Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

It Mtwhwf Vmt, W-ty. Oct. 29, PERSONJO-PERSON jq jq WANT ADS words days erien-Te-Peren Ad Ipr mmmmM imh offeHne; for tale flOO OO Articbs Sell Fast Bring nudsd cash quickly. Cell (94-1141 mmm Mums! feMfc Mmlli Ihik Ihi Sei4) totoegb, NmWtmi Went A. S3eod trowtn ttvtw hrwlrin Weal -Hrw Wetf tT Wl Wt sVoot ft.

ears, SJrece mm. Ae etetet i Mr. W. N. Ktftft MIRRORS: IS) caeer becks.

tWituTcW SOFAIIOS jmKh l.nvwi,' (4l "eX candltW CesT IUC QUian. xl. iik dm. 34734. secrite ar ISO.

8206UJ. $350 31. ArtJtit* for San) 37. AlttflMt 31 Articles for Salt 4)4. HttMktil sVtrtSU INDEX Want Ad Offerings 42.

loitt tutors, CtTtjefstiont 43. Boots ft Equipment Wontod 44. Houiohold Articles 45. Aoplioncos 46. TV, Rodios.

Storoo. HI-FI 47. Muiicil Instruments 41. Sod. Plents.

F.rtiliior 48 A. Buildings To Bi Movid 4. Building Motoriol 4tA. hom*o Improvement Noods SO. Mochinory 1 Tools 50A.

Machinery Tools Rentals II. Office) ondStoro Egutp. S3. Swops 14. Form Equipment ROOMS IOAR0 HOTELS: SB.

Roiterlums Nursing Homes S. Retirement Hotels 60. Nursery Schools Summer Com pi, Schools 6 1. A. Fish Comps A Resorts 62.

Hotels 63. Motels 64. Rooms With Boers) 64-A. Light Housekeeping Rooms 65. Rooms Without Boerd 66.

Wonted, Rooms With Boord 67. Wonted, Rooms With, out Boord 61. Apts. A House Shore 6. Mobile hom*os For Ront REAL ESTATE FOR RENT: 71.

Furnished Apts. 72. Unfurnished Apts. 73. Gulf Beech Rentels 74.

Out of Town Rentels 75. Furn. Houses Rent 76. Unfurn. Houses 'Rent 77.

Mobile hom*os Lots For Rent 71. Business Pieces Rent 79. Business Sites For Loose 10. Offices, Desk Spoce Ront 11. Induitrlol Sites For Rent 1 1 -A.

Werehouscs For Ront 12. Gcreqes For Ront 13. Income Property For Rent 14. Wontod To Ront 15. Wonted Rentol RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE: B7.

Moots 7.A.Treller Porks II. Out of Tewe 19. Acreoge 19-A. Acreoge Wanted 90. Lets For Solo 90- A.Treil.r Lets For Sole I.Ce Op Apts.

For Sale 9 1 A. Condominium Apts, 92. Duplexes 93. Apt. House.

Hotels 94. Income Property 91. Business Property 96. Induttriel I Sites-Property) For Sole t-A. Warehouses For Sale 97.

Forms A Groves 91. Gulf leech Property 99. Houses For Solo-Gulf Beeches 99-A. Seminole Property 99B.Gulfport 99-C. Pinollos Perk 100.

Homes For Sole Generol 100-A. New Hemes 101. Open For Inspection 1 02. Auctions. Reel Etteto 104.

Weterfront Property 107. Houses ForSe'e Suburben 1 01. Real Eitete Exchonge 1 09. Wonted Reel Eitete 1 10. Gulf leech Property Wontod 1 1 1.

Mobile Hemes Acces. 1 1 1 A. South Sunceast Mobile hom*os 1 1 2. Mobile Homes Wonted 1 12- A. Mobile Home Sterege 1 1 3.

Camper Coeches AUTOMOTIVE: 1 14. Auto Driving Schools I IS. Airplanes 114. Motor Scooters 1 1 7. Motorcycles III.

Auto. Repelrlng 1 19. Ports, lotteries, Tires 1 19- A. Wore A Equip. 1 20.

Trucks For Solo 120- A. Wonted To Buy 121. Auto Finoncing A Insuronco 1 22. Auto Wonted 1 22-A. Auto Rentol 123.

Foreign Sports Cert Listings 1141 Want Ad Direct Lins Independent Ad-Viscrs CARPET, nyion turoueiee. liUI'. tn oa4 lltt, 4MI-UIII Ant, L.t A I T. Cikrneewvea en lOair, f' Com ceneitien. tot.

1711-Jem St. (4, 525; 30t' CHAIR Upholstered lounge 834. ed mottrots. springs SJS. (44-475; (27 It44.

CHAIR, matching Ortemen, 630- Nvwn Ruov tll-S3t. Cedar Woee rooe. set. (Silent condition. 31-6813 COUCH.

I wether choirs, I round taoiet. AM Sao. 347 I tt) DAVENPORT (21i dinette )i; Tekv-i vitien (20; enonogeny server S26-274S 0AVE N0lrtTnrhrTro5ii. tdrewer fneil 33. tt-34l6.

DINETTE Set. formko (15, Oohoeng SJO Step table (J teSOMt, O.NlNG ROOvST pieces. o-TTetloe) set, S7i Phone 347-2505. DINETTE Set. Antique brass.

ToPe end 4 cneirt. S7S. (S 2S81 OOUBLl BED couch (35 "Very food condition. I(46A6 otter I PtA. DRAPES (31 (4.

144." SJ. Ptcltiro O. Beasoreod SJ (M-6204. DRAPER. beioe boucleTI'maet new (SO; Hollywood bed S20; Ven.

tien bimdt, to 3' widths. SJO. toil'i seperetely. 347-2060 Dieuert. (i.

Twin bed. SJO Chotf Drewert CO Chine Closet lit. Reef bargeint KS 322 FURNITURE Bargains; "last weett reduced prices. Hotel Rellim retur. nisning number of rooms.

Cheats, vanitiet. Mirrors. Rugs. Hen terpet, O'epet. Mattresses A Sprtngs.

Phono 361-11(1, JJOOJiuH Blvd. Garden" tools, ladder "(10. Choirs S3. 4 Smoking tlend 5JW166 GRlODLc. electric copper chafing dish, disnet, gtestwero, boooing, tools Books.

342 S4S5. heater, US Dresser (HTVecuvm (15. 326 3rd Ave. $.. Apt.

HIDE A BED (20. Coee tebloTlllI Cert (). Blankets S3. S25-62S6. IRON S2; Defroster 82; Heir dryer (2 50 1 Headboards end frame SJ) Punching baa S3.

527-4610 COVE SEAT, Galloway (JO; Tebl lamp (7; clock radio (lit seep fryer, never used SI5; 867-JI01 MISCELLANEOUS" FumHure." specs) heeler, 100 geilon oil lank. 1044-34111 Ave. N. RATTAN SET," sectional, i (45. 7(4-7th (St Circle 1.

S4S4337. ORGAN. S65; Wat-. nut library teoie. lerge.

S25; 4 Blond cheirt. SIO; 24l-35lh Ave. H. PERCOLATOR." Electric S6; chrome coffee set (25. 3t 3Jlh Av CO 0" PCX VE RTtebloTstofeo; (40; Beautiful night table 821 Pelt lamp (16.

Cheir (16. 525-7774. ft ECLINE CHAIRS; 1 4J5 Beautiful Model Home (ample. LOYD TINGLER. FURNITURE 6520 HWY.

19 34th St. N. 525-531 ROCKER (10. Leather Hassock (7 St. co*cktail taoie (15.

Electric mixer IS. tt ilchen jetSl 5. 31-7460. 158; Recast' Pieyer (45. Good.

347-544. Rug. 13 x14' SIS. Rugs, (10. Lempa S3 Vacuum S3.

525-4286. RUGS (2) fxir Hook rugs. S2J each. Good jcondilran. 345-0584.

RUO, 1X10, breided. (12. Linen table, clcih, 12 napkins, (12. 527-4102. SECTIONAL, 3 pieces, Oenish walnut, matching chair, good, (45.

teou iitui youtn bed, Blonde, new tress. S35. 37fl-J4lh Lone 347-343. SE'CRETARV, 350; wicker chair, 1JJ rug. (20; table, 85; 347-4441.

SECTIONAL, beeutllufT piece, medl-urn blue, 100" nylon, foam rubber cushions, solid walnut legs. Cost (500, looks like new; (200. 896-9477. SECTIONAL, 1 piece, black "white, eir foem cushions, (20, 345-451. SEWING" MACHINE, 146, linger portable electric, teble (25.

Phono (20-7561. Goodcondltlon. Covers. Phono (67-2801. -a SOFA," 90'TToam rubber, senctelwooS nylon frieio covering, (75.

362-7S0I. S0FA7SS" Stratford, good slightly discolored, (50; 345-7130 SOF ABED2 cushions, custom mUt.) brownipcoverflxSS'', t5, 345-2213 SWA, it" CewsonT'loem rubber, white KOtchguerd feoric 845. 347-2021. SOFA, line, sectional, Silver HSn unused, (250; cheir, (45; 3604123. STEP TABLET S5TOrenge choir, IS.

Lamp, 82. (Modern). 393-252) STUDIO Cwch. cheTr, (45. Cholto, lounge, (15.

775-ldh Ave. S. l30-234Si STUDIO Couch, makes double bed. Good condition. (50.

Call 31-7034. i TABLE, Dining, "end choirs (2 rnorw aiier opm yt-4u7. TABLE, buffet, perma finish, 14071' piece sectional (20.J9S-(080; 4 (4nblonde. uij Pair turquoise choirs, (30. 325703AJ TRAY, SILVER 82rt ting chine, (33.

Lovely. 347-7187. WASTlESTTJorge, Hoe, shovel, reke. (3. 167-3547 WASHER, Signature S40; Gat heeler crib (10.

347-5996. R. H. HALL CO. 899-34th St N.

894-0151' Good selection of ropoMessed-eJoio-onstretort end rebuilt washers one) refrigerators Terms. Mattresses (5 up; Coll springs S3 ft (5; Hollywood Beds iserjuur manreset ti. ECHOLS SLEEP SHOP i 142 CENTRAL CALL S63-13tt 1 (129 3 pc. Bedroom suites, teveret. styles A finishes.

Brand new. Slightly, damaged. (59.50 cash. i (139.50 I pc. Sofa bed sultet.

tjrend new, slightly damaged. (79.50. Other, 4 pc. xunei XOT.J. (32 French Provincial I vino room suites.

Brand new, slightly demaged. (179 cash. Formerly D. J. Wren 11 N.

Oregon, Tempo Open Sunday 12 0 How Terms Can Be SAVE TO 70S Mill Ends A Remnentt DU PONT 501 $2.90 DISCOUNT CARPETS, 7(01 US. It-next to Kennedy Bros. 525-471 Iryer, fen. Ut' or separately. Formica Table, 5x3, chairs.

Excellent. (49. (92-341J PLATFORM co*ckER, S9. 4Sliltt 1 plastic dinette chairs (8. All good' condition.

332-IOth Ave. NE." 828-0392 FOUR Rooms furniture; 4'xl' pool) table. Like new. Very 862-2334. HOUSEHOLD furnishings, Complete.

Including Carpeting. All Prectlcelty New.4512 35th Terrace 325-232. MO I 6S rooms of lurnlture mod. ern. Must Sacrifice.

Call 345-2251. 6 rooms of furniture. Good Sacrifice. 4453 5th Ave. J.

345-3622. OLD Oak fxS' S50. Wicker desk and chair 830. 4 Section el Bookcase 820. Cell Cleerweter' 446-295 1.

Kitchen' Table, 2 Chairs (15, 896-3337. chlni cab. (75. Dinette-6 chairs like new. (45.

Cedar chest (20. 3160 66 St. te," 45. Appliances COUN1IY ClOH Antiques re opening new tocltfl. lu-tiL MS nt v.

i ANTIQUES. CVU.eCTCMl1IMl URNiTuRE. ORlENtAL Ruko THE ANTIQUE MART lltt Control 14) AUCTION SAll every letureey onernoen ot 1 RUGS wenled-Oriental end Chinese. im Antique furniture. (24-0241.

ELEANORAS antiques JW41K St. N. t4 rt SO A7eTe" a'." W.4 toned tneirs. east sxe Ave, n. FOP.

betl rw. Cantio. CantiOM- ill. Peecuck Alley Cw leek fwo. Ave.

h. en-jne SPICICABIKiT Mine 4'IMr Henemeoe. Pfoo. Uniwe. S'i.

lit im Ave I. COlieCTOe'ww'trttvf Oiess One chine, ceil m-wi. EO. "evertiie Ooubie. anttaue hegeny wiin wrlnet, mtllrett SIM.

cneirt one iow, imu eitr. it fctoktd rug. clten SIS. SM Mm Ave N. Plane (tnl-OVMM.

31. Auctions AUCTION SALE TONIGHT WEDNESDAY. OCT. 20th Huber 6601 Haines Rd. SALE TIME 7.30 Sharp Col.

Chas. Huber, Auctioneer 31. Articles for Sato ADDING MACH. eocene). S.5 TYPEWRITER, recend.

SI4S SINGER Sewing Mochs. from VACUUM CLEANERS. Hoover Eleclroiux. eeeuit S5 A up Kir by Cleaner, new ce" I4S.SS vinuxneg utl' FOR NEW HOOVER SWEEPERS New Smith Corene Type. Portables lowest Prices In Town BUY TRADE RENTALS REPAIR OA1ELLO 4034-18 Ave.

S. 345-147 AIR-COMPRESSORS, new A used Tank type SJS up; Aulomelic type S6S VP! compressors up te js HP ART'S SWAP SHOP BUY TRADE SELL 9408 Neereske Ave. Tempo NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK "AIR COMPRESSORS-Fee RENT; Scaffolding Mixers FomUiHs Generators compeciort concrete Backhoes Free Catalog. 122 44ih Ave. N.

ARROW Equipment Rental 576041 AUTOMOBILE ANTENNA 82.25 UP. COOPER RADIO CO. 16! 13th St. N. 84-7407 Open Friday Nile till M.

AVE. tewing machine, television. typewriter, redid, troner, watch, (75. S27-I31S. BAHAMATOUNGE S45 BEDS Model Cloteoutt Complete 435.

Chain Dinette Occ. Lounge from 67. Baby Crib complete SIS. Playpen 65. Pr.

Maple twin beds SIMS ee. complete. Dresser, full length mirror, 820. Full Hollywood Headboards SS. Walnut Bedroom Suite complete bed A dresser S6.

Hook Rug xl S7S. Carpet A pad plus throw rugs 129. Water Heelers SO gal, us. (3 gai. 645.

Merrill Hardware A Used Furnlutre. 923 eth. SI. SO. S62-7527 BEDSPREAD, double' SloTodlustable weiker 110; Vegetable fuicer 820.

M-usr ED, oluminum, roll-away S20 crib tio; oinene sis. 34i-326J BED (complete) 812. Portable or console TV S40 each. t(-(04. BEDS 'Hollywood Sit 95 OwkTi full size) Chestt 5.

Maple Chine Cabinet S2.5. Soto bed Sit 95. Dinette lets S22.50. Mah. Desk 879.95.

Roll-e-wey Bed S14 95. SOUTHLANO FURNITURE 200 th St. N. 894-3010 rTTJiriunTTiiie. Slfl; Brownie uniform, Ui ledy't winter coei, unused, sjo; rug, SJ; (27 2553 BEDS, twin mao'e pair, SjO; Ijble siot Rug S5i Household orticles S50.

Evenings. 6331-llth Ave. S. BREAKFAST Bar end 4 Ratten stools S45. 7(81 1st Ave.

t. 347-773. WRPET rEmnanTS-SAVE ieV We Beet any Advertised Price ON FIRST QUALITY CARPET. WE DO NOT SELL SECONDS! ELLIS CARPET MART 2427 5th Ave. N.

88 4837 CARPETfTTROGj SAVE TO 70 Mill ends Remnents 9x12 RUGS 89 95 DuPont 501 $2.90 sq. yd. DISCOUNT CARPETS, 7801 S. 19 next to Kennedy Bros. 525-478.

CEDAR Chest S10jT.V. 825; HI-FI (50; golfbeg S3; cabinet (10. Cell 5Vi-i25S Ceramics, Greenware-Supplies Firing. Cards, Gilts. 13-7462.

DEE JAY'S CERAMICS, 1027-Sth Ave. N. Lazyboy, newly upholstered (50; flroploco tools S2. Phone 1256731. COlEMAn oIl hEATERs ill a up Stovepipe, heater accessories.

Davis Hdwe. 360011 Ave. S. (67-3313 COUNTER TOPS (2.50 running ft. FORMICA 15c sq.

ft. Open Weekdays (except Wed.) eiso I -4PM Sunday 23-26IK 51. N. 896-1805. CRIBrThayer, end mattress with Changing tray; Petersen Stroller; plastic bath, and sterlizer.

Good condition, (35. Call 344-1351 alter 12. CU'f GLASS: Bowl, 2 Vases. (55. Mis- ctilrneous yerd goods, trimmings, (45.

347-7M7 DAVENPORT, plellorm rocker, (3i. Two sectional bookcases, (20 each. 898-3743. 6 0 ft wTn i i'i; Plumbing fixtures; Electrical appliances; Fur niture; Stoves, Setter, 5485 Haines Rd. ENCYCLOPEDIAS New" Standard.

1964 Edition. 34 volumes. Excellent. (150, 820-8583; NCI NEW CHAIN LINK 49c. Ft.

Terminals A Gates Extra FLAMINGO FENCE CO. 544.6816 FENCE, 1000' chein link. 4 high, 33 cents lineal foot. Galvanized posts, Sl.25 up, Dealer, 9190 49th St. 544-4640 FIREPLACE "Wood "Large load.

Sea soned k. tiivered. sjo, (26-3133 FLOOR POLISHER (SSfblcvc'le ((. Rod, reel (7, 392-17(4. FURNACES, Armstrong, like new, Gross Output 79,000 Bonnet Capacity 72,000 Oil Fired.

With 100 Gallon Tanks, (75Each (0037nd AveN. HEARING AID, Beltone, model good condition (75. Phone 898-7283 HEATER, Ouakerr elec tric blower built In, Used 3 weeks (45. 824.6801. HEATER, space, witfTEiower, used'1 winter, 55,000 BTU, 120 gallon tank, stand, (80(62-4925.

HEATER, lank, stand, Refrigerator, (35. Twin bed, (15. 525-989. 40,000 BTU, and 100 gallon link, (75. HEATER fans, (2).

White sewing machine, Cabinet, All (40, (98-3436 HEATER, Space, with 20 gallons oil free (20. Phone B92-7984. HEATER6eerborn, gauon tank, stand, 175. itt-txt. HOSPITAL BED, table, Cost over (200; sacrifice (85.

5431 38th Ave. N. iNDIANHEAD 1879 to 1909, 31 coins set (25. 898-2538 JOTc RTFouert "Lo'releTjuIceKTni. ell metal.

Cost approximately (140, used little (45; round 3' co*cktail taoie, solid welnut, Formica top (35. 8V6-9477. LAWN small compressor (22. each. 450-8lh Ave.

S. MATTftEJI Sole. Also repalfTng Clark's Mattress 4127 58th Ave N. 525-2003. MOWER, 4 cycle, new, equipment, (10.

532 4th Ave. S. OIL" Healer'." Excellent: CSTTwoTron corner Columns. (10. 341-911, PAINT MUST SELL 4000 gallons, si gai, freight, 5120 Florida Ay.

Tampan 134-0122. PAfNT Distributor going ourirBusl-ness. 120 Gallons, 400 Quarts. Assort-ed colors All eny part. 724-2259, 1742 Audrey Dr.

Clearwater. ptkh-tf fg-tree s-rsreE were pinched tor room Plant now, (3 (5, 2510 18th St. N. 892-7304. PUAnTJ730o cans.

J90. 7293-44th Ave. N. J44-3I87 POOL TABLE, new rnnoition, 825) 3340 55th St, BUY NEW I pc ledreem tuito wttnuj $69.95 PC. Soe Bed Suh $6995 Swivel Recker SJ Reciwer Cnairt (MM MATHER FURNITURE 1470-lst Av 14-087 -CAROUSEL" PROJ S.

$29.50 OraM New. Aufemeixc Color Slide Protectors, pccommeoelet 100 Httt "Ceroinei" or Conventional Mae-line. New Factory Werrentiet. Also, littl (ArMf IM aAevkt Proiectert. (17 50.

New An)t Bwclric eye. Electric Drive AMM Movie Cemeiet. with Cose. (14 5t lOt trner Photo nemt. egueiiy tow (Cnrntmet it cemingi).

AH tuOier Heoermw's exclusive NO DOWN NO COST HAGERMAN WHSE. lCCO-Ht Ave t4 5t4t OPEN TODAY 0 om -l m. PORCH SHADES, oluminum, roll. One 4' i two, I St J4li46 SINGER SLANT NEEDLT Automatic im lapaer, outometic buttonnaiai. tann awniant, etc.

Like new. Guaranteed TAKE OVER BALANCE New due only Se2 or pev S6 14 me. Free sewing instruction. Will take treoe. Cell anytime tree hom*o trial.

(35-610 sewing machine exchange tTacT" tewing machine. Meket buttonholes, tewt on buttons, fancy (titchet without ottochmenlt. Went reliable per. ton to lake ever balance of (54 50 or payments et weekly. Cell Credit Moneor.

16-0564 or 10-6616. 39L Wmtil Tt lity appliances A good cteon fume lure wonted now. Imnieoitft top cen Call today tore. S75 6'S APPkiANLESWURNlTUl? PAY MORE SSS MARTIN'S. 101 1st Ave.

S. 062-73(6 CASH for refrigerators, renget, etc (working or mil. A 4 AS Relrigero- lien. 63it anytime. ABACUS A ubJeCTSOPARTr ANTIQUES.


342-0741 alter 4 30PM DIAL 526-5(06. TWo will Ouy or bid on onything you novo (0 SOU. 16a oeltoitlon. No cherget. CASH tor Jalousies, Ooort A Plumbing Fixtures.

LAYMAN'S 1210 US 1 526-1465 No one will pay at much for nearly or like new oppllences OS TRADE-ALL J91-1414 HIDE-ABED; l-Flj Roll-eway; under (25 each. 06-5782 TOP "CASH PRICE PAIOFOR GOOD USED FURNITURE. WE TRADE. Call S62-4734 or I2S 5381 EASTON FURN. 370-1tt Ave So.

Highest Prices for" Ma chines; Typewrltert. Electrolux, Hoo ver, Kirby Cleaners. Tools. Etc, DATELLO. 4834-18 Ave.

S. 345-147 HIGHEST PRICES PAiD "For All Types Scrap Mettl' KRAVETZ SALVAGE CORP. ISO 49th St. S. 3474106 METALS Copper, Brats, etc Gulf Salvage, 321 22nd St.

A. Phone 862-3 76S Used Pionos A Organs Will pjy cash. (62 (264, t6-5l Equipment, Tiro Changer, Jock, merger. 544 8121. JALOUSIE Doors; owning.

Jalousie windows; apartment tire stoves, gas or electric; apartment refrigera tors plumbing fixtures. 5485 Haines Rd. 526-1 4V4. A-1 CASOUYEff No Consignment or Conditional Seles gimmicks. No checks.

Flo. Lie. Appraiser No. 13220 will make Free Cash Appraisal on Good, Clean Fur niture, Appliances, TVs, HI-FI A Stereo, Power Tools. Photo Equipment, Tape Rw.oioers, etc.

No deal too large. For Instant cash. bring items to 1020 1st Ave. N. Confidential.

No obligation what- ever, 8 5 m. dally incl. Sunday. MR. LEWIS, 894-5649 NEED GOOD USED MERCHANDISE: All kinds of Furniture-Whet Have You? Will Buy Most Any thing I Cell Merrills 862-7527.

BUDGET TRADINGCENTER CASH FOR USED MERCHANDISE 714 Tangerine Ave. S. S98-58I4 MODE twin beds, complete matching dresser. (100 or under. 347-2975.

DON'T CalCmC UNLESS YUU HAVE Clean Used Furniture, Appliences, Hand Tools that you want to sell TODAY for CASH. No obligation. 392-2451. 1 Would Like To Buy Some Used Furniture. Call Roger, (96-0450.

40. Sportinj Goods ARMY COLT 45, outometic. Mint condition. (85. After 5pm 391-8851 COtf 45, Automatic, 2 boxes cartrid ges, clip.

(65. 1101 22nd Ave. N. BOW-Arrow. 421b Blue Boar Hunter, arrows, accessories.

(45. 544-0628. CAMPING" TRAILER, Hawthorne, Traveler mooel, will accommodate 6. (295. 6401-49th Sf, N.

GOLF CLUBS Woods, IronsTput- ters S3. (7.50. 1023 9th S. 821-4531. GOLF CASTntM'TTub Cor; top; battery charger.

(500, Owner, 31-7041. GUNS Buy, sell, traae, antique or modern. Art's Swap Shop, (60S Ne braska Tampa, Fie SHOtSun, case, llhlca, 12 gauge. Modilied barrel excellent, M0. 345-1291.

SHOT NX 12 0 a several choice, double skeet, 55 9th St. SHOT GUN, 26 gauge Remington au tomatic sportsman 48, (70. 544-0275. SNIPERS Rifle, Enfield 303 caliber. British Ordinance.

Equipped 4X Scope. 80 rounds Ammunition. (65. 526-3633. SURF BOAR 5 Good condition.

Professional. S65. (9( 5655, Evenings. 516-lBfh Ave. E.

APACHE Camp Trailers Clearance all 1965 models Save (100 to (200. Ed A John's 5995 Park Blvd. Pinellas Park MOSSBERG 46M, 22 caliber Repeating Rllle 4X scope, in. i Pair Deer Antlers, S35. 526-3633.

41. Bicycles For Salt ADULT TRIKES ell sires (89.95 CLEARWATER'S CYCLE CENTRE FLORIDA'S LARGEST TRIKB MFR. 1033 Cleveland St. "Five Points" Bikes, Trikes, Tandem, Wheel Chr, for rent. Used 24" boys balloon 113 50: mans (14.50.

Fir fan (II. FRANK'S 204 1h St, (93-3824 28" man's Ross Barracuda 546 50. Exerclsor (42. Tandem (89.95. Pick up, Del.

ABC 7130 Central CHRISTMAS is coming, LAY AWAY NOWI Full selection of models, colors A prices on Schwinn, Ra le 1 0 ouneit, Dayton Bikes. RALPH'S 1239 lot Ave. (94-0858. BICYCLES, new "or rebuilt." New Bikes from (27.95. Trades taken, E-Z terms.

Layaway for Christmas. LANCASTER'S, 827 Central (62(697 BICYCLETcolumble 26'rBov's, ell deluxe ettachmenls. Unused, (40 (28-8545. 42. Boats, Motors, Equipment 13' OWENS, glass, hydraulic steer ing, 58A Mercury, excellent, controls (495, 360-6518; 360-7422 14' TiostON Whaler, top 4 cur-tains, steer A controls, bow stern rails, 40HP Johnson elec start, bit tery, box A tank, Exceptional, 8995 CLIFF S.

HAOLEY a son 50TH ST A 31 AVE S. GULFPORT MORE RESULTS WITH TIMES CLASSIFIED ADI POWER MOwEOiu tnea. et tew et Oil SO Ol Sf RVlCt KAOOWAOi Cnntreeat I ('toping Centers RANGES, eel tuei Oar gieen (m swstoil Aniiue lemexii Oetkti Oi-netieti oedti Cst (I6i; total. Misc. Me) s.

iSII-sih St. H- REFRIGERATOR. 6E. excellent SiO lewemawer, S.A Ovlooo. 3HP, S4 (S-OJ7S REOUCINc, COUCH.

Steuffer. Sew ing mocKine, tautometicl Retian furniture, rotten bar. tiaois. Cneck iter, never used 34 RATTAN OlMTTS SETT 071130 VOGT't RATTAN FURNITURE io fin Ave Ne: Ste aoS EPRbDUCTTfrNTTiTroMTElffVe- ce. SSjacht maple desk SJO (70WI RUGS 111 Unused, everhand Voiced, frem Vermont (M 5H)t SkwiNG MACHINES Hi USED RENTALS S5 mo.

REPAifZS Cameron. 1421 Control osMJeS SEWING MACHINES tec. Sit Up PAIRS PARI 'All into Tyrone! 141164! Sewing machine," (ii fryer. Sit. TV.

RCA (15. 5H6JU. SE I NGMecftinet Trt-ins. A 1 1 Guaranteed. Portables front (14fl Cabinets from ST S.

Vec end Floor Polisher SINGER CO. CENTRAL PLAZA win(T'mA'chTnEZmIJSM- DOR Porleoie. Good condition. Pnone 624-JSI4. STTOlNSoiatt shower doors.

SiO wen nung wiieis lie eacn. Hollywood twin beds, complete, SJO each. excellent SODA FOUNTAIN Mixer, counter type electric Mates snakes, eggnogt. drinks. S51 Pnone MS-47JI, Lergo.

STEREO THEATRE. Megnevox, (150. Lan mower, SIS. Washing Ma- Chine. (25.

mor mangle, 120 tit tm. TaBLElEGS, assl u. 45c up Range Hood A Fen Weekoeys (except Wed I l-SunTHStn St. N. S66JS05.

TABLES (1). 6. wrolgh(Tren legs. SIS each. Phone 341-H2I.

Tools, cerpenters. reasonable-SS0 Come Invettigaie. 3624 Abmgton Ave. S. 867-477.

TOWELS (new) BY THE POUND SI. 24 A 11 SO 1454 l(lh St. S. 162575 Desk SI7. 546-Jrg Ave.

S. Apart- ment 10. TYPEWRITER. (35. P.rg pong table (20.

Rug, (20. 526-5741. TYPEWRITER (Royal), (ISO Elec-ric deep fryer, (7 SO. Steinknt tirel iuicer, (57 50. Pair twin oedspreedt (rose tettetel, S3 SO each.

345-6164 UTILITY TRAILER. wheel, steel body. (50. 6 PM Il0-20th Ave. NE.

WATER HEATE R(eiectrlci7 S2Bai-lon, like new. Guaranteed. 347-7456. WALL new. thermostat control, (75.

Cole-men heater, 50, OCA BTU-HS. Tank, stand (20. Curley's, 31-178. ll4S3-76th Ave. N.

WIG SPECIAL-" S34 50 Fins Quality Limited Quantity THE WIG CENTER 3026 CENTRAL AVE. 84-5470 WIGS Factory" prlcetTSevo S(S Snur-Lee Wios. Mlri Imoortert. 230 S. Orange Seresole, Flo.

WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital Beds. Wiker, Crutcfirt (Also rent) ANDERSON SURGICAL SUPPLY 56-th St. S. Phrne etn.ltni VvhT ETBaBROW ih hose CO; Two wheel car (5; 100' cords 5.

390 75th Ave. N. WINDOWS (61. lino "condT- non, t35 takes ell. 344-3582 PLOOiTBEAUlV'fc PROlECfTGhT DELTA TERRAZZO cleanw-linith ON SALE HARDVMRF.

STORES (Ti ft WCTJUA7wnoTileairiT tech. Repossession. New cond. new guarantee. Take over payments.

KIRBY CO. 5723 Central. 347.1304 POftffR cable power sew. 4'i'' oiaoe SJS. speidmg golf set, S75.

Tasco 200 power telescope, S25. M-4re CARLOADS OF GOOD USED FURN From Dusenburyj Princess Merthe end Prince George Hotels. Geo. Eos- ion, 70 ist Ave. $., 862-6734 RUMMAGE.

"Table." 4 chairt. Sid Clothing. Miscellaneous. Come. S40 vtn si.

5. CLEAN Rugs Like todo Use wonderful BLUE LUSTRE Rent Elec. Shamoooer 11 A A HARDWARE 4C2A Central Hospitofbeds, wheelchairs, walkers oxygen equip. For rent or sale. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT INC 3063 Centrel (94-5131 A-1 VACUUM ClEanE AS (11.50 up, guer.

BILL'S VACUUMS Factory outh. service tor Hoover. Eureka. Lewyt. Regint, Shetland Products.


F. GOODRICH CO. 30 9th St. So. 862-1197 7ENTh tr 4tn.nrnii rmMl dirt oooa r-v skill saw, $70.

Ironnte ironrr, ai conaiTrOn, NATIONAL CAih rnltr. whf balancrr for U' 15" WhMlll 1 lltOrf tIAIOAMrtt It" (Tl. kvi 4 IfSVUI tan. 524-755 "CARATT)TA1WJ27IT 5 diamond wedding ring (10. 1 carat uiamono, oan or tire (0.


Allwln, lUO UflK St. 1Mb, Apt, 3. 150 lb. Sale, US. Maple HufchTlT.

Console Slereo, (40. 30" Electric Range, (49. 10 cu.tt. Freeier, (4. 2 lerge wardrobes, tttsa rh 862-8448, Don's, 350 9th St.

N. PORTABLE typewriter. (IS Tnh. tester, (15. Television, (15, )12) rin at, a.

tl'STAifElALE, Purs." MaltFarWITi Mink Jacket. Dyed Marmot Cape, Muskrat Stole. See at Florida National Bank, Trust Dept. Jim Lashbrook. Call 896-5611 Ext, 273 NAME Pins racks, business "route', after 6PM, 14105 West Partlev.

Ma deira Beach. A RAG ESALE. Wallpapering oultlf; hall tree; man's jacket; miscellaneous, 526-8847 CASH'AARRY" 12 Crane Vt hp Air conditioners All running, SIO each. Acme Air Conditioning 226 Central, Phone 894-4691 300" USED Jalousies, all slies. Used I a lout ie parts.

2I35-I3th Ave. N. GARAGE Sale Small "electrical ap" pnanc-s, kitchen utensils, dishes, miscellaneous. Reasonable. (100 sell separately.

3621-1 7lh St. N. I only 5 PC. used blonde Dinette set (18.50 cash A carry luicetn Furniture 4746 72 Ave. VERY nice' Modern Suites.

Excellent Dinelte Suites. A verled selection of Living Room plec es. You can find everything tor your noma et the pink mouses, 1700 W. Bay 584-3744 A 2900 t. Bay ur sji -VBja.

ESTATE" DIAMOND Carat Diamond (80; Dia. Wed Ring (10; 3 Ct. Ola (270; Die Ear rings (14, Bromley, 486 1st Ave. fake up pavmon1t(17 mo on Phlico color TV, New warrantee. Firestone stores, 31st A Central Plara.

(62-8114 RUMMAGE SALE Christian Fel lowthip Center, 2800 41st St. Friday, 10AM-4PM ANNOUNCEMENTS: Whet'8 Doing Good TKinqi To Est I. tost FounJ J. Personals I. Trevel Oppt.

S. Stamps I Coini 9. Instructions Meto or Female EMPLOYMENT: 10. H.lp Wonted-Molo 11. H.Ip a Help Wonted 13.

Seletmen Saleswomen 14. Positions Wonted-Melt 15. Positions Wonted Femsle li. leby Sitting Service 17. Potitiont Wonted-Mole A Pomelo lUSINESSOIRECrORY: Clossifieetion tt Needed FINANCIAL: 20.

Business Oppi, 21. lutiness Oppt. Wonted 22. Annuities, Stocks Bonds 23. Monty To loud 23-A.

Loom to $600 24. Rotl Estate Loon 25. Monty Wonted 26. Mortgages For Soto 27. Mortgages Wanted 21.

tnturence LIVESTOCK: 30. Pets i Supplies 31. livestock 32. Poultry Suppliot MERCHANDISE: 33. Comoro, Photo Equip.

34. Now Clothing 35. Weering Appirol 36. Jowolry 37. Antiqutl 31.

Auetioni 3J-A. Artie Ui For Rent 39. Artieloi For Solo 3 A. Wonttd to Buy 40. Sporting Goods 41.

Bicycloi For Solo 42. Boots, Motors, Equipm't 42 A. Boot Sterege A Slips DIAL 894 20. Business Opportunities GROCERY, BEER, NorlMiOe, like new equiprrwnl; Cs1. UMi eicel-kni (or rtllred, srml retired; I2J-S67J GROCERIES SUNDRIES: fully equipped, stocked.

Living qutrtm. S2SO0. SC04 West Gulf Blvd. Aller SCM, Uhim GROCERY MEATS FINf NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET etlebllshrd ovrr 55 ytars. Moorn tquipmrnt 1 lilu'H velurd over S6.0C0.

Ua coinpelilion In erre. Slerr ten wily do S7S.00O yrar. SMO0 taktj ell including slock. S4.000 cesh mult htndle. LIQUOR BAR RESTAURANT $10,000 MONTH GROSS FINE NORTHSIDE LOCATION On meior Intersection.

Only bar In large residential area. Total price SSO.OOO. Requires SIS.0CO cah down. If you want the best, this Is It! Call LEE WHITESELL ASSOCIATES. Inc.

"BEST BUSINESS BUYS" 2323 CENTRAL 894-4615 ROM A T. it washers, 4 dryers. Doing excellent year round business. Only S5.0C0 down. SUNGLOW REALTY Gull Blvd.

39VS9S4 14060 Gulf Blvd. 391-5S2S MEAT Deparlment lor lease tor winter season. 432 1st St. N. ORANGE GROVE 20 prime acres pear Orlando.

For details, write Timet Independent Box J-366. PACKAGE DEAL: Tavern, apartment, warehouse, prcperty, only S23.500. 37l2-5lst Ave. N. RABBIT WORM RANCH, tor sale or leaw.

In operation. 900 hutches. Terrllic potential. Times A Independent Box K-4J8. REPAIR SHOP new, usedor-tides.

Sleeping quarters. Sacrifice JJ.000 cash. Times A Independent Box 33. RESTAURANT For Sale, tood terms. M50 49th SI.

N. STEAK HOUSE A co*cktail Lounoe. Gull Beaches, tor quick sale. Good going business. Consider best oiler.

Time! A Independent Box L-20. 5WAPSHbP in Oakland Park, Fla. Owner In hospital. Paid 11,400, take S200. St.

Petersburg 524-5934 FOR SALF or Irase: brr co*cktail lounge (4COP), large parking tree. St. Petersburg Bcnrh. Best location 01 the beaches. 3607340.

Tor Selling a luilness? See Vr. Cummlngs with P. FRANK STUART, REALTOR 300-S'h Ave. No. Phone 862-9563 "TEXACOTNCr Will train, llnanct and guide the man who Is willing to Invest his el-forts end enthusiasm to build busi ness with future.

Key locations available In Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties. Days, Tampa 24S-6IM nights, Clearwater S96-040S. Ask tor Bob Carden. PARTERSHTP-Available in growth Auto Parts Jobber business. Good opportunity about SSCOO.

Times A Independent Box-L-3. NATIONALLY tranchisrd local spe, cially restaurant. Eat In A carry out facilities. Whole purchase price less than equipment cost. Tremendous potential for expansion.

18,000 down Balance on very attractive terms. Excellent reasons for selling. Times A Independent Box L-13. ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING PLANT EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE New plant to be built In large Clearwater shopping Center. You can make from SI 1,000 118,000 annual Income.

S7.500 down with Bank fi nancing on balance. Act now. Call rolled for details Ralph Harsly. Business Hours, 233 0191; Residence 12-0997. Or wrllt mt 4233 Florida Tampa, Fla, RETAIL BAKERY Good one.

Terms. Golden Triangle. Timet A Independent Box K-494; AMAZING SI, 000,000 annual potential business seeks experienced sales executive with 110,000 investment capital. 544-3003. PHILLIPS 66 Service 'Station tor lease.

Training, financing available. Telephone 341-2191, Nltes, weekends, call Clearwater collect, 442-7510. TEXACO STATION, Low minimum rent. 16th Tangerine Ave. 5 544-M21.

CTEARWATfRTModern dry cleaning pianr, all equipment in and running Doing business daily. $19,500. Week days, Phone 446-5612 7AM to 3PM. PROFIT MAKER $15,000 It the complete price for this FOOD DRIVE-IN, doing S80.0CO yearly gross, Be first to seel See JOHN CANNON SOUTHLAND BUSINESSES, INC. Realtor 300 Bltla.

894-0161 FTanchiset A Distributorships tor qualified people. P. W. Research, 1224 N. Palm, Sarasota.

958-1163 21. Business Opportunities Wanted WILL purchase boo'-ke'p'nq prertlce. Times and Independent Box L-34, 23. Money To. Lend UNLIMITED FUNDS 1st A 2nd Mtg loans.

Quick Courteous Servlct Low Interest Rate Low Monthly Pay. mentt. Call Mr. Marsh. 6642 Central Avt.

345-9155 or 363-4601 or 194-4145, To Times 42. lilts. Motors. Iuliit RkAL BUY, If fimmei, )Ve Jenn- ten. electric stert, treiier.

Eouioood PerteclSJ5 564517eer Sprn Aluminum" boat, traier, Ifti fvin- ruoe IMP Qroup, i each 525 53 I 411(0. Mailercett. Fit eny Boef aound 16, Excellent. i00 52 2H JOIN THE DEPENDABLE FOR 166 Ou'boerdt By CHRYSLER CORP. Boats tv SEABREEZE New 19U SEABREEZE It (II fiber.

giatt offshore, extra Oreo, fully equipped, walk thru windshield. One oam beck to back seats, sete'e 01 bottom, etc PLUS new 166 CHRYSLER 45MP eiec. Utrt engine. eu rigoed. reedy for years of trouble tree tunning, sunning tithing.

Sim COMPltTt (OS DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY ST. PETE BOAT MART 00-34th St. S. W6364I Open daily 1 9 Sat. 1 Sun.

9 6 THESE BOATS NOW AT OUR DOCKS FOR SALE 21 JOHN ALLMAND. INS, Fiberglass Flybridge, galley, Elec. Refng. Twin Diesels W-Ouidrivet 24' BAHAMA Day Cruiser, 161, Hardtop, Radio, Fully equipt, 15 HP. 27 CHRIS CRAFT Connie.

163, Radio. Eiec Retrig. Twin 185 HP 30 OWENS Cruiser. 160. Clean, Radio, ell other equipment, Twin IS5 HP Many More Available COME SEE THEM MADEIRA YACHT SALES' located At MADEIRA MARINA Rear Madeira Shopping Center Medeire Beach Phone 31-6(10 Roger Mallory, Broker CraffTrade 23' John AHmand flybridge snort fishermen WITH TWIN DIESEL POWER! Ship to there radio, depth tinder, heed.

smk. ell the end this one Is In like new condition. Priced (12,900 (SAH Green Stamps, too). THE MARINE CENTER YOUR CHRIS CRAFT DEALER 3701-50th Ave 167 2164 Extra Fall Specials (ALL NEW) Just Few of the many Boats Now on saiet 2S' SCOTTIE In-Out 725 HP MorcrulsorWes SI.300 NOW S7.055 23' SCOTTIE Cabin C.uiter ISO HP MC Marine head, belt well. Wat (6.240 NOW (5,300 23' JOHN ALLMOND Hardtop BB Seats 150 HP MC Wat S6.325 MOW S5.135 USED BOSTON WHALER 2-13' SPORT WHALER, Incl.

(leer ing, 35HP Mercuryt, Belt Box, Controls, Custom treiler. (625 1-13' STD WHALER-1965 model 20 HP Mercury, 164-1965 Murry lilt Treiler. (825 1-13' STD WHALER 1965- ft Mercury (Demo) (745 1-14' BOSTON WHALER Custom, fiber glass console-Built in gat tank-Deluxe anchor chock, with 50 HP Mercury A controls ALL FOR (155 ALL 165 MERCURY MOTORS SAVE 20 from list. KOOL'S MARINE, INC. St.

Pete's First In A Out Dry Storage Marina Open 7 Days Call 392-I2K 25' INBOARD 15 21' STERN DRIVE 100 HP 75 IS' OLASSPAR CABIN 15 16' FIBERGLASS 285 IT OMC STERN DRIVE 81995 Dual motors 16' TURNER CRAFT I 145 IS' BICKLEV with bait well 1(5 COASTMARINE 9500 Bind Pass Rd. Phone 363-5941 FAlLTFRiEND IS' WOODSON-Calhedral hull design for tremendous pertormence in rough water Full length open con. sirucnon pro vices as much useable room as most 20 foot boats. Put a 1966 45 HP engine with alternator on with ell controls end you've got terrific package for ell around use. Don't miss this one.

(1395. STOWAWAY COVE MARINA You're the Captain We re the crew 9333 Blind Pass Rd. 363-5191 43. Boats I Equipment Wanted 12'-14' Aluminum fishing boat, flood condition, under (100. 362-51(4.

14' ALUMINUM Boat, Phone Eve- nlngs or weekends. Under (100. vWLL boat In trade ornSuTf Beach home or lot. Give or take dif ference. Can finance If necessery.

Call 362-7691. SWAP Reel Estate lor cruising sall-boat. See classification 69. 526-5383. 44.

Household Articles ARMCHAIR (3; Bed (10; electric range (25) refrigerator (25. 128-3745 BAHAMA Couches, gold stripe, matching pair, (30 each. 391-1238, evenings. BED, BAHAMA. Sleeps also BIG SELECTION, LIKE NEW FURNITURE.

LOWEST PRICES MARTIN'S, 1901 1st Ave. S. 162-73(6 BED, Double (15; Rattan Dinelte teble, 2 chairs, (25. 360-6424. 61 double, complete, lust perma- finished.

Light gray, (85. 345-9596. BfcD, King size; matTress, springs. Dressing table, mirrored. (85.

898-2812. Davenport nylon; leather, navy blue, excellent (50-10x11 matching rug (5. GE Sweeper; attachments (25. Miscellaneous (10. 1652 31 Ave.

N. TCTJTOOrWultrTJoT" Bunk bed (75; Bedspread crocheted (10. 392-25(3 BEDS (Twin) complete (25, night teble (10. Boudoir chair (10. Kitchen sei (formica) (25.

(96-1779. 51 Single, fulTilie; headboard', box spring. Perfect, (15. 544-8702 BEDS, Complete, Innerspring, Double, (35, twin (20. 347-6057 after 5PM.

Bedroom suite, used, "complete (59 BEDROOM SHOWCASE 34TH ST. A (TH AVE. 50UTH BED, Maple, (25." Mahogany Dining Table, (20. Sofa, (40. 898-0484 BEDS, twin Hollywood, bookcase headboarcrs, mattresses, matching chests, (HO.

BED, Roll-away, Simmons mattress, like new, Sl(. Chair (16. 525-7774. BfcD (ingle, mattress, Like New (15.50. Dresser (18.50, Chest (7.50 Quality Bed Frame (8.50 391-7213 uallty Bi ED, dou louble, bobkeasei Png lender mettress, spring, excellent, (80.

Largo, 5(1-3545. BE6 9-12 AM. S3T Southward-Ho, 19th Ave. West Gate, Lot 5. Rock Maple, 10 pieces (80.

2530 Highland 5. BEDROOM dou ble, boookcasa headboard. Excellent condition. (73. 342-3441 Sinqle comolete, Tnner'soring mattress condition.

392-1184 double, "loam mattress, spotless condition (45. Phone 392-2116. BUNK "Sear's (2), separate mattresses, spreads, ladder, 139; 345-7140. CAB I (IE Portable V. (20.

(6V76T I6V7S '4' Beet, 30MP. SjtKtric Jonntan. Trpiler, Wine, Male, controls. S7(. st Crystal Dnve.

Maoeiro leech. Jt-U IS TROJAN exeneganv runabout, control, wioo beem, MS. 306511. 10-7422 15' CORIA. 35HP Mercury, vinyl top Tro.ier, extret.

SSO. OMM734. U' oat. 30HP Evinrult. trail.

Reel ien Special (ets Pa'k Mo- rwt. een lain t. N. 527 JtSO s' Plus! New CRESTLINER Del eixt, (tun tvte tvwuae; Sl. HANK'S BOATS ALT US I Soutn of Got Course 1 upon SPRINGS (17-6S07 IS' VIKINO SUNLINER.

Fiberglets bottom. Almost new eOHP Johnson, Murrey Till Trailer, Accessor its. Sacrifice SJ50. 167.15a). IS' Wooden, libregiets bettomBeit 1, jsmp electric start.

Cenvett cover. SJM. 300 Lake view Ave. S. (230M5 14" SEAFAREStn 30HPoulboords equipped, (tot 7eo 54th Ave.

16' GULFLINER. '43 50HP Mercury. en eieciric, tin trailer, equipment, (600 Alter tj 4001. riuur-; iwin eMrcury 4JHP, treiler; extret, SMS. Phone 544-1578 (ff tOHP Mercury, tltt trailer.

s5 537 2064 If WINNERf irm si.100." Excellent Condition. All extras. 1115 37th Ave. NE (96-7574. IT-OWENS Cabin "fruiter Galley, 35W ship-to-shore; new bilge pump; new Neuteiei co*ckpit end decks; recently retmlthed; nearly new 50HP motor; Very clean, s50.

3000Uin Ave. N.I S20S771. 19' Allegro pert Th Trader Sez. It's brand new A It SOMETHING! tig. oeep ell fiberglets offshore fish ermen with tinted waikthru wind shield, steering, lights, hardware, big loam sleeper teatt plenty of go- power witn omp jonnson electric Sites ISAH Green Stampt, too), THE MARINE CENTER AT MAXIMO MOORINGS 17SI 50th Ave.

S. 867-2164 22' CHRIS CRAFT Skiff. 5HP7hetd. full cenves. U00.

TROJAN MARINE SALES 2)5 Windward Pesteoe Island Estates Cleerwaier 442-5065 22 CHRIS Craft Cabin Cruiser. (SHP inboard. Baitwell, near. Radio. Tele phone.

Depthfmoer, Automatic Pump. Many extras! (1. 0O0. 526-0273 71' I35hp motor useTTeO hours. Htm condition.

Sacrifice. 31 211. 23" CHRIS CRAFT CrulserTexcellent condition. 1(5 VS. ship to shore, pump, head, galley, fathometer, full cenvet with new top, boitweil with electric aerator, electric 13-1 10V re- trigerelorj much more.

et 161 Gestner't Maximo; S6-72St 26' CHRIS Craft. 9S7. I40hp. See sup 75, Gestner Merino, SI 395. S67-6070.

28' TROJAN, double plank "hulirtwin hp. Full equipped. Best Otter. Clearwater 726-4131 30- new, fully equipped; must sell) best otter. Owner.

360-6500 CHRIS CRAFT 1950; two 13Shp cnrysier Marine engines; snip shore; depthlinoer. Col system; tleept good condition) (3,500 J4MM 34' '50 model, double cebln, twin 1051, elec refrigeration (67M) Don McKay Reg Yacht Broker FRANCHI5ED SEA BIRD DEALER Ray Gatsner't Boot Basin 550 341 ST (67 206 34' 1 ITh r. Completely equipped. Twin 275 Chryslers, fishing orioge. ir tieem, pienxed huh.

Bronte fastening. Excellent condition (12.000. Tampe (J(-0582 -5 EVINRUDE 35HP (175 '64 JOHNSON 38HP like new (335 DUNtDIN BOAT TACKLE 947 Huntley Ave. Dunedln 733-1466 TUCKERS CUSTOM BOATTOPS Drew-type treiler hitches 24 RO. S25-32S7 I0HP Johnson IM lit HP Merc (50 7')HP Johnson (95 2HP Evin (30 Dick Hinds 12092 Gandy 527-4964 ISLANDER 32' Fiberglass" SLOOP Dinette, lerge oalley, sleeps 6.

Jim Kirk 360-7553 distributor ONLY AT 17 Fiberglass Mulr Maid 60 h.p. Merc Cruiser 1.0. (195 ir Fiberglass Mulr Maid, (5 p. Merc (1293 First In Evlnrude Sae( A Service KENLAN MARINE TACKLE Pesadene Shopping Center, 347-1523 open Thurt. A rl.

'til p.m. Special Oiler Optimist I'rem Sail Boat Built to roclng specifications Minn rate fully rigged 45 pds Ribbon ainpes, mahogany plywood, spruce frames, f.r mesl. Reguler (1(500 special (149 00 Complete reedy for the water, less canvas. Owent Gull Coast Yacht Co. 15015 Medeira Wey Ph.

392-1224 Next to Madeira Beach P.O. 49TH ST. OUTBOARD-INBOARD Motor A boat repairs; fac trained mecht; free PU A del; redlo disp truckt; used boats A motors for tele 1419-49 St. S. 347-6967 FOR SAILBOATS A SAILBOAT HARDWARE, (60 ELLIE'S.

1300 N. Bettv Lane Clearwater Phone 442-32(1 BOAT LIFTS, New A Used, Fectory to you, 100.000 Lleb. Ins. OLIVER Lift Corp. 4700 Ulmerton Rd.

(49 St, N. A Interstate SAVE (17500 Ride A Buy 23' CRAFT Pass-A-Grllle Marine 105 Pass-A-Grllle Way, BAYSIDE" MARINE BUY SELL CONSIGN DAILY A SUNDAY 1AM TO PM 12022 GANDY BLVO h6u'SEB6aT7307, with generator. outboard motor (2,100. Slip 6-13 Gull-port. 894-4621; 862-5928.

2SHP Scctt-McCullough; all electric controls. Good condition, S75. 345-085IV dharter-5ale. Sailmaster 26', slip 44, Clwtr. Marina, Suncoast Yacht, 444-1122 JOHNSON 7jHP outboard motor, tank, excellent condition S90.

Phone USED Drffl-R-Cruinike" new; PHONE 362-6731. ROC'S MARINA New for 1966, 18' all fiberglass Sea-Fury with Inboard-Outboard lor only (2,150. JOHNSON SALES A SERVICE 17(15 Gulf Blvd. 391-9517 PENnTAN BOATS" CLASS OR WOOD LAPSTRAKI 16' Open through 26' Cruisers. 4350 Duhme Madeira Bell.

Rear Madeira Shooolna Center Open Sun. 10-5 Phone 392-1409 SEE WHAT WE GOT Alt new 1966 Suoercraft 16 ft. finer. glass, complete with walk-thru wind- snieto, vinyl conv. too.

back to back seals, navigation light, safety motor well, foam filled double bottom, steering end ell hardwere, powered oy xu tie tvinruae with electric starter, fuel tank. HD marine batterv a. naiiery oox and comrois, complete, I MIS WttK. ONLY $995 SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST Lerge bait saver with pump. Reg.

unut 4 Leu et 144. JOHN PASS MARINA Enclosed In A out dry storage 12795 Gulf Blvd. Call 360-6907 Showroom open to 6 daily MOTOR 3HP Golden Jet, like new, air-cooied 840. 827-2042. 15 HP Evlnrude with tank S7i." Werner Vogt.

2109-5th Ave. N. 2SHP SEABEE, good condition, (50. Bought lorger motor. Jim, 341-2431, 1 25.

Automobiles For Sole 30. foti ft Supplies POODLE GROOMING Professional New York roomer HOUSE OF PIERRE Beauty Solon for Your Pet. Valet Service, Free Plck-uo A Del Complete Grooming, Bathing 4 Do- iKRing. Sptclallied Poodle-Cllpplng. Schnauiers end co*cker Spaniels ALSO OTHER BREEDS Finest Senitery Facilities to Assure the Best ol Core for Your Pet.

Stud service Poodle Puppies CALL TODAY FOR APP T. 347-6143; 347-6144 4719 LAKEVIEW (22nd Ave. So.) POOOLE Puppy. White. weeks.

Under SI 00. Female. Call 544 4221 POODLE, white mele. Toy, weeks'. Champion sired, AKC, S62-3724.

POODLES, Red Apricot. Pocket-site toys. AKC, pedigree. SIM. 347-640.

POODLES White miniature, AKC certified pedigree, chom*oiofl back- grounq. SI2S. 36I-6I1 i old Mdioree. Sffl AKC sn.aaii POODLES, Toy. TlnVmeletTJ i mui ii trrini fIVV'err POO CE.

mlnlalurerblack'1200 DUDDV. HI MUII Mffll SRS 361-2011 PUG I Champion line. AKC, thots. SS5. 6465-2711) Ave.

N. 347-4244 PUG PUPPIES males. AKC reg-Istered. Beautiful. I months.

Clearwater 56-3081 i PUPPIES, longeirTeTfeeksTsirSI- amete kitten S20. 544-6260. PUPPlEsTI meieTTffmale, S3 each 8354 76th Ave. 314590. SCHNAUlE RS.

2 beautiful healthy and happy females. AKC registered. S150. Call mornings please, 525-0654. SIAMESE Kittens, Staipoint, pedigreed.

Intelligent) healthy. Males, S25-S35. 526-473. BOARDING end grooming, Individual cere. Air-conditioned kennels.

ROYAL DUTCH KENNELS, 7601 Jlth Ave. 341-7335 BOARDING. Individual runs tor dogs a. cats, special care A diets. Roy-Cliff Kennels, 7700 3th Ave.

347-16V7 BETTY'S Bird Haven (closed Tues.) rim TAIL NONPARIEL S25.5 pr, 4400 Haines Rd. Phone 526-3258 TYEFTOYTOxTERlflE Rr Puppies registered. Reasonable. 66 SI. OPPOS.

125 Ave. N. 544-4433 20' PORTABLE dog run. S25. Phone utarwater 581-3368.

WATCHDOG half redbone; German shepherd, three months, S15. 867-6063 mornings. DOG TRAININGCLASSES MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW CLASSES LIMITED Dog Training Club ol St, Pete 525-503 391-4729 ADORABLE Siamese Sealpclnt kit lens, excellent pedigree, (20. Phone 43tT4l. 31.

Livestock ft Supplies RIDING HORSES and Welch ponies iorsate, wen SIAMESE; Chocolate Polnle S50. Sealpointo SIS. Englewood, 474-31(3, P.O. 811. Young Rabbits, 81.50 Mice 30c each.

Good Buy. Cell 527-3444. WtliUnANUIst Offerings tn the Mtrcnma'ii columns from commercial eccounls thet do not carry the euslntss name of the edvtrtiter in the ed ere deslo- naiia uy me wore oeeier." 33. Camera, Photo Equipment PRESS Camere, S75 complete. Con tact Printer (commerclel), S25.

Ex cellent Itl.aiMI BELL A HOWELL 8mm camere. Keystone projector, light bar SS5 544-8157. 35. Wearing Apparel COAT, lady's, like new, 12-14; Mil-Hum lining, 118. 345-1794 DRESSES, iO-127 $5-17." Toppe7llS Lint new.

j4-ib R'COAT," MOUT0NGod c'ondT. lion, size 12, S35. Phone 345-2355. GOWNS, "Formel, sue pink, excellentcondltlon S30. 345-2355.

STOLE, Black (ox; Silver fox 860, sell separately. 347-7187 SUITS, sleeks, stilrls, overcoat. Site 38. S75 sell separately. 829-7294 WEDDING GOWN, full length, while ece, OIIO T.

S25. 341-9553 aTtTnTiSN Gentlemen slies 38, 44 long, desiring quellty epperel et rentestic sevlngsl invesilgate Melo dy Fashions Immediately. 914 Central -J1-5, ALASKAN SEAL Jacket, brown, smart, luxurious, size 40. Brocade lining. Cost (1,200, now S550, terms.

Largo 595-8731 WANTED Resele (consignments'. Drapes, spreads, knlc knacks. A-1. MlLaoys, 1441 central. 842-7321.

37. Antiques PRIVATE ANTIQUES SHOW A SALE Art, Glass, Chine, Furn. Jewelry, Dolls, Objects D'Art. Eitetes bought soto, appro isto. Juo Tangerine Ave, i.

io a m. -a p.m. pnone S87-7431. 23. Money To lend FREE yourself from oeM without borrowing or refinancing.

Femlty Budget Service, 1104 S62-I9I4 MONEY Any purpose. Any Amount. Ricard, Broker, Consolidated Mortgage Corp. 544-2504. WE PAY" YOUR Reduce payments at much et SOS Call Ted Jaklmler.

THE SAVON PLAN, Inc. 300-31st St. N. Phone 896-0671; 525-7175. BUSINESS of Property Loans.

Unlimited funds. Appointment! arranged. Times end Independent Box L-35. 1ST And Conventional. Florida Mortgage 1500 34th St.

S. 067-216 Evenings Weekends 3914654. 23A. Loans to J600 WE RENT MONEY EAGLE FINANCE CO. SHt473 24.

Real Estate Loans 4 money to loan on good first mortgage or will buy lit Mtg. Quick service, see ven saver. VAN SCIVER li SON 4743 Centrel Realtors Ph. 345 9141 l. L.

McMA41EkiA J6. Mortgage Loans Since 1924 495-1 st Ave. FAST SERVICEI I 1st A 2nd Mort gage money waltlngl Call Julie Jrnks, THE SAVON PLAN, Inc. Phone 196-06781 525-2175. "MORTGAGE MONEY Now Available tor financing, construction or OrlR ouy existing mortgages.


REX COLE, REALTOR 2754 Ctntrel Ave. 162-4710 313 LIVESTOCK 30. Pets ft Supplies Afghans, Beagles, Dachshund Schnauiers, Lakeland Terrier, Toy Poodles, Blond co*ckers "The Dog House" 524-550 3215 46th Ave. N. 8A55ETT, AKC, 5 monthtTTempo- rary shots.

Sacrifice! S55. Evenings 896-3244. BOSTON TERRIERS, Beagles, Mini-ature Schnauiers, Dachshunds, Scot-ties, Wire Fox Terriers A Yorkshire Terriers. BERNIE METH 544-2459 St. Pete Largo 531-4390 CHIHUAHUA Puppies.

Males, AKC registered, shots 810. I02f23rd 345-8537. Chih UAH UA. Toy chocolate, et stud. AKC registered.

Phone544-2276 CHIHUAHUA, puppies, 3, purebreed S25, each to good homes. 824-0434 CHIHUAHUA." AKC 'registered housebroken. S30. Cell before 3PM, 341-1723 MALE RGB Housebroken, ell shots, 5 months. TERMS BERNIE METH 544-24SV St.

Pete Lergo 531-430 SXCffl HTTN trSTP eli eTTPugs, Poodles, Toy terriers, A cute mistakes. Pine Knoll, 5330 66th St. N. 544-4933 DACHSHCmDSTmrnlalure, 6 week old pups, AKC. 2515 4th Ave.

827-2121 DACHSH UNDSTwFeKaTred, Champion bloodline. Males, females. 4200 49th Ave. 527-5442 DACHSHUND Puppy, AKC registered. Red male, S50.

Alter 5pm, 526-5447. DOBERMAN Rare, Blue and Reds. The Dog House, 826-5507 GERMAN" Shepherd7AKc7mele," tVi years old. S75. Phone 391-3143.

IRISH Setter, 'Beagle, Basset, Ger. Shepherd, Pekes, Poodles, Welsh Cor gis, Miniature Schnauiers, Greet Danes A others, TERMS NO INTEREST FLORIDA'S PUPPYLAND INC 1000' E. of US 19 On Rt, 6S6 CLEARWATER 531-2469 LABRADOR RETRIEVER Puppies, lemale, AKC, shots. Show flew SI00. 347-4241.

MYNAH BIRD, excellent talker; caget under SI 00, make otter; 862-2791. POODLE Puppy, Silver Toy female, Champion sired. All toy breeding Show quality. Guaranteed Toy. 8250.

Towne A country jenneis, 345-5377. OODLr'PUPPIES-ChamDiion Sl'raof Miniatures. At stud. Ch. Mm.

4 Toy, 3511 53rd Ave. N. 526-710. POODLE, Miniature black" mele, AKC, 1 years. S75, Clearwater 531-4856.

POODLE'S, Black miniature, champl- on sired. AKC. 2455 14th St, N. Phone B94-5791 POODLES. MalrTtrmalt, black mint ature, AKC, shots, S75, Afternoons 343-4644.

POODLES ToyfBlack'tlny females', 2 months. AKC. 1150. 525-1(53. POODLE While Toy, "(Femele) AKC (shots) SI 00.

342-5291 After i PM. POODLePupplesrMlhlaturerbleck AKC, Champion sired, Shots. Cell 867-4039. AIR-CONDITIONERS (used) (45 up' JOHNSON'S AIR-CONDITIONING 2036 Centrel 196-36(1, MANGLE Bendlx automatic Home Ironer. good condition.

135. Phonk- 361-7053 "DRYt-RTliec, unused, (8(; Alto REFRIGERATORS 1 1 I DOORS. LIKE NEW, 150 up OTHERS AS LOW AS SI ALSO WASHERS, RANGES, TVs i MARTIN'S, 1901-lst Ave. 162-73(1 kitchen ablhett, (7 each. Hollywood Bed, (75.

Rug (10. 526-6641. nWN-fftIsVTi5EAT01iT" GOOD USED GUARANTEED KEESLER ELECTRIC S62-3 Ave. a. RANGE ETeclrlc wRTTe, 6E, M', condition, (40; 345-4604, We'stlrighouse elecTrlc, 4X luxe; deep well.

Excellent condltkni 550. 345-582 RANGE Gas, 36'', 3 months oleV perfect condition, (90; 326-5033 6 ANGE, BoTITe'd Aperlmeif. size, (35 Table Lemp, (10. 526-4973, RANGerTappah, atCWTThwnir, oven, broiler, also electric rotltserle, nd grill, (35 342-6712..

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.