stated that the renowned racer Ken Flonr-Stesdy. Sales werevw TO for No. 1 spring, 13 25 for red for white do, and $161S 36 for aonu r.xTX. Wheat-Dun.

Sales 8,000 ba No club at $2 85, 900 bn white Canada at tS ba cholce do at SS. Toledo at 51c Superior Court of Bpffalo. Criminal Txrx Hon. Geo. W.

Clinton, Justice Job Gorton and A. T. Patchln, Justices of the Peace. October 8 The People agt. Charles Talcott: indicted fbr grand bound from Liverpool to EastDortl 2S3-- 101J04 4.78S 74.1T3 65,835 Baslxt Dull and tending to easier prices.

Sales put the remaining ten on board of ad tncky has been sold to Mr. Leonard W. Jerome Main st mhSUnbl 7 car loads, about aooo bu, two-rowed mite at 1 Im oouna vessel. for $40,000. He will probably be withdrawn Do till us where we can get onr Dyeing part bagged.

show, the receipt, at the following lake ports for the Election Excitement ia Phili from the turf. r. ru r. Daauu, HORACE BKONOX, JOHN WOODRUFF, Oommittee. and Cleaning done in tbe Vst and promptest manner 1 SaleaVWOboNouuinois Canadian odered at tl.

Corn Market is qniet at c. Her)cy Market qniet. without bnyers. PurLADS LPHIA Some curious transactions of an alleged Kti Quiet and nominal at about 1 ui Pbas Market bare and prices nominal at 1(31 10 Bbaub Inactive and nominal at $1 0001 to as to Flour. Why, at L.

Chester's, No. 18 Batavla street, near the A tremenaous excitement exists bel Bell Tower. aula Chicago. .51,084 swindler named Scofield recently came to light. Rje 74.7H5 5.9011 3,565 neat, oorn Oats.

Bariev 574,164 197,008 HS9080 6.H68 11. hjb 18,388 20,179 10,895 9,000 87,949 3,829 2,721 election which place to-morvts qualtity. JB 697 tl is operations covered over $70,800. He was CLA88 8 Fruit axt Vobtabl8 Best variety fall apples, C. Nichols 2d do do do Best variety wlner apples, do -do do do Additional Bounties to two and three Canal Freights Lower Flonr, 60c; wheat lSc; corn and barley 11c; to Mew Tork.

nees almost totttv uianjoiAjxi I uetroit ..40,181 I mm uievei a I throng tbe streets speculating on thl years' and woctdid bolxubbs, and to the widows, arrested three times in Hoboken, and finally lodged in Hudson County jail, where he was larceny; tried and convicted of petit larceny. Same agt. ltohert Shannon; arraigned and plead not guilty; tried and acquitted. Same agt. James Nolan; assault with Intent to rob, arraigned and plead not guilty.

Same agt. Catharine Jordan; Indicted for larceny after petit larceny; arraigned and plead not guilty. Home agt Michael Sherer; Indicted for petit lar. ceny; arraigned and plead not guilty. Same agt Curtis Haaser; Indicted for grand Jar ceny, arraigned and plead not guilty.

Same agt. John Gold; indicted for grand larceny, arraigned and plead not guilty. ir Same agt. Avery Sappln; indicted for grand minor children or parents of soldiers who died in the 1 resuu. Many beta are being made.

Best variety peais, 00 Totals ..142,878 M74.H29 6I8.KH6 229.170 lKWn There were present at the meeting of the Common Ooancll yesterday afternoon Joseph L. llaberstro, President of the Conncll, and Aid llamler, Beyi-r, Bryant, Brnsh, Buchhclt, Haircr. Kcl ly, McPherson, Moore. Morvu, Brieii, Pfohl, Schen, bhepard, Sways, and "Absent Aid" Anrhlnvole, Hopkins The niemb.m all having Iicen presented with an elaborately hound, tilt edged copy of the minutes of tbe Council for 15, those of tbe last meeting were approved. His Honor the Mayor informed the Council that he had been served with a summons to answer tbe complaint of W.

A. Dorr, against the city of BulLtlo The City Attorney was directed to defend. The following was also received from the Mayor: Bcrvu, Oc 8, lStsL Gentlemen: 1 return without approval resolution adopted by your bouorable dody at its last directing an order to be drawn in favor of Thomas Rannick for fio, thin bcinu the amount or a flue tin posed on said llennick ly Justice H. it. Burt, for vio lotion of section 10 of chapujr of the Ordinance of tbe city.

If any of tlie provisions of our ity Ordinance are nnjust ui oppressive, It is proper thai the C'ouw II should alter or amend tbem, bat while tboy are In force, It will be useless to attempt to enforce them if yonr honorable body remit the penalties imposed for violating them Respectfully submitted. t'. .1 WELLS. Mayor Referred to Committee on 1'olico. Tbe Street Commissioner culled the immediate attention of the Council to the bridge over Little liuffa-Croek on Clinton struct, which he represented to be in a very dangerous condition.

The cousrtuctlon of a sew bridge was ordered. Tbe City Surveyor Bub-nittcd a report in relation to the Ohio street Swing Hridirc in which he enumerated Sundry defects, and sngwested Improvements -Tbe City Clerk reported a number of assessment rolls which had remained on file in his office for the specified time without application for correction, and tbe aame were confirmed, with the exception of roll No. W6 for constructing a sower and receiver on the southerly side of South Division street, about feet westerly Irom Jefferson street which was referred back to the Assessors for correction. The City Clerk, also reported snndry nuisances from the Board of Health, and the same were ordered to be abated. Tbe Superintendent of the Fire Department recommended the construction of four additional hydrants, as follows: One on the corner of Niagara and Pennsylvania sts. XTIarket. Bf tWayroys sto-watrsM, Oct. 0 OeasB Z. foam General Commission Mw. are connaent ol success.

Best variety plums, do service. Apply to 8. A GOODWIN, detained to await a requisition from Gov. Fen We.weekl88 808 1157.199 4Ka sis ism qiq 00 84.850 88,748 60,31 Beat half bush potatoes, Samuel Baylies aultf No. 14 East Seneca street CO wk'65 130,436 1283,987 1073,578 2d do do Geo.

H- chants, Milwaukee, report as follows: Cholen ftepor ted in Karl $1 00 50 1 00 50 1 ll 50 50 25 25 25 23 26 25 25 J. Falkner St NoKepert. Eastward Hovxkbnt bt Canai. The tollovring IV Read aejLt. Four cases of cholera were Winnrrf will show the eastward movement of dour and grain 4 08 uoaro or ii Best carrots, James Keed, Anrora Best beeU, do do Best turnips, do do Beet rata bairns, Dan Pryer Rest 8 pumpkins, Wllllston Addington Best 3 cabbages, Geo Dick Best half bash onions, James Reed Best 12 tomatoes, Dan Fryer Best Squashes, Frank Sisler, worKraharfl to prevent any spread 1 From a Lady.

West Milton, Saratoga N. July 18C1. from Buffalo, Including shipments fbr tide water for 14 days en fling Oct. 8, and shipments from Oswego ceny arraigned and plead not guilty. Same agt.

Wm. Sitter; indicted for grand larceny; days from Sept. 89th, to Oct. 6th, inclusive, which arraigned and plead not guilty. will show about what there ia afloat on canals des- Receipts wheat lor last 48 hours 188.000 bn.

Shipments wheat for last 48 No. 1 spring wheat in More Oft No. spring wheat in atore II 71 No. 8 xprlng wheat in ftore 1 1 69. Kejected wneat in store 1 44.

No. 1 oat in store 86c No. 1 corn, in More 9e. No-1 rye, In store 75c Kitra spring wheat flonr $10 00. City XX spring wheat floor 10 TO.

City XX white wheal flonr $14 00. Freight on wheat to SoflaJo 15c. OswegoSSc. Albany market. ALsiirr, Oct.

8 Flonr Market qniet and flrm. Wheat Market quiet-Corn Market flrm. Sales of 8V000 hn at tfv rr.r lned for tide water From Buffalo week ed'ng floor. Wheat. Corn.

Oats. Bariev. Rye Bssos Quiet at $8 50 for new Illinois Timothy Ciover nominal at $7 608- Flax seed $2 753 00 Mill Fibd Quoted, Black Rock delivered on cats Coarse $16; finished $30 City dealers quote Canada $16; $21 and HA Baklet Malt Quoted at 1 35 I 40 Salt Steady and firm. Onondaga One per barrel S0t coarse do I 56 Wai-Ki-Selling in small lots at $2 40. Pbcwtsiohb In mod urate demand.

Mesa Pork $34 Lard 18Xc. Quoted at 18c- Smoked Meats Plain hams 21 sugar-cured sacked 23X24 Bacon 17c; shoulders 164c. Lake Fish TroutX bbls $5 75. White Fish bbls $7 257 50. Butteb State dairy 3o39c Western Reserve 80 Chbssb In fair demand.

Diiry 1516c; Factory Applks Grkbn Easier. Quoted, t'i 00(g3 60, and very choice winter fruit $4 00. Dried Apples Dull at HX12c. Eotts Scarce and firm at 28c Cakvas In fair demand and firm at the rate of -Sc for No 1. Lkathib Best slaughter Sole 40c; Spanish Sole underweight 37X, overweight 38X No 2 slaughter good damaged 30i32c Hides Quoted, Butchers green 9c, green salted and trimmed 10llc dry flint 1920c Watsb Lims Cement Firm and steady; quoted Oct 8 3WD 4 IV laa.bMU 81,050 78,080 CLASS 9.

Beat sample butter, Mrs. Jenett Green, Willink 2 00 2d do B. H. Smith, Aurora 1 00 SETH FENNER, R. COB, L.

C. WARD, Committee. CLASS 10 Mechanical. Best one horse carriage, O. J.

Gardner, Willink 1 1 00 Dr. HosteUer. Sir I have long delayed writing to yon my incere thanks Tor tLa good yoi have done my daughter. I can truly say that nothing but tin-kind hand of Providence and your BrrraRS have saved her from an early grave. For three years I have been doctoring her with syrups and all kinds of bitters that have been recommended to me for her, besides having two nrst-rate physicians; bat all seemed to do her no good, while I was searching 1 he almanacs and all the newspapers that I could get hold of, lu hopes of finding something 'hat would suit her ca3e.

Aoci Oct. 1 1,000 195,180 788,100149,035 Totals Buflalo ton, but was released yesterday afternoon on a writ of habeas corpusi The Times states that Gen. Dix does not propose to take charge of the French mission uniil about the first of December the date at which, Mr. Bigelow desired his resignation, rf accepted, to take effect. The General's family will precede him, having taken passage in the steamer Aratjo, for Havre, on the 27th ulL FROM WASH1H6T0N.

The Case of Jeff. Davis. Internal Revenue Officers. Southern Forts and Arsenals. New York, Oct 9.

A Times Washington special says: In a day or two an official statement of the condition of the Jeff. Davis case, with reference especially to the failure to bring the prisoner to trial, will be given to the public, and it is probable that, as I suggested in a former dispatch, the Chief Justice, Judge Underwood, the United kw- se 14 days 1,000 591,650 1296,070 338.315 84,050 109580 'm Oswego do Best pair fine boots, E. W. Lamb, 9 1,988 15,313 74,121 do Western mixed, and 98c for Western yellow. Bariev Market is less active.

Hales of S6.000 hn.h at tl 43 for Canada Went and $1 87 for btale Best pair coarse boots, do Best corn basket. O. B. Bnfftim, Elma TT afloat 2 988 1870,191 882.315 4e5H) 124545 dentally there came part of a newspaper around some goods that I bought at the Spa In looking it over I saw at a glance that your Bitten was just what sh Oats Market qniet Kye Market I dull. Shipped by tows Corn 71,000 bo; wheat 23.000 bn trley 67,000 bn rye 8,000 bu oats 38,000 bn.

Passed Fnltenvflle- SS Inarfx aim tl tnauia Mm a Best assortm't splint baskets, D. Kelly, Willink Best plow. M. M. Mann A Son, do 1 Best cultivator, do do Best corn planter and seed sower, J.

F. Champ- lln, Willink WM. A GKIFFIN, EDWIN WEBSTER, FAYETTE BAKER, Committee CLASS 11 Household Manttfactchbs. needed. 1 sent the next day to ISallston Spa, and goi a bottle of your Bitters Bhe commenced taking Same agt.

John Keedy; Indicted for assault and maiming; arraigned and plead not guilty. Same agt. Henrietta Phelps; indicted for petit lar ceny; arraigned and plead guilty; sentenced to pay a fine of to and stand committed until paid. Sams agt. Phillip Farrell; indicted for grand lar ceny; arraigned and plead guilty; sentenced to Auburn for one year.

Same agt. Peter Uarrlgan and Catharine Garrigan; Indicted for malicious mischief; arraigned nd plead not guilty; let to ball from day to day. Same agt. George Bisch; receiving stolen property knowing it to have been stolen arraigned and plead not guilty; let to bail to appear from day to day. Same agt Mary Buck; Indicted for grand larceny; arraigned and plead not guilty.

Same agt. Charles Talcott; Indicted for grand larceny; withdrew his former plea and plead guilty to petit larceny. Same agt George Boblnson indicted for larceny after a felony arraigned and plead not gnllty. Same agt. James Brian; indicted Tor robbery; on trial.

Supreme Court Erie County Circuit. Hon. Richard P. Marvin, Justice. October 8.

George D. W. Clinton agt. George W. Basket, et al loads wheat; S3 toads barley; loads of floor.

them, and such a change in one week with her appe P. 3.002 S34.940 1798,358 819,895 143,59863,125 C'rtime'65 330,516 2308306 378,245537616 89,169 Dry Goods The following quotations are from the bulletin of the Dry Goods Exchange, Nos. 49 and SI Park place: JobterB' Prices Brown Sheetings Atlantic 24c; Great Fails M.aic; do 8, 19c; Bleached Shirtings Batex, 35c mo-keae, 88c; Blackstone, 29c. Prints Cocheco, 21c; Pacific, 20c; Allen, 19c; Arnold's, lc. Brown Drills Amoskeag, 25c Wluthrop, 20c.

Corset Jeans Pepperell, 23c; Bates, 15c Shirts-Elm City Co No. 20, 26; do No. 80, 130; do No. 50, 136. ToROWTO Markct.

Oct. 7th Fall wheat oflerin at $1 0 wlttieut havers: SDrine wheat, held at 1 1 4fWai tite, and the distress that victuals occasioned, and that burning in the stomach, I nover saw la my life, as there was in her. She has taken three bottles, and is now able to work all the time. I think there and tl.XT. bid Bariev wales, s.100 bn at tils stock on hand 50,000 bn tec was paid early, and then market declined to 68c and again advanced to 2c.

Peas, 7378c. Best 10 yards plaid nannel, Mrs. Geo. Stark weather, Aurora do pair kersey blankets, Mrs. C.

Nichols. Aurora, 2d do do Mrs. Wm Sprague, do Best pair plaid do Mrs Ann Sisler, Best carpet coverlet, Mrs. Wm. B.

States District Attorney, and the United rrBW 8TOVK lli CXNrtTHUfTMOltH 1 ww orineiutes. it the nee Utesr One on the corner of Seventh and Pennsylvania sts. One on the corner of Sixth and Pennsylvania streets. One on the corner or Fifth and Pennsylvania s's. Kcferred to the Committee on Fire The Chairman of the Committee on Lamps reported that Thomas McDonougb, the contractor for lighting and repairing tbe public lamps had abandoned his contract, and that In order not to leave the city in darkness, Just as though the city hadn't been left in States Marshal of Virginia, will be formally ever mane a continuous nreaoav ne aq or mace, a c(iiiudiuib jiif pt Sd do do Mrs.

L. Thompson, do notified that the prisoner is now held by the ter It hat a knt blatt'draft, and nfnerg tue hese as bnt klanT is a little derangement of the liver. Please send me three bo. ties more, which I think will enre her en tirely. We and others thought she had a disease o' the heart, but that beating and nattering, that wonlc almost stop her from breathing at times, is all gone Yours, with respect, Oc8tl3Clt MRS.

AMANDA M'PHKKSON. bae flues, maklnv flues, maklnv 50 1 00 511 50 1 00 50 5 1 Ull SO 1 (XI 50 50 1 00 50 stove, and wilt I Kive about a 1Mrbr4 Government subject to the writ of the United States Circuit Court of Virginia, to answer the dodo, do do do. Mime consomnt1 ton of coal taseel at $1 75 per bbl for Akron; Niagara $1 75; Rosen dale $2 50; Quick hme $1 30; Calcined plaster 30; Land plaster, gray, $1 66; white, $2 00. Tallow Quoted at llHXc. Gold N.York, Oct.

9 Closed at noon at $1 48X- Gold Bnitaio, Oct. 9 Selling at 11X per cent above New York rates. Canal Fbbiwhts. Dull. To New York Wheat 17c; corn 14c; oats9sc.

To Albany and Troy wheat 14Xc; corn 11 Xc; oats Sc. (From P. S. Pease-i Oil Circular Oil The trade has been moderately active during the week. Petroleum in fair demand at 60c for light straw to 'ts claws, Okdnst escapes i in shiiif4lfvl 3d do do Mrs.

Ann Sisler, Best rag carpet, Mrs. Wm. Sprague, 2d do Mrs J. Stiles, Beat woolen shawl, Mrs. wm Sprague, 2d do do Mrs.

L. M. Pratt, Best borse blanaet, C. Nichols, Best knit shawl, Mrs 8. B.

Thomson, 2d do Miss Kate Bo wen. ashe reqntre no siftiny and op old coal or new. indictment found in that Court. These officers will doubtlt ss be requested to take immediate possession of the prisoner. Six Cents a Found PAID FOK OLD BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, AND NEWSPAPERS For sals exclusively by JTSLUj.

do. HOI SfWrn rererrea by stipulation to hear, try and determine. Lonls C. Pendleton agt John Ziegler, impleaded with others; referred by stipulation to Robt. C.

lltus to bear, try and determine. Best stocking yarn, Torry A Bartlett Brothers, Willink 1 The following Internal Revenue officers 00 total darkness most or the lime ne (uie Chairman) bad temporarily employed Frank Kichard to attend to tbe malter. Referred to the Committee on Lamps and the City Attorney. The following communication was presented; Bt-rrALo. Kept IPGfi.

William Bryant. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find a need from Bverard Palmer et. al to the City of Bnf falo of a strip of land for the purpose of a sldewa'k, being on Kxebange street, north side, east of Wash-i i. Mnairahle that tlie deed be nresented to UEAL 50 2d do Mrs. Geo.

fttarkweather, Aurora received tbeir commissions to-day: Thomas J. i 00 Mrs. J. Green, Best pair striped mittens, arttclpt Camel's Hair 50 1 00 FINANCIAL MATTERS. The Cincinnati Gazette of the 8th Instant says: The political excitement which grows warmer as the election approaches, is interfering with business, and today and tomorrow there promises to be little or nothing doing.

On Saturday a large prport1on 01 business men attended the Carthage demonstration and on 'Chapge and in Third street it was, in a meas 2d do do Best woolen socks, Reilley, Assessor Third Indiana District; Ellas A. Calkins, Collector Second Wisconsin Dis do do do. do. do. do do do 50 2d do Best woolen stockings, aijij inrvniAf, 1 11(1 50 prime white of fire test 1 12 to 115 degrees.

The prices of oil at the wells ranges from 50 ex barrels, according to location. The foreign exports of petroleum from the United do do POKT OF UUFFALO, Warp Fair S. W. Arrived Odtober 89. Steamer International.

Saaier. Fort Erie. 70m lumber Haines HI tns mill feed Geo Hunter 28m lumber I' I'ark 13-0 doa eggs Uovey 91 sheep McNiven 437 bu barley Manninn co 3173 Ibj butter Preston mt good? Walker lot goods Kensy 115 lbs butter Pierce 137 bu barley Senrs Daw 1 pair bellowf" Kooney4 bxs seeds Hinr.kly 2 c-irs staves Calvert "71 bu barley Baxter Wlnans-2 cars bar rchoelkopf av) bush wheal Bird Jt co- -440 bu barley Anthony 3 bxs ware More -69 cattle 4 hoes 180 sheep Case 8i cattle Jacobs Gouch 1U cattle hogs 132 sheep Monlton A Christ 100 sheep McCnlloch 5 I bush wheal Gibbs Bros 350 bush wheat Huwill Williams 1 car bark Bash Howard 6 pkgs fish co. Propeller Forest Queen, Ciriqne, Milwaukee: 15.7K6 bu wheat Bk of Atlica 2110 bbls flour 148 sks bones CAST Kvnns. Propeller Klmira, Thorn, Toledo; 44 saw logs 100 bbls hour 1 small boat 1 bdi tups Caldwell 678 bosh corn A Gnffln co HS35bu oats Jndson 6 Avery Propeller Arctic, Pratt, Toledo; 2650 bbls flour 200 sas wool 12 bxs tobacco 8 bbi eggs 48 pkgs ba' ter 5 do goods 12-1 tcs lard 200 bbls pork 3 hhds 7 pkgs to bacco Cent KK hhds tobacco Dole Propeller Toledo, F.

Watts, Detroit 4,100 bbls flour, 50 bbls wheat. 35 sks wool. 6 bares rasrs, 8 rolls trict; R. S. Saunders, Collector Eighth Tennessee District; Sylvester S.

Mann, Collector 2d do TD3T AUH1VKD FrUM KUBfttV i 1 00 Rest cotton stockiuL'8. Mrs. C. Nichols, C. WOODRUFF, 84 and 36 Pearl St.

tf tor sale, comprising ail Mie do. 50 a An Mrs. J. Bartlett oeOtf Second Illinois District; Basil C. Brown, As India Shawls, to Thomas Wilkinson agt Frank Peicer referred by stipulation to A.

P. Nichols to hear, try and determine Aaron Gitmore agt Geo. W. Pettis; action to recover wages on triaL Supreme Court Oter and Terminer. Hon.

Kichard P. Marvin, Justice, presiding; John F. Morey and Thomas Hnssell, Justices of the Sessions. October 8. The following named persona were sworn as Grand Jurors: Tisotut A.

Horarus, Foreman. sessor Fourteenth Ohio District. X3f Liberal dlsoonnt to Dealers. Brevet Major-General James Hardie, In J. BtTSSEL, fSs Wol 1 00 2 00 1 00 (10 1 It) 1 on 50 1 00 best white quilted bed spread, Mrs.

J. B. Bart lett Best calico patch work quilt, Miss Lucy Hoag. 2d do do Miss H. L.

Perry Best knit cotton bed spread, do 2d- do do C. H. Thomson, Willink Best knit chair tidy, Miss Helen Goodwin, do 2d do do Mrs. E. H- Smith Beat plain linen, Mrs.

John Wilson, OH Art AO dO spector-General and Brevet Brigadier-General sjocWtnoSstath Sd door from Amltj, A- P. Howe, Acting Inspector-General of Ar FraineB Pictures Giv the Common Council Tor their action theroon, and as the qulck st way to accomplish this 1 take the li erty Of enclosing It to you. Kespectfnily and truly yours, KOBitKT D. WILSON. Referred to Committee on Finance.

The usnal quantity of petitions, remonstrances and accounts were presented and appropriately referred. Most or the Inspectors of Election in the several districts resigned, and others were appointed in their places. The Vestg'-atioti of Aid. Eopklns as Alderman cf the Eleventh Ward, was received and accepted. Among the resolutions offered was the following by Aid Moo res: Be tolled, That permission be and Is hereby granted to Frederick Oeib and others, to lay brandy and wa terpipe on Park street, commencing on Allen street, tillery, who have been absent for the past two months on a tour of official inspection of the 50 AanOST( at ITS irjLAIM Hugh S.

Long, Alexander Brown, Fin Photojrraplw of Dean Daniel Mchyirert, forts and arsenals through the South, returned last week, and have since been engaged in preparing their report, which is just completed. re a holiday. The money market on Saturday exhibited no new feature. The offerings of good paper were not in ex cess of the demand, and discounts were obtained without difficulty on first-class offering at S10 per cent. Exchange ruled very firm at par50c premium buy Ing an 1-10 premium selling.

The Milwaukee Sentinel of the 0th instant says: There is a very decided change for the better in the money market today, and currency may be called plenty, as compared with the great stringency we have had occasion to notice for about a month past Tbe demand, however, continues very active and the banks confine themselves to accommodating their regular customers. Eastern exchange is correspondingly firmer, and our banks paid as high as par In some cases today, though the general rate Is quoted among bankers at a discount. Counter rates are quoted at yz. discount In 10x1 Oval Boss and Gilt Frame, coT D1ARRHCEA, DIARRHCEA, DIARRHCEA. A.

CURE GUARANTEED OB MONET REFUNDED I leather, 26 corn, 4 lles matt-s, 27 hx Best borne made linen, Mrs. Ann ntsier. 1 1 2d do do Mrs. Wm. P.

50 Best linen thread, Mrs. Jennett Green 25 Best morning dress, Mrs. Geo. 50 MRS. JAS STILES, B.

CHBENY, Committee. CLASS 12 Embroidery. John Longnecker, John F. Croesland, Marcos Churchill, Michael 8cbnltz, Bphraim Havens, Nathan C. Frances, Warren Lampman, Jacob Well, Charles Gardner.

States from Jan. 1st to Oct. 29th have been as follows for the years indicated, viz Gallons. 1866 45,12.022 1865 15,574 295 1864 23,766,041 1863 21,793,049 The receipts at New York from Jan. 1st to Oct.

6th have been as follows Barrels. 1866, 783,757 1865,. 424.835 The destination of foreign exports have bees as follows, viz. 1866. 1365 To Gals.

Gals Liverpool 1.422,248 801,974 London 2,187,347 107,114 Cork 8,765,200 778.05H Havre 1.720.068 305,056 Antwerp 2,192.945 Bremen 1.512,697 9M.963 1,016,232 Linseed oil dull and lower. Prices unsettled and tending downward, and quotations are only for the day. Raw Linseed oil $1 75; Boiled do, $1 80, in casks. Turpentine firm and tending upwards quoted 7 cks ashes. 6 bx cheese.

165 bgs wheat, lrj pe cast tt; boxse deaUed.) Seekers of eter uowans, Luther Landon, Peter Knell, Miles vorfltt, Benfamiu Toles, J. G. Brainird, They depart again to-morrow to complete their iugs. 1 steam puiDt and fixture, 11 pks tobacco, 2 tons goods, 211 bg seeds, 300 bgs wheat t. Pictures, TrameB, Propeller Free State.

A twood, Chicago 15000 bu wheat work in other localities, which will require several weeks more. This is the first regular inspection of Southern forts Bince the close of owners 550 bhls nour ou Dtigs Beea M) sks mm Should call and stiTtnat Wi mean what i feed 737 bbls oil cake Erie KaUwar. From Milwau Art Smporiaa, oa Main, hrUni Best collection embroidery, Mrs. Ellsworth, Aurora Sd do do Miss Kate Bo wen, Best lamp mat Miss Emma Person, Aurora do slippers, Mrs. 8.

B. Thompson, Willink Ae AT-arT. Mm J. Green, do k- 1500 bbls flour 15 bbls beef 23 bales wool Erie the war. Brevities.

B. Ellison, U. S. B. Ellison, U.

S. MaaaUcuirji dourt at Market Bolldld KAilwav. Capt. F. Navy, arrived -Secretary Seward was well enough to be Proneller Merchant.

Brlges, Chicago: 1102 bgs seed and running WO feet soutneny ineretrom, u.e be done al their own expense and without cost to the city. At the request of some of the members the Clerk read the resolution again, and there was much merrl ment on all sides. Aid. Moores denied having written the resolution as read by the Clerk. The Clerk insteted that he had read it as written.

andBhowcdthe resolunon to Aid Moores, who de Braifbyd, TeEtor Oomstock lbOO bbls flour 89 kgs butter KK 2 00 1 5" 50 50 51) 50 r) 511 511 50 in this city last week, for the purpose of relieving do do nannel, Mrs. J. P. 15l hines 4 bales hidas 6 com sheilers 2 bbls oil 1 bx at the State Department to-day, tnougn not performing regular official duties. 2d do do uo niann i hi hd ware 66 boxes tt seeds 1 bdi boxes Rear Admiral bands of the charge of the Light House service on ths lakes.

Capt. Ellison, it is understood, will make BuBalo bis residence. Ct BT vans. From Milwaukee 22 Ou bxs wheat and par to premium selling. Buffalo and Oswego bills at discount 5CVXSJ55e Best afehan, Mrs.

8. B. Thomson, ao do emtwotdered collar, Mrs Green, do do handkerchief, Mrs. 8. Thomson, do do transferred work, Mra.

H. Smith, do MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. L. LYONS' PURE OHIO Hew. Tug Sarah Bryant, Carr, Tonawanda light Tog Mwift, Carr.

Dunnvllle; light. Tug Pratt, Byers. Tonawanda tight. Schooner Seabird, II heron, Chicago; 18000 bu Run-lav Rrniv A CO. CLASS 18 Fanct Wobk, Painting add Flowers.

Best rural wreath, Mrs Jennett 50 a ftCi. The Toronto Assizes. South Carolina do wax fruit. Miss Frank Warner, ales 50 do Bhell work, Miss Sarah Sprague, 100 2d do Mrs. Frank Barber 50 Patrolman Rose reports that two doors in the Elk street market were left open last night.

There was no business of importance transacted before the Police Court this morning. Nothing more has been heard in relation to the rumored prize fight CATAWBA BRAND' The Toronto 0206c of the 8th Instant says: Ameri can Exchange or Greenbacks buying at 66s67c anc selling at 686Kc for the dollar. Bilver Buying large at 4 ct dia. and selling at 3. Bmall Buying at 4 and selling at SK per cent dis.

Abundant sup ply of American funds, with active demand. Silver-Large and small scarce. Full supply of discount able paper. Gold, 149 Sixty days' atarHng ex change on London, for cash. Bank of Upper Canada Bills, 60c for the dollar.

Best cone do Mrs. E. W. Lamb uo clared that tl words "brandy and" had been int er-polated, and intimated a suspicion that one of the re porter was tbe Interpolator. He moved that the ob noxious words be stricken oat and the resolution adopted, which was done After the transaction of some other bnsin ess of no general importance, the Council adjourned till Monday next.

Deatn of Mra. Anarswi-Coroner't Schooner Gilbert, McManns, Alpena; 1TSW feet lumber Clark Schooner Home, Jex, Toledo; 100m lumber Scatcherd Sch.Sner Challenge, Fitzgerald, Toledo; 180784 feet aifflcnlOes DAILY. Veems to have beea 2d do do Mrs FranK turner wj The Defaulting Teller. From ithe Indian Country. Union Pacific R.

R. New Tokk, Oct 9. at 90c Patent Paint oil 1 1 15. Lard oil In fair demand and firmer stock light quoted at 1 701 75 for fall, and $1 801 85 for winter. Druggists' oil, $2 503 00.

Lubricating or dark oils" dall and inactive. Best grades West Virginia, porperly clarified, of 26i27 degrees gravity. 505o60 as to quality. Engine and signal oil in good demand, both for shipment and home consumption quoted at $1 60 1 002 50 as to quality. The market for crude fish oils rules quiet.

Paints The business of the season being far advanced, the tendency is downward. Best Bead Work, Miss Sophronia Earl, Anrora. 00 The fliflssaraJSlftai 2d do do Mrs. J. f.

Baniew, ao 00 Best House Plants, Mrs. H. Ellsworth, do 1 00 i Rnot. Tvtoi-. tfreruont: 100m lumber The Police Captains report but twenty-six ax Wines acm-wjLici a --j 2d do do SC.

U. Smith, do ou OITTABIO, CJW fscas, Sparkling Catav arrests last night. Allen. Pt Dover: 3119 bu barley A Best Pencil Drawing, Mrs. Samuel Bayllss, A Herald special says: The Toronto Assizes OC11WU6T Will, nn'il farther, notice, onnarind Oct.

8. run aa followi: Willink 1 Sd do do do 50 opened their Session yesterday. Chief Justice ivpHH. Pt Clinton: 60m lamber 0jvw Ksyi Best Water Colors do do 1 00 Leave Charlotte Monday and Tharadavi 9nr (kwMo. Kiniraton.

Ctavton. AleJ NEW YOKK STOCK AND MONEY MARKET. From Latt Night' Telegraph, Hsw York, Oct. 8. The Commercial's money article says The money market opens without any decided Scott.

Pt Dover; 190rri brick 7122 Sd do ao uo 00 Wilson delivered the charge to the Grand Jury, in which he referred to the Fenian prisoners. Mors Bass Ball. One of the most exciting games of the season was played on the Niagara's grounds yesterday afternoon. The "Lively Turtle" and "Hunky Doty'' clubs were the contestants. Score, 18 to 30, in favor of the "Turtles." Some very Best variety German Astors.

Miss D. Kelly 60 Krock ville, Fresco it, Ogdenabargk aud -DZll? AiSaw: 200m lumber 8 Equal in 0 DarH nu ycdh a Prices of oils subject to the daily fluctuations in market. New York market. He paid a tribute to the devotion of the Irish The woman, Mrs. Andrews, whose case was allud ed to yesterday afternoon, died alter being remoed to the hospital.

Coroner Richards held an Inchest yesterday on the body of tbe child, and the testimony ofthe several witnesses sworn went to Bhow that the man Andrews bad been in the uablt of getting drunk rw Tickets can be pnrchaaed of M. ax the ComDaav' Offlco. ooooalte Kde Baltic McDonald, Saginaw 640m lumber neonle to their native land, and reviewed tbe ran raa i i Union Ticket onus, o. 11 arnanya brilliant plays were made. Mr.

Sprague, as pitcher for the "Hunkles," was excellent Every ball was 1 rj 1 1 n. iv. MRS E. R. SMITH, MRS.

WM. ANDERSON, Committee. CLASS 14 Taomue. 1st premium to J. Newton, E.

Hamburg $10 00 2d do Wm. Eldridge, Manila 5 00 3d co Charles Adams, Bnffalo 2 00 irt-Moan. Caddv. Saeinaw; 830m lamber origin and progress of the Fenian Brotherhood Saw loan, Oct. 9 F.

M. H. THBOOP, General mp't I As his Quiet. rnrra sr rriv mn urAltlfl in America. He said many of tbe prisoners oc8 straight lor the bat.

Tbe "hot" balls from second base and catcher were "taken in" by him in beautiful Clearer-October 8-9. arjaj1Sfaa9 VST lllll VliV wwmmjmr a were reckless, wild young men, of the class so WOOLEN YAK style. frequent in the cities of the United States, and ProeVhW Sity Flower, Petky, Wetroit 91 tns pig iron Propeller Walwish, Kirby, light. The fielding and batting of Weed was brilliant and could his services be procured by ths Niagaras, they for Stamsner Camslalst, Cotton The market is dull at 3789c fbr middling uplands. Ftorra Heceipte 12,468 bbls.

The market to-day Is less active and 1025c lower. Sales of 7,600 bbls at S8 00(4(10 15 for superfine state; 83010 75 for extra State; $11 10(312 00 for choice do; 18 00 10 25 for superfine Western; $8 9011 15 ror com man to medium extra Western; and $9 90io 90 Tag Sarah Bryant, carr, iig.iu ii iinmv. Tonawanda; snnda. AT WHOIi and maltreating his wife in the most shamelnl man ner. It also appeared that some time previous to the birth of the child he had kicked her in the side, and that this had brought on premature labor, and eventually resulted In the death of the mother and babe.

This Is the burthen of the testimony; the details we omit The Jury rendered a verdict that "the said infant child came to its death from injuries to the mother, James Andrews, Sept 30th, I860, by denounced severely the course or tbe unit States government, in not quelling the cod change; all the accommodation wanting being attain-at 4 per cent. In discounts there is a fair demand foi paper at 5 per cent for short date, and six per cent for six months Foreign exchange nominal. At the stock board tbe interest centred in Eric. Previous to tbe regular meeting, the stree' quotations were 9191K, and after selling, down to 90. Outside it opened at the board at 89Ji.

falling at the close ol the first call at 87. At tbe second call It fell to 84, but subsequently rallied at 85. The only options sold were two small lots, seller days, while more than a moiety of the transactions were for cah deliverable today The market for other railroad stocks did not patbize strongly in the breakdown in Erie, but the market was somewhat irregular New YorkVentral for instance opened at 112, against 111 at the close on Saturday, and went up to 118ail8 while to other descriptions in no instance was the decline very marked. Tuir Sorague, May, Tonawanda; lignt. would be Invincible- Bnrtis also distinguished himself, his batting being the great feature of the game Bj schr A Boody in Cholera Infantum, Bowel Cesaplstlnt, Crawp, Cfcollc, MxnA ularrneea.

Tng Pratt, Brent, Tonawanda acy wnen its existence was bo f- otner E. B. Jennings, on first base, acquitted himself cred The tris' TV, S. jtrns, 1 S. PERSON, C.

HAMBLETON, Committee. CLASS 15 TBOTTtsa. 1st premium to 8. K. Wiltett SO 00 2d do John Davis, WOO E.

H. SMITH, BLAKELY, Comxittee. CLASS 16 TBOTTDiO. 1st premium to 9. K.

WUlettt 2d do Charley 1" 3d do John Davis 3 turuugu me jiuuiit jirao. sup- 1 1 tow. Bark Burnside, Halpin, Detroit light. Bark Advance. Muir, Chicago 150 bbls salt.

Qiri, WMraOtp. Tiavis. Windsor: lioht. itably, and witn a uuie more practice could not be excelled. We hope soon to witness a return match Choice Bt, Xo cases was then proceeded with, ay commeQce Bark Summer Cloud, Colburn, Chicago; 150 tons pig between these crack clubs A Care Gruaranteed or tjie Money KJBB and 4.

i ji Fire. A fire was discovered about four Iron. Bark Montgomery, Shelly, Chicago; 70 tns coaL B'ig Sailor Boy, McGan. Chicago, light-Schooner Raymond, Detroit; light HAnnnr Jnwip Ttmwn. Xew Baltimore: lluht will be Refunded- o'clock this morning ia the barn occupied by Dr WerB modemte1' active, and a posed the trial of the Fenians -on Thursday.

jrrespondent says A Herald Cbarleston afur The South Carolina code was virtual- a stormy session. ciT rfghts, except ly repealed, aodJkg, and being a Juror, are 'or common to good shipping brands extra round hooped Ohio. Rye flour in fair request Sales 1,400 bbls st $6 757 50, and very choice at $7 75. Gbaxe Receipts of wheat 6,985 bush. Tbe market very dull and 35c lower.

Sales 7,000 bu new amber Michigan at about 95. Receipts of rye 7,04 bu The mat ket is dull and drooping. Sales of 6,000 bu at $1 17H for new Green Bay. Receipts of barley 85,945 bush. Market is heavy and lower.

Sales 25,000 bn choice State at $1 51 30; and tl 40 for Canada West. Receinta of com 140.746 bu. The Blanchard, in the rear of his office, No. S97 Washing Schooner Scott, Graves, Cleveland 500 bbls salt. Best St Louis which they oner to II I Mj I.

1 jtiftaw--i ktckiBK Mrs. Andrews in the side, and causing pre mature labor to set in, and said child was born dead and we nnd that the said injuries were tbe whole cause of the said child's death, and nototberwise. Cenoner Richards will commence holding an n-quest on the body of Mrs. Andrews to-day.

The mid-wife, Mrs. Charles, was discharged, but Andreas, the husband, was committed to jail. On-b ths Hkrobs of Fort Fishsr. "We were vlsitea-uhis morning by Bernard Toby, one of the heroes and sunarers of Fort Fisher. His history is MARINE INTELLIGENCE.

Schooner Jessie, Bad, Pt Stanley light. Schooner Wellington, Boyle, Bay City; light Schooner Snow Drop. Allen, Pt Dover; light. Schooner Active. Alien.

Pt Dover: light ton street The Doctor had furniture and household goods to the value of $1,000 stored in the barn, which were destroyed, together with harness, a quantity of oats, bay, etc. The loss on the furniture and house In sopport of the above statements are presented GJJ. 1V1VV- L. WARD, W. P.

HOVEY, Committee. CLASS 17 Fa malic EQtrKSTBiAjcusa. 1st premium to Miss C. Foster, Elma $5 00 2d do Mrs. W.

L- Darbee, Aurora 3 00 A. BILLINGTON, R. G. PERSON, suffrage, offi tna negro. It is reported that Dr.

JAMBS B- CHILTON, Chemist, Kew TOrk- Schooner Comelv. Honeywell, Cleveland; 50 cords Dr. BIKAM OOX, Ckemleal Inspector, Ohio. now will recommend the adoption of Governor Ammflment. and also a new market is lc lower, with fair business doing clos stone.

Schooner Miami, Gaivin, Chicago; light Schooner Silvia. O'Grady. Erie light Dr. JAB. R- NICHOLS, Cbemtst, Boston.

the Coo( Representatives, who can take the There were in port yesterday seven hundred and ten canal boats. Several cleared Eastward, light, jester day, rather than take the present rates of canal freights. The tug Cromrford went from Milwaukee to Chicago to tow to tbe former port spars for the schooner Oliver Culver. She took tbe spars in tow, bnt during the night the spars were lost, through carelesiness, and Dr. H.

B. JONS', Cbeatieal lospeetor, Clrdrruie, Prof. C. T. JACKBON, Cheastot, BomUm.

Schooner Ottawa, Graves, Kite; light iumJ Hartaudl. Brown. Cbicaso: light Hi-BeaotifaL rfU. Mew Tork eitj BoW yT .7 yrv -4t BK1CK Efl IMnBtoa atKrL nrt Kits I hold goods was covered by insurance. The barn was owned by J.

Q- Wynhamer, and was covered by in-surance. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Another alarm was sounded about ten o'clock this forenoon, a fire having been discovered in the Bartholomew Block, on Perry street The fire was extinguished without material damage. J. A.

CASE. Committee. JOHN P. BARTLETT, Sec'y A. V.

F. Association. behewoer Bam Amadca. Leoipbarn. Pt Dover; light Owen.

-rr AemTtrh aavs Dr. CHAKUtS TJPHAM 8H Riff ConnlU ng J. V. Z. BLAMCT and a A.

MAiUNBrt, lAm ih Aerwu 9 Mehoooer Man a tutw, lewn, r. Heaoener Belle, Allen, Pt ityerse; SO bbls salt. Schooner Ada, Bartiett, Pt Dover; light. Hcooooer Imperial, Morey, Chicago SOU tns coal. harles D.

Taller, the teller of the Hartford ing rawer more steady Bales of 166.000 bash at at 9293c for Inferior, 999B fbr shipping mixed western afloat, 9494Xc for do In store; 95c for western yellow; and 9697c for white western. Heeeipts of oats 18,573 bash. The "-'tii is dull and drooping and l2c lower for common and steady ror good grades. Sales 99,000 bu at B254c fbr Chicago, 5559c lor Milwaukee, and 6169c for state- Fno visions Pork The market today opened heavy and closed firmer. Bales 7200 bbls at S903S10for Cbemiats, Chicago.

nrsnav, New Boors. We have received the from the publishers, through Martin Taylor: ota-. ant tkmratrd 'itaT AO of whom have anaTsea m0icii the tug had her tup lor naugnx. DOWE TOWS OH THE HUDSON RrVEB. Th follOW- Bank, who ia suspected of abstracting bonds to commend it, in the Mgbaet iar erdrr; gas ano irtrw Ri rie Base Ball Club.

At a the amount of $20,000, was brought before tne water. iwiniiat Appiy as no Paper OK By Charles Keade. Kn-ts left Albany for New York on the evening Stmt very interesting. lie has been twenty nine years at sea. During the Crimean war be served on board a British man of-war, and though in several engagements escaped uninjured, lie subseqnentlv came to his country, and was captain of a ship sailing from Boston.

When the rebellion broke out he resigned his position and enlisted under Commodore Porter. At the battle of Fort Fisher he bad both his hands torn Completely ofT, so that he is hopelessly disabled. He a wife and three children dependent upon him, one a bright Utile fellow, bis oldest son, accompanies aim Desirous of doing something for a livelihood na has purchased a hand organ, and wishes to earn Court on Saturday, and bound over to the Su RMl MMmtn. 1.rrTCR" OF BJ-JOHH. a Poem.

By Bayard HcettWier uiinaa, ayier, rx Dover lignt. Schooner Die Vernon, Collins, Chicago; 400 tns ooa Schooner Boeder, Young. Cleveland; 25 cds sjds Schooner Mary Morton, Petti Cleveland; 60 stone-Schooner Warren, Tobin. Dunnville; pgbia. Scow Mountain Maid, FifleUi.

Cleveland; lk Scow Times. Gates, Ashtabula; light. Scow A eyes, Lynn. Ashtabula; HgJ A. XJJES Aw meeting held last evening by the members of the Trus Blue Ball Club, the following gentlemen were elected officers AaltO tf the kmnei, ba11- it left no oil When evaporM erTrpeet ie a pmre, Znnmre matter.

i 'hf (tves tothls Brand Court for trial in 100,000. Tbebondi nrvmm aewMrtAAat'-reeVA Character akd Ca AAcnmsni 10 sxt. Bv B. of Oct- 6: Bv steamer America (Schuyler's Line Barges Wm Martorv Edwards, Thomas, A Robinson. EPruyn.J bUHman MIL Scotland, 8W Baker; plug Had nal boeu, Jo-repbine, JobnMin, 0 Farmdge, Seynw Kodd.

i. Odell. 8 Storms, CSanibrd, Kate nippie. were given by his father. Tulter insists that is innocent, although his mode of living has LZmM HUM- luZ.

vfeoUv mmlthm fumU TM per poond, at tbe Dr. aw-d vUlUvor "ZZHmot both the bwit oil of i If osSZFZriA it orodncea etbese of a Man. Ira- AU the above are published by Tlcknor Fields, of Boston. dotw aimina. jacstanas.

ir, cw -a. Wa Ka Vtfl President Jty LeGrand Green man. Vice president Wm. Leo Beet. Secretary Samuel L.

Seymour- Tteaturer Warren Brown. Dmctcn Wm- O. AbelL Wm. Blakely, H. S.

Scow Annt Both, Loneley. Krie; UjXt. tv- of this Braadv for Coenae been so fast as to en obtaining wovT fraudulently. Among other rrvme- An wltii Qm tiilflrfiri of Aetv- new mess, closing at 3210 ror cash. Beef is steady Cut meats heavy.

Lard Market is firmer. Sales or 550 bbls st 17M194c Batter is dull at for Ohio, and 454Se for Btatr, and 6055c fbr Orange county pails. Cheese dull at 10l7Xc- Whiskt Active and steads. Sales 150 bbls In bond at 41c, and 500 bbls old in bond at 45c Bees Market hi quiet and steady. Suoab Market quiet and steady at 11 12c for Caba.

narge siieoigan, unnay. Dapia" iMit. Barge Baltic McDonald, Saginaw We base received from Messrs. Breed, Butler yo, HisTout ths V. Co itinssiox.

Being the Gen! Cord. Geo McClellan. Samson, United States, ocat-cberd A Belton, AdeUa. By steamer Syracuse Austin's Line) Barges Tnp-ney, Mary Elizabeth, Cramer; canal boat" 'Kr frriimxum. aow anoer mis name, peta a mmm ana ebreea.

a7 A. HAYES. M. era! Mepon 01 aa wwtk oaring tbe war of the rebel lion. By Chas.

I Btille. Pbliadelphia" Co. Mulligan. Captain Orton C. Barker.

little piece, of extravagance dolls at a doU epiece, which be pn-eoa the On" Asrlum. -b. Oct. 4V S. nnalo; 900 bbls flour 15, Prop Forest (joeen, Criqoi.

wbJf H.mni, do; bn wheat. Bark Lottie Wolf, a whe. Aesayer to State of BoybMon st, Bv the Mame. SB 1884. Van Riper, Adriatic, Brook ville, Griffin.

8 A Co veil. Wmi.unn. wftbmn. Zscht. Brisbln, A veil, Wmjessop, 8 Wilson, Zacht, Brisbln, anAdent to buy a smao iarm ior uu iuu.j.

0 glad to hear that he has been generously received by the public on his Journey from New Jersey to Buffalo a line specimen of the honest straightforward -allor and determined to push his way; though as be aavs. Is not as strong as formerly, and sometimes We are sure that when he leaves us hsvrUlhave eaase to remember wit gratitude the r1m.n of BuilklO- Masonic. At a meeting of the Grand dery of Knbzbts Tamnlar of the State of New 1 stonpi-gttsjaltta. WT1N K. i I have analysed Lvoaa' Ftm Catawba Ba- SlivKBlsE.

"We wonld call attention to this new and valuable article, for the benefit of our read-en, as we have tested It and find It to be all the man-nlkctnrer claims for it. It really works wonders with pt, wttk tutuitncti te Its ewneetnen aae tM" being tae aeaae as huh prceaeea. ia dk Tork, held st Masonic Hall in the city of Syracuse, SSf MSSf'SvSid. do; latWl bn wheat SSiieka, do; bo wheat. 0' Tbop-on, Oeweeo; 1440 bo wbet- SSSSSr.

Cory do; 14J51 ba wheat. 5cMilieii 10ba wheat. Moket On call st 45 per cent. STEBxnre KxoBtaEEB Active at 107. gou Opened at 14t and closed at 1490149X-Btocxs Steady with fair business.

A 7W ieavenwonn "'red ports fro. Montana-ay the In- after a continuous series "JrVble, Mid the whole rotrte is tofert" resnlts samnle taken from fm eaeks afforded wovb, uarey, Jtary. Towing rate Cham plain boats (20, Erie S30. Vessels Passim Oexbocc The following vessels passed Detroit O-a. 6: Cp Brig Empire state; schooners Monticello, Col- last week, two of onr fellow crcuEena, Christopher G- 4 ill mm4- atWiftv 1m uin ri anwini Foxevnd James McCredie, were elected to liaportaat toe principle won vm hot mvvmm.

all articles of braes, copper, bronse, giving them Instantly a coating of pure bright silver which cn be nermaneot by an occasional application, Obi Rock Island. 108 west Union Tel Da. WlLLITS' Lkctuhb. Tbe Philadeipbla men mm-j offices Tbe former was elected Grand Renter Waraeo and the latter Grand Junior Warden. wall CI The Indication of analysis show fL-Un mrnHmemA mv th SBM BroeeSS aMMt Of wouniaineer, Wil.Ums, St Jaiaea, CJcan, Senator.

St Joseph, John Jewett, Howell, Harronn, lomber, Little BaMn- also the best deaner of silver and silver plated wars r. i prairie teiopw, porteonranay. TtiATB myB of Dr. WlllttS' lecture: -nil Buojec, tiTras Model was treated with a vividness that not. Uving lUusuatlon borne.

Without any of the cantor Falcon! UI' au, BUen White, Kjse, Propeller Qeamm Ctat CMS Death of Mrs. Jas. abswobth. The tans streams are Ohio Miss 3R Atlantic 8 8 Co 110 PacUfafMailCo MBJi New Tork Central 116 U8 8e81 coop jmM TJ 8 640 reg 62 105K DSUDranplB. 113 we have ever seen giving we eeauuiui louna onw ware.

It is a great saverof Ume and labor, MvdtiM trial no hoasekeeper will be Two Brothers, Phillips, mixed, do Tew Kearny, WtinrnOTsJombw. ja. Toieoo A wushu so -itt Ft JOsjs Chlcago Mil 70 A Great Brie 83X Brie pre TO, rteadtng 1163: Vch South 8BX fllino Central 136 air. wind 8. rw hmWy between Fort Beoo andTTrginia, where be sent.

Did not meet ft single man death of Mra James Wads worth, former Mayor of this dlj, is aa Bounced, after a lingering illness, Mrs. kK.Ar or Loss Tht rut Ba twrason, mi otwu, Roches'" -1 McEtrone, CoOrr, 1500 be corn, tlced SaturdAT without it- We know by experience, and tare Ue ashmvtiisaeenbrolrr i. Drags, rr- Wads worth was aa esthaabie lady, and the sews of minir over tbe road. There will yjeret be evenuoo. be advanced in a P080 dry, poetic unship her decease will be received with deep regret by all more travel on that road, until tbe goreiB.

wfTJZn, beiidtiirs, who knew her. 9 Miller, Fonaa, eoai, JVrgt, Troy- BOKl Af re tesUmosry of sdentiEC men among them, Profs- Thurber and Meyer, and Orange Jedd. editor AgrtaOturi, that It contains no ingre dVrnt tojBrtoos to metals or the hand. vwwio Itkiv ome of tbe most afnl iaventkma do takes care of me Indiana, aw -Medidaea, eaatsr sPfig.wfeeew fWA3 3.TP.I nt i- 1 ao tjo i toft USKMBreg 99 Traasnnrl S-lUs 16 Tennessee aTII VirrtnlaSa Jfr Caroiina Sa Mbwoori mm -TL7 California 7 HaciiiAw m. ua nren ran dortnB the present whole ggnatiB aboot

KM Grifflo. Bawlev, miV ikrrkIS Ciev Pittsburg Chicago Chicago IKW pre H. Toledo 12 111 Central Loads 103 Chicago 1st Dd.L shortest route. There fire. wood, water Niagara Babe Ball Club.

The regular meeting of tie Niagara Base Ball Club win he held do. da do Th Otnmi. Mary uoveo, imj, L. 1 Loll, Fester, vVs all earn homes- wl bat the Indians wont let Tea nee tbem. vst The schooner Itiea, bob, i upwn Ha rrr.

"rzrt i tails (Tuesday) evening, at the rooms of Taylor Bos ioiiK tmm uon W. eC)BBBrie i tii oTSaedera timn, we reeoaiinenil it to oar friends. F. Fewmer. 1 1 .1 1.

A Tribrme Topeka. Kanea oespewe Co. Kvery member hi requested to be prrsent prompt 5s ns mum i valnuHtil 3amtm iMdn, Davis, tiet or i ter Dtaea aad jhsm'. TH TTniwd SUtes Commission, 8tari ew ly at 7H o'clock. By order of the President.

i 'iXnS irrvtivi wwn irvi sk'ml iJ Wartetj A Porter. Eefertnces reqnired. S5srr-is-- 5aU. We hope there aav be tXHUC MAKKXTB. eo en do mm Minatlon of ttetTnion Ffteifle VV VWa "TTfKMafl 1 Inqolre at Mo.

40 Pearl street. e9U kand t. rtnra fiut. ft vrwwTosra. Oct.

1F. 1. jaq. B. r.AKKKK,-gecy.

-Q it Sties, "ZSrl mio Eailroad, eaeterm eJ in io UMO pieces Water-proofs, ai (I 25 per HswaoaWsnm. tr.mAanra.A -ifi i.j Zf forieriyMtS CoHTEjrrtKT ahb Swrt. Brown'i Broa- tb Dortor. woiauasteat $8 90 per pair, WaeatoM and SBelowar. 11 -rt westun 1 Xne roau wu ne v- r- Fort Kiiey.

i do do do MBvsbv sotsomta soaaio Tor less tkma 10 per pair. CS 6.H wjct js. mi I snministerTna. w.wwwiw-t nmeeeom. ttW fwtotsceaheU la sraleetw among ysfclans HOD be corn, CooM and see them.

w. s. fAmnosGV A a. fast I II II EE I I III City, 2 nuiea wm Hafiraawsaauevetawi. masaiasuli i hi CiL TW sf Hit It 0 1 eratiwlSXc- relief, ocOOIOSac atis.

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)


What was Buffalo, NY famous for? ›

Buffalo is known as the City of Light due to the Hydropower generated from Niagara Falls. Two U.S. presidents, Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland, were from Buffalo.

How old is Buffalo, NY? ›

Buffalo, New York
First settled (village)1789
Incorporated (city)1832
44 more rows

What is the origin of the name Buffalo NY? ›

The origin of the place-name is in dispute, as buffalo (bison) did not inhabit the area; it may reflect a mispronunciation of the French beau fleuve (“beautiful river”), in reference to the local Buffalo Creek. The first steamboat on the upper Great Lakes, Walk-on-the-Water, was built at Buffalo in 1818.

Is Buffalo a good place to live? ›

Now, according to a January Zillow report, the city is poised to become one of the hottest housing markets in 2024, thanks to its modern revamp, healthy job market and low cost of living (Buffalo's median home price is just $220,000; well below the national average).

Did Buffalo ever live in Buffalo, NY? ›

Did Buffalo, NY ever have buffaloes? No. It is believed that Buffalo is the Americanization of Beau Fleuve (beautiful river, Niagra which drains all five Great Lakes.

What is the nickname for Buffalo NY? ›

And of course the “Queen City,” earned when Buffalo was the second-largest city in New York State and a key location at the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Following the 1901 Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo earned the nickname “City of Light” by being the first electrified city in the US.

What is a fun fact about Buffalo NY? ›

5 Fun Facts About Buffalo, NY: How Well Do You Know Your City?
  • The first ever chicken wing. ...
  • The landscape architect of Central Park designed Buffalo's parks. ...
  • The first city to have electrically lit streets. ...
  • Buffalo hosted the first Turkey Trot.
May 9, 2024

Is Buffalo a white city? ›

Buffalo, New York is one of the most racially segregated metropolitan areas in the United States. White people are 76% of the Erie County population but only 45% of the City of Buffalo population.

Did Buffalo ever live in New York? ›

Early French explorers reported the abundance of buffalo on the Eastern shore of Lake Erie, but their presence on the banks of Buffalo Creek is still a matter of debate, although American Bison did range into western NY state at one time.

What is the difference between a buffalo and a bison? ›

The most obvious is the large hump on the back of the bison. Buffalo do not have a hump. Bison have a massive head, but buffalo have a head that is smaller and more “cowlike.” Buffalo live in generally warmer climates than bison.

What is the mascot of the Buffalo Bills? ›

William "Billy" the Buffalo (debuted 2000 in Orchard Park, New York) is the official mascot of the NFL's Buffalo Bills. He is an 8-foot-tall (2.4 m) blue American buffalo and became the team's full-time mascot in 2000.

Are people in Buffalo, NY nice? ›

But that doesn't stop the people of Buffalo from being just about the most hospitable, generous people in the country. Visitors quickly realize that folks from Buffalo are so nice, it's as if they're are out to prove to outsiders that their digs don't hurt, they just make them better.

What celebrities live in Buffalo, NY? ›

  • Anselmo, Richard - movies - actor, writer, director.
  • Arcidi, Ted - movies, tv actor.
  • Buffalo Bob Smith - host and sidekick to Howdy Doody.
  • Ani DiFranco - singer/songwriter, activist, and righteous babe.
  • Joe Pera - Comedian and actor.

How much do you need to make to live comfortably in Buffalo NY? ›

Comfortable Salary in Buffalo, NY
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$49,401$950
75th Percentile$39,700$763
25th Percentile$29,100$559

What is the most famous thing from Buffalo? ›

Buffalo, of course, is the birthplace of Buffalo wings. But we're also the only place where you can get a beef on weck sandwich, a perfect charbroiled hot dog and a Friday fish fry any day of the week.

What are some historical facts about Buffalo? ›

Vast herds roam North American Plains. It's conservatively estimated that 60 million Buffalo once grazed across North America. Native Tribes relied heavily on the Buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, and the animal was foundational to spirituality and cultural belief systems.

What did Buffalo NY invent? ›

When you think of Buffalo you think of the famous foods like wings, sponge candy, beef on weck, but did you know that the electric chair was invented in Buffalo? This invention is definitely not at the top of the list when thinking of Buffalo inventions, but it's a cool part of Buffalo's history.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.